Originally Posted by chronster
Well it's always available for ordering online. Sprint has no problem taking your money. Does it say something like "This item is in stock" or "This item usually ships 1-2 business days"?
When I ordered mine, I bought it on november 4th, but it didn't get to me until the 11th. The evaluation period still starts on the 4th though, so keep that in mind. They say you have 30 days to test the phone, but thats only if you buy it in the store. The 30 days start on the date of purchase not activation, so if it's stuck in shipping or back ordered, each day its like that is one day less you get to test it.
It's pretty misleading really, and the only reason I'm still with Sprint. I got an instinct, it took over 2 weeks to get to me, had it for about 3 weeks, tried to send the piece of junk back, and woops, Sprint said I was locked in.
Yeah they lied to you. It's 30-days from the activation date.
Originally Posted by lipidfats
I got the email this morning as well...
I don't think it was always available for order online, which was shocking when i checked (tried to order for a family member multiple times). It showed up in their phone list, but just said "back-ordered" and didn't have an add to cart button (also had an email sign up to let you know when it's available again).
@Scrapmaker, are you gonna take another test run? lol
Not 'til get confirmation that the radio/heat/battery issues have been solved. So probably not ever

-- I think it's either the Omnia, X1a, or Treo Pro, for me...
Originally Posted by chronster
Thank you for your sarcasm. Considering YOUR replies, I think my response was fair.
Maybe somebody can answer me this: Why on a phone like the RAZR or even my old piece of junk Instinct, would the radio NOT get hot? Is it cheap hardware or bad programming? Perhaps at this point it would be opinion as to which is the culprit, but if it's bad hardware then do you guys really think HTC would swap out such an important piece for another? I hoping its just really bad programming that can be updated.
HTC dropped the ball--that's why. None of my dumbphones got this hot, and not even my Touch gets that hot. They probably sourced the radios from whoever gave them the best deal--like any company would. Sounds like they got hosed on these CDMA radios/chips/software, and they have no solution.
Originally Posted by land2634
My 30 days have never started until the day the device was activated. Could be wrong, but I was pretty sure this is the case.
Originally Posted by chronster
I actually confirmed it with the touch pro. I went into a sprint store and asked them when I had to bring the phone back, and he said the 4th. Then I called Sprint and they also said the 4th. I did this just a few days after getting the phone just to make sure.
Unless you've had to actually deal with them and their "30 day evaluation" it's not something you'd pick up on.
Originally Posted by land2634
I guess another example of different stories from different reps. I have actually had to use the 30 days recently on my wife's Diamond.
"If you are an existing customer and you are not satisfied with your upgraded device or your new service offer, you can contact Sprint within 30 days of your new contract or activation of your new device, whichever came first, to be restored to your previous contract"
That's from Sprint's Website. Guess it depends on whether you sign a contract or not.
Originally Posted by chronster
Oh those MOTHER ****ERS!
They were only telling me that bs with the Instinct to keep me as a customer. As far as why they would tell me the same thing with the tp, i dunno. Typical Sprint slimeball bs.
I hate how Sprint has turned into this sleezy company, doing anything to keep customers including lie and cheat (maybe kill? perhaps we'll never know)
+1 but all the companies pull crap like that. You don't realize it until you try eating a bit of that "greener" grass, realizing it was only spray-painted green.
Just food for thought.