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  #1371 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2010, 08:37 PM
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

have you tried a hard reset? back up everything first including text, pics, call log if you want it and so on. then hard reset. not sure if the GPS fix will survive the hard reset. check the post in this thread to see if it will.
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  #1372 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 01:52 AM
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

I finally figured it out. I was able to unlock it and then flash the original Verizon WM6.1 with the NFSFAN's ROM 6.5. And after resetting, I found I really liked the feel of the WM6.5. But it had some issues. Like Heavy Heavy Lag. Particularly when using Text messaging. I tried it for a just a day. Until i was fed up with the lag. So i thought i should try a different Rom. The one I chose this time was EmpiRom 6.5. Again, I really liked the feel of the 6.5 version. However, this one came with its own set of issues as well. Although not as bad as NFSFAN's. The trouble im having with this one is, It leaves me with very little System memory. So everytime i start a program, A System Warning pops up Saying im out of Memory, and asks if i want to close some programs. When i hit yes, it opens up and there is usually nothing listed as running. But when i hit no, it closes the program i was trying to start before the message popped up.

Now my new question for you is, Is there something i can do to get these Roms functioning as they should. Or, Is there a Lighter weighted Rom that would work better? And is the "Out of Memory" warning happening because the original Rom was WM6.1 and ill equipped for the WM6.5 version? Also, If so, Do i need to flash back the the original Verizon WM6.1, Or is there a decent Custom 6.1 Rom that you would reccommend?

Thanks in advance

Last edited by AzMan33; 08-02-2010 at 01:57 AM.
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  #1373 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 07:10 AM
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

Originally Posted by AzMan33 View Post
And is the "Out of Memory" warning happening because the original Rom was WM6.1 and ill equipped for the WM6.5 version?
The Touch Pro has 192K of memory, which isn't all that bad.

I have no idea what Task Manager your replacement OS comes with. When you choose to load a replacement OS, with that comes the personal responsibly to handle any problems yourself. In other words, if you know how to replacement the OS on your phone, you are suppose to also know how to support and fix it.

The Task Manager that comes with the original OS, 6.1, has an option to close apps, instead of simply minimizing them. I enabled that option, and never had an "out of memory" error.

Let me also add, that it is possible that something in your replacement OS you selected has what's called a "memory leak". A "memory leak" grabs chunks of memory, but forgets to release it when trough (closed, exited), then grabs another chunk of memory and again forgets to release when done. It keeps doing that, and if done enough times, you will indeed get an "out of memory" error. However, as I said before, if true, its your responsibility to figure out which app is doing it, and fix it.
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  #1374 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 02:51 PM
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

Originally Posted by AzMan33 View Post
Now my new question for you is, Is there something i can do to get these Roms functioning as they should. Or, Is there a Lighter weighted Rom that would work better? And is the "Out of Memory" warning happening because the original Rom was WM6.1 and ill equipped for the WM6.5 version? Also, If so, Do i need to flash back the the original Verizon WM6.1, Or is there a decent Custom 6.1 Rom that you would reccommend?

Thanks in advance
you need to find a lighter rom, or build your own from a kitchen and reduce the page pool down 2 or 3.
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  #1375 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

Have you tried the SSK ROM?

I found it to work the best on my VZW TP. The weather tab works, but doesn't display the correct icons.
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  #1376 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 08:58 AM
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

Hi All,
I have a problem with my HTC Touch Pro 2 which I recently both from ebay. My phone is CDMA and VzW branded. The phone is SIM unlocked and I am using it in Europe (Ireland - in few days in Netherlands) I have a problem with GPS on that phone - simply does not work. I tried with google maps and TT7.918 with no luck. I have tried everything (well, probably ) to get it working including solution this http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=49933 - NO LUCK!.

Could you please help me with this as I need Sat navigation as I am moving to Netherlands?
below is the specifiacation of my ROM/Phone etc.

Please let me know if flashing a new custom ROM will help ?

ROM version (VzW): 3.04.605.3
ROM date: 11/17/09
Radio Version: 2.23.00WV

I have a SPB Mobile Shell installed and MobileSense as well.

Please let me know if you need more info.

Thanks a milion!
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  #1377 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2010, 07:56 AM
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

Originally Posted by spacepionier View Post
I have a problem with my HTC Touch Pro 2 which I recently both from ebay. My phone is CDMA and VzW branded.
Sometimes its the simple things that might be overlooked.

Under the CDMA phone options is an item which allows GPS to only work when calling 911 (the police/ambulance number here in the USA). That is also the default setting. To allow GPS to work all the time, for all apps, you have to change the setting for the item to be "always on".

Now, I have some concerns that you might have messed up something else too, like applying a fix meant only for the original Touch Pro, and not for your Touch Pro 2.
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  #1378 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 02:37 AM
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

HI All ,
I have bought HTC TOUCH PRO 2 from US to India . This is GSM and CDMA unlocked . I have problem with the GPs , Tried all the ways mentioned in this site but no use...
ROM version :- 3.04.605.3
Radio Version :- 2.23.00WV - Win os 6.5
could any one plzz help me out. My mobile is feeling dumb without GPS
Desperate in need of help
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  #1379 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 08:01 AM
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

Originally Posted by arjun2888 View Post
I have bought HTC TOUCH PRO 2 from US to India . This is GSM and CDMA unlocked . I have problem with the GPs , Tried all the ways mentioned in this site but no use...
This thread is only about the xv6850, which Verizon's own version of the Touch Pro (not the "2").
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