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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 11:14 AM
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Re: Internet while on a call?

Originally Posted by mac901 View Post
if you are using your wifi you can continue to talk and surf the net as well.
correct, but thats using two different radios, wifi+cell data is definately a go, but a voice call+cell data call will not work on CDMA networks til they enable it, if they do. Works on tmobile and att though

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 11:16 AM
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Re: Internet while on a call?


Thats because you are using a different source to access the net therefore the line is open for incoming calls.

Success got it before me
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 11:16 AM
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Re: Internet while on a call?

Originally Posted by jimd144 View Post
You would need something like the iphone for that.
Not exactly, and iPhone is certainly not the magic bullet to have simultaneous voice/data.

If iPhone, it would need to be an iPhone "3G", and only while you have 3G coverage, and only on a carrier that supports that feature. At the same time, there are dozens of 3G/UMTS/HSDPA phones and they have come well before the iPhone 3G. There is nothing special about the iPhone in this arena. In fact, when the first gen GPRS/EDGE iPhone was introduced, most of the high-end phones were already UMTS/HSDPA and the geeks were up in arms about the iPhone being so @$$ backwards to not support high-speed data.

3G is the one of the biggest misnomers in cellular technology. Marketing pushes that term and the average consumer simply does not know the difference. ATT has done a good job confusing people, initially making them believe that ATT was the only player in town with "3G".

Back to simultaneous voice and data: The fact is, ANY UMTS (3G, if you like) phone is capable of simultaneous voice and data if the carrier also supports it. The problem is that ATT's UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA coverage is no where near Sprint's EVDO network. The result is that many people are seeing their phone falling back to EDGE or GPRS (look for class action law suits reflecting this), which are like modem speeds and NO simultaneous voice/data.

Yes, EVDO Rev. A is capable of simultaneous voice and data. The original plan was to roll out EVDV, but now most carriers are looking at LTE (with Sprint staking their future on WiMax).

I am disappointed that Verizon nor Sprint enabled the D/V feature on Rev. A. I am even more disappointed that ATT did not enable video calling. They only allow video sharing... It would have been cool to have video conferencing-like capabilities over the cellular network.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 11:22 AM
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Re: Internet while on a call?

Originally Posted by snovvman View Post

If iPhone, it would need to be an iPhone "3G", and only while you have 3G coverage, and only on a carrier that supports that feature. At the same time, there are dozens of 3G/UMTS/HSDPA phones and they have come well before the iPhone 3G. There is nothing special about the iPhone in this arena. In fact, when the first gen GPRS/EDGE iPhone was introduced, most of the high-end phones were already UMTS/HSDPA and the geeks were up in arms about the iPhone being so @$$ backwards to not support high-speed data..
There was no reference to a "used" iphone.
My comment was "something like an iphone"
Most people live in 3G area. Most people live in cities. (over 80% )
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 11:26 AM
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Re: Internet while on a call?

Originally Posted by jimd144 View Post
There was no reference to a "used" iphone.
My comment was "something like an iphone"
Most people live in 3G area. Most people live in cities. (over 80% )
It was ambigious at best. Your original statement could mean _any_ iPhone, making it flawed. Also, most other UMTS phones are nowhere near "like" iPhones. Even in cities, ATT's UMTS is generally more spotty than Sprint/Verizon's EVDO. To boot, EVDO arrived well before UMTS in the U.S.

Last edited by snovvman; 12-16-2008 at 11:37 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 07:26 PM
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Re: Internet while on a call?

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
Actually, youre right. the Sprints network is capable of voice+data simultaneously. I wouldnt say its a "limitation", but its up to the carrier to enable the ability, and for various reasons that im pretty sure are much too technical for me, Sprint/Alltel/VZ decided not to implement that feature.

For any of the doubters or naysayers, research the EVDO technology and you will find it is capable of this feature
I wonder if it depends on your area. I know that it doesn't work here in Charlotte, but my friend in Colorado Springs, co got a touch pro, and is on the stock ROM. When I was talking to him, he was telling me that he didn't know that he could use the internet and be on the phone at the same time... I was like what??? You can use the internet while you are on the phone, and he said yes. I made sure I asked if he was using WIFI, and he said no. He hasn't even tried using Wifi on his phone since his sprint internet is fast.

So maybe it is enabled there. I know that the system there is different than here. When I lived there, I was so used to hearing a dialtone for a half of a secong when soneone hangs up on the other line (during call waiting), and it doesn't do that here.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 07:33 PM
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Re: Internet while on a call?

Originally Posted by jaminmc View Post
I wonder if it depends on your area. I know that it doesn't work here in Charlotte, but my friend in Colorado Springs, co got a touch pro, and is on the stock ROM. When I was talking to him, he was telling me that he didn't know that he could use the internet and be on the phone at the same time... I was like what??? You can use the internet while you are on the phone, and he said yes. I made sure I asked if he was using WIFI, and he said no. He hasn't even tried using Wifi on his phone since his sprint internet is fast.

So maybe it is enabled there. I know that the system there is different than here. When I lived there, I was so used to hearing a dialtone for a half of a secong when soneone hangs up on the other line (during call waiting), and it doesn't do that here.

his phone was probably connected to activesync lmao
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 08:39 PM
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Re: Internet while on a call?

Not sure this if this helps anyone, but I used Sprint Nav with my Mogul and the maps would not load during a call in both 1x and EVDO coverage. But with the TP and the new build of Sprint Nav now is the same coverage but only EVDO when on a vocie call my Sprint Nav still loads the maps while I on the call. Not sure how it works?? Everthing else I do with Data will suspend when a vocie call comes in.

Would be nice if you could do both!!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 08:42 PM
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Re: Internet while on a call?

the fact that at&t is able to do video and data has nothing to do with the phones its all about the network. Sprints network isn't even capable of doing this right now. Sprint calls there network 3g but in actuallity its rev a not 3g. They call it a 3g network because the bandwidth that its capable of is better or even at worse. Yes at&t can do voice and data but there 3g network is ridiculously slow compared to sprints evdo rev a. It has nothing to do with anyones area, its just not possible with rev a , hopefully with wimax it will be able to support high speeds and data at the sametime.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 08:52 PM
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Re: Internet while on a call?

I too thought EVDO A was supposed to provide this.

But it makes sense that they may disable it in order to reduce network strain.
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