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Old 01-24-2009, 09:50 AM
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Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem

Originally Posted by skeegcpp View Post
well, before this is closed, i just wanna say chill, man. every1 knows our primary goal here is to seek, share, and HELP. 98% of the people on here were new at some time. this site is just like a neighborhood. when someone new moves in, they dont know how things are run in the neighborhood. until TIME passes, then they learn how the "PPCGeekers" do. besides, blasting on new people gets old. just shed a little light on the subject for them, then all will be good. PEACE
Yes but how can you help someone that wont help themselves first?
Dont we have FAQ's on how to use the forum. Wouldnt one start there?

The word and ideaoligy behind stickes doesnt ever catch ayone's eye? Serious: "Touch Pro FAQ's - READ BEFORE POSTING! (Last Update 1/10/09)"

Not following simple instructions is just as offensive to me as it is to you when you see a noob get blasted. Which by the way, didint happen here. We have all seen it MUCH MUCH worse than this.

i agree, dont balst people but.... Give them the answers they seek and show them a better way.Try to do it in a non offensive manner. but realize what is offensive to one may not be to another......

One man's freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. Think about what that means in terms of perspective.

My two cents... No more or no less impoirtant than anyone elses.

Now if my new neighbor was knocing on my door and flashing lights in my winodws because he couldnt find his garage....... hehehehehe....

Please dont feel I am taking sides one way or another... But man, how many posts can we get about ICS?????????

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Last edited by scrosler; 01-24-2009 at 09:57 AM.
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