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  #691 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2009, 08:18 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Well I guess what I need to do is keep pushing to automate this SOMEHOW. It's a pretty involved, high level mod that I really don't want every tom, **** and harry trying because screwing it up can be costly.

I'll get back to you guys when I figure out a simpler way of integration.

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  #692 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2009, 10:47 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Hi Bored,

I would like to thank you for all your hard work! I use the HTC GPS tool to prime the GPS, and it takes approx 3-5min. I use Vista x64, so I can't install QPST (or maybe it isn't working properly). I know the aGPS requires QPST, so I can install it on an XP machine, but it does take me too long to acquire a satellite signal. My Titan was very fast with aGPS.

Let me know what you suggest. Thanks!
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  #693 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2009, 11:03 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by lexluthor View Post
What are you even using HTC GPS Tool for? Also, at least for me, there's no need to change any settings in HTC GPS Tool to get a lock.

Have you installed QGPS? That's what's important to have. Once you have that, you are pretty much looking at 5-30 seconds locks in any GPS enabled program.

Lastly, to follow up on my post just above, Q(uick)GPS does fit all of the criteria that I said would be important for an aGPS release. It's reversible, uses no battery and is easy to apply.

You would have to update QGPS everytime you start in a new location. I've noticed that if I check the GPS in the same location everytime, I get a pretty quick lock. If I try to lock in a different location in the city, it will take me a while to get a lock sometimes it will be 2 minutes before I get a good lock.

That being said, would it be tru that you would have to update QGPS whenever you start the GPS radio in a new location?

To me, that is aGPS done manually, whereas true aGPS would have all this done automatically when the GPS radio is accessed by any of the software we are using.

6 to one, half dozen to the other i guess but I can see both sides.
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  #694 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2009, 11:14 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by WhiteBlazer01 View Post
Hi Bored,

I would like to thank you for all your hard work! I use the HTC GPS tool to prime the GPS, and it takes approx 3-5min. I use Vista x64, so I can't install QPST (or maybe it isn't working properly). I know the aGPS requires QPST, so I can install it on an XP machine, but it does take me too long to acquire a satellite signal. My Titan was very fast with aGPS.

Let me know what you suggest. Thanks!
Why not just install QGPS? That's take you from 3-5 minutes down to 5-30 seconds. It's just a simple cab and you are set. See post #1.
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  #695 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 01:35 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

I hope you at least consider adding it to Scott's ROM or something so all you have to do is flash and dial the number.
I've been waiting on aGPS before reflashing again.

Thanks for getting it working bored.
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  #696 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 02:55 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by lllboredlll View Post
Have a general question to ask....... do you guys really want agps? I've got it working but I'm hesitant about releasing it.

Let me know what you think. Keep in mind you have GPS that should work fairly well. Is there really a point in having AGPS?
QuickGPS takes up 1MB of memory sitting there doing absolutely nothing. It's magic is done when it actually downloads the almanac - it doesn't actually do anything when you turn on the GPS receiver and request a fix. The receiver uses the data that QGPS downloaded. So, in theory if you were somewhat dilligent, you could be sure that you manually downloaded the almanac before it expired and do for yourself what QGPS does for you. 1 MB is a lot to us gimped-out Verizon customers.

Or just use .Fred to stop the QGPS service after boot...

For applications like Google Maps that require a data connection anyway, AGPS may save battery life if you can use only the cell towers - but this would require a QPST setting to disable the receiver, basically requiring you to have a data connection to get a fix. Not a great solution.

For applications like TomTom that don't need a data connection, I would expect autonomous GPS (i.e. no aGPS, no data connection, heck - the cellular radio can be turned off) to use less battery.

So it's a toss-up.

For voting purposes, my particular vote is no I don't need aGPS but will play with an automated, relatively easy, reversible (or enable-able / disable-able) solution if given one.
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  #697 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 03:07 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by RONMAC View Post
You would have to update QGPS everytime you start in a new location. I've noticed that if I check the GPS in the same location everytime, I get a pretty quick lock. If I try to lock in a different location in the city, it will take me a while to get a lock sometimes it will be 2 minutes before I get a good lock.

That being said, would it be tru that you would have to update QGPS whenever you start the GPS radio in a new location?

To me, that is aGPS done manually, whereas true aGPS would have all this done automatically when the GPS radio is accessed by any of the software we are using.

6 to one, half dozen to the other i guess but I can see both sides.
As long as you have downloaded within the last 5-7 days, you don't have to do anything on QGPS just because you moved locations. The almanac that QGPS download covers all the sats for about a week. I tested this today after flying from coast to coast. My last QGPS download was when I ActiveSynced before leaving my office and getting on the plane. I had a lock within 30 seconds the first time, and within 8 seconds a few hours later.

Note - if directed to cold start, the chip should clear saved ephemeris data then check if it has the almanac (which it will). With QGPS, cold start and warm start should yield similar, if not identical results since QGPS means the chip never really cold starts (i.e. no almanac). Note - hot start means saved ephemeris data should also be correct - only true if your last lock was < 3-4 hours ago and you haven't moved position. If you tell it to hot start and it doesn't find the sats it expected, it should fall back to warm start and consult the downloaded almanac. Most GPS applications don't tell the chip a mode, so I assume it defaults to hot start and falls-back as needed.
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  #698 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 03:52 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by lllboredlll View Post
Well I guess what I need to do is keep pushing to automate this SOMEHOW. It's a pretty involved, high level mod that I really don't want every tom, **** and harry trying because screwing it up can be costly.

I'll get back to you guys when I figure out a simpler way of integration.
Mort script, (I think), works with 2005,6 nd 6.1,,,,,,,,,pocketmax.net had some kick *** scripting tool, but I think he never updated it, even for 2005, , but it could script the hell out of 2003.. I may be wrong, maybe he updated it.. I have been out of the loop...
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  #699 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 04:09 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Damn, yep, still only 2003;;; http://www.pocketmax.net/buttonMax.html

Give him a little "positive motivation" http://www.pocketmax.net/smf/index.p...48796#msg48796 he is a good guy and an excellent programmer.. With his help, he can make a scripting system that can be compiled so it's portable.
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  #700 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 04:39 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by lexluthor View Post
Why not just install QGPS? That's take you from 3-5 minutes down to 5-30 seconds. It's just a simple cab and you are set. See post #1.
So you're saying I don't need to use HTC GPS tool to prime the GPS? I can just use Quick GPS?
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