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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2009, 03:48 AM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Originally Posted by wavezero View Post
I don't think it's an app issue, did you try turning you data conection off (from the comm manager)?

I'm thinking:
Data connection on (two arrows above signal strength) ignore button only mutes ring

Data connection off (Y like logo above signal strength) ignore buton ignores the call (works properly)

Let me know if this is true for you.
Well, I haven't tested this theory yet- my other phone is upstairs, and I am about to call it a night.

But I don't think it is based on data sessions for me; at least at not first anyway.

Let me explain.... I recently hard reset. The first thing I do when I hard reset is setup my exchange server settings for Activesync. I enable Push email for these settings. So after doing this, my phone has a constant data session- to enable push email. It may not be active at all times, but as soon as the phone starts up or a call is ended, a data connection is established. During this time the ignore feature works without any problems. Somewhere along the line, for me this last time it was about 5 days after I hard reset, the ignore stops working.

So if it is data related, it must be something that is causing this bug to occur. That's why I was trying to figure out if there was some type of similar apps we're all running that may be causing this.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2009, 04:09 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Well, all the apps I have installed can be found in the link in my sig, plus of course I have Windows Live set up. That's weird about your 5 day thing, I'm pretty sure for me it's the data connection as I can get it to work or not based on the data connections. Let me know if you find anything new...
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2009, 10:51 PM
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Re: Mute Ring/Ignore not working

Originally Posted by wavezero View Post
Well, all the apps I have installed can be found in the link in my sig, plus of course I have Windows Live set up. That's weird about your 5 day thing, I'm pretty sure for me it's the data connection as I can get it to work or not based on the data connections. Let me know if you find anything new...
So, I hadn't responded in a while because all of the sudden it just started working again. And it had been working fine, up until yesterday. I think I may have figured out what is causing the problem for me. I paired my bluetooth headset yesterday evening. After I did this, I noticed when I have bluetooth on, the ignore function doesn't' work. But if I turn off bluetooth, then soft reset, the ignore starts working again.

Maybe this will help some of you?
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