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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 06:40 PM
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Mute Ring/Ignore not working

When I first got my TP I thought the incoming call screen looked great. When you get a call you answer - ignore - mute ringer - or even send a text! However these don't seem to work right.

With my Mogul (6800) on an incoming call if you hit end it would immediately send the call to VM and clear out the incoming call screen back to what you were doing before. If you were to rotate the scroll wheel then it would mute the ring and leave the screen up so you could still answer the call- also if you did this the person would not know you were ignoring their call.

With my TP: Ignore - Mute Ringer - Pressing End all do the same thing: mute the ringer and keep the incoming call screen up. This is super annoying as when I'm doing things on my phone, often I just want to send the call to voicemail and get back to what I was doing. But I can't, even if I hit ignore I have to wait for the phone to ring and ring.

Any thoughts?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 06:48 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Originally Posted by wavezero View Post
When I first got my TP I thought the incoming call screen looked great. When you get a call you answer - ignore - mute ringer - or even send a text! However these don't seem to work right.

With my Mogul (6800) on an incoming call if you hit end it would immediately send the call to VM and clear out the incoming call screen back to what you were doing before. If you were to rotate the scroll wheel then it would mute the ring and leave the screen up so you could still answer the call- also if you did this the person would not know you were ignoring their call.

With my TP: Ignore - Mute Ringer - Pressing End all do the same thing: mute the ringer and keep the incoming call screen up. This is super annoying as when I'm doing things on my phone, often I just want to send the call to voicemail and get back to what I was doing. But I can't, even if I hit ignore I have to wait for the phone to ring and ring.

Any thoughts?
Pressing End or Ignore immediately removes the incoming call screen and takes me back to what I was doing.

Mute Ringer keeps the incoming call screen up until the call is sent to VM.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 06:53 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Pressing hardware "End" button should also send the call to VM and remove the Answer/Ignore screen. I use AEB plus to remap the long press of my volume up key as the End button and do it that way normally.
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 06:56 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Originally Posted by MrHawaii View Post
Pressing hardware "End" button should also send the call to VM and remove the Answer/Ignore screen. I use AEB plus to remap the long press of my volume up key as the End button and do it that way normally.
Just curious to why you do it that way and not just hitting the End key...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 07:08 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Originally Posted by MadlyAlive View Post
Just curious to why you do it that way and not just hitting the End key...
I do it for two reasons. I use a silicone skin on my diamond so sometimes using the hardware button is a pain because it uses capacitive touch to determine where you are pressing along with the press of the button. So there were times it would not correctly press the button I guess the phone was thinkning I was either pressing Back or the move Right Key.

Also, I set it up that way because pressing the End button also Silences Text/Email notifications (but it also closes any application that you are in i.e. Opera, YouTube, etc.). So when I get one of those and want to quickly silence it like when I am interacting with a customer I can long press the up volume key to silence the alert.
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Old 01-13-2009, 09:37 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Originally Posted by wavezero View Post
When I first got my TP I thought the incoming call screen looked great. When you get a call you answer - ignore - mute ringer - or even send a text! However these don't seem to work right.

With my Mogul (6800) on an incoming call if you hit end it would immediately send the call to VM and clear out the incoming call screen back to what you were doing before. If you were to rotate the scroll wheel then it would mute the ring and leave the screen up so you could still answer the call- also if you did this the person would not know you were ignoring their call.

With my TP: Ignore - Mute Ringer - Pressing End all do the same thing: mute the ringer and keep the incoming call screen up. This is super annoying as when I'm doing things on my phone, often I just want to send the call to voicemail and get back to what I was doing. But I can't, even if I hit ignore I have to wait for the phone to ring and ring.

Any thoughts?
OP this is weird because mute obviously only mutes it, but if i press ignore it will send that caller to voicemail just as if i pressed the end key. The only thing is if i'm on a call and I press the ignore button, that person will not be sent to voicemail, it will still ring 4 or 5 times, but that has been the same since the mogul or on any other sprint phone.

Side note, 499 post at the moment, uh oh !!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 08:45 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
OP this is weird because mute obviously only mutes it, but if i press ignore it will send that caller to voicemail just as if i pressed the end key. The only thing is if i'm on a call and I press the ignore button, that person will not be sent to voicemail, it will still ring 4 or 5 times, but that has been the same since the mogul or on any other sprint phone.

Side note, 499 post at the moment, uh oh !!!
Yeah, what you have described is how it SHOULD act... and how my mogul acted. Ignore (or end) will not send it straight to voicemail, at anytime.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 08:50 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

On my TP i noticed this, however on the second press of ignore it would stop and send the call to vm with no delay...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 08:53 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Originally Posted by z28marols1 View Post
On my TP i noticed this, however on the second press of ignore it would stop and send the call to vm with no delay...
Just tried this (again to make sure) an nothing different on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th. 5th press. still rings and rings.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 09:08 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

I also tried and it worked like it should:

I have S2A/I, when I slide to "Ignore" or press the "End" key the call is sent straight to VM and the call screen goes away. The only time the call screens stays is when I "Mute".

I am also running a cooked rom.
6700(2nd Backup)-------Kirvin C&S 3.5 WM5 "Still Kicking"
TouchPro(1st Backup)---Mighty 4.16 / TouchPro2--Big MaxSense 6/9
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Last edited by Unknown Zone; 01-21-2009 at 09:27 PM.
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