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Old 09-03-2010, 08:58 AM
spacepionier's Avatar
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Re: 6/8/09 FIRMWARE UPDATE: Verizon GPS Unlocked

Hi All,
I have a problem with my HTC Touch Pro 2 which I recently both from ebay. My phone is CDMA and VzW branded. The phone is SIM unlocked and I am using it in Europe (Ireland - in few days in Netherlands) I have a problem with GPS on that phone - simply does not work. I tried with google maps and TT7.918 with no luck. I have tried everything (well, probably ) to get it working including solution this - NO LUCK!.

Could you please help me with this as I need Sat navigation as I am moving to Netherlands?
below is the specifiacation of my ROM/Phone etc.

Please let me know if flashing a new custom ROM will help ?

ROM version (VzW): 3.04.605.3
ROM date: 11/17/09
Radio Version: 2.23.00WV

I have a SPB Mobile Shell installed and MobileSense as well.

Please let me know if you need more info.

Thanks a milion!
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