Originally Posted by skeegcpp
well, before this is closed, i just wanna say chill, man. every1 knows our primary goal here is to seek, share, and HELP. 98% of the people on here were new at some time. this site is just like a neighborhood. when someone new moves in, they dont know how things are run in the neighborhood. until TIME passes, then they learn how the "PPCGeekers" do. besides, blasting on new people gets old. just shed a little light on the subject for them, then all will be good. PEACE
not for nothing, but this has nothing to do with being new. it has to do with being lazy. not checking back a couple of pages of threads or not using search. quit coddling lazy people and shrouding their laziness with newness. please.
I read threads here for months before posting the first time. I am not saying that everyone should do it like that, but it wouldnt hurt for people to read a little more and stop being so damn lazy.
btw, 100% of people on here were new at some point. not sure how you arrived at 98%. I guess the other 2% were just born knowing everything. good for them.