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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 06:53 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

Originally Posted by gobmonster View Post
try disabling some of the unnecessary stuff like dialer skins and tf3d, i
I agree. I still run TF3D at times just because I like it & think it looks cool, but I also have Mobile Shell loaded that I can switch to at anytime (& that works with weather panel)

The dialer skin is the one I don't get. When I was using the Diamond skin (which I love), my phone would light up on an incoming call but wouldn't start actually ringing for another three ot four rings. I was missing calls because it would ring once or twice & go right to voicemail. I switched to the stock (ugly) Windows default dialer & the phone rings almsost instantly now (I also set my slot cycle index to 1)

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 06:57 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
I think what's funny is 99% of ypur typical cell phone/PDA buyers don't know or care what the differences are between the vz & sprint versions.
I think John is correct, most people won't care that there are different versions of the same phone on 2 different networks.

I knew that I wanted the HTC Touch Pro even before Verizon released their version of the device. I looked at the comparison charts and then decided to talk to a Sprint rep before making a decision. I canceled my Verizon contract and received a great deal on the Sprint phone and plan. For me it had nothing to do with loyalty to Verizon(I was a happy customer), my decision was based on what phone I though I would be happy with.

I couple of bad reviews I read almost stopped me from buying the phone in the first place, but I can honestly say that I have had few issues with my phone. Bravo to HTC and Sprint.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 07:10 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

hahahahahahah, i love how verizon couldn't even figure out how to keep the keyboard in a normal setup. I think its extra sad that some people defend this design decision saying that "oh people can get used to it." How bout verizon design a damn phone that doesn't insult their customers. How does it add functionality by having the m all the way to the side like that. You shouldn't need to 'get used' to a keyboard. All keyboards are set up like qwerty for a reason, its so we don't have to relearn an entirely new keyboard for each one we get.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 07:23 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

verizon treat their customer like dummy and make money on advertized network.

Here are the summary of criple features that verizon did:

1) less memory: save equipment cost
2) no TF3D
3) disable GPS: to make more monthly charge on their GPS
4) No Youtube: force customers to use their content and to make more money on their content
5) More money: $50 more
6) no headphone
7) no screen protector
no Hoster
9) retarded keyboard layout
10) required to pay $30 data option for all smart/pda phones.

This is an example of corporate greed. verzion tried to milk more money from their customers who fall into their ad of "The Network". they treat their customers like dummy, again.

regular customer won't know these facts. only educated users are aware of this who can use ebay 30% cashback and buy sprint Pro to run on verizon network.

Last edited by foxnews; 11-30-2008 at 07:34 PM.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 07:48 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

Originally Posted by darkjedi007 View Post
hahahahahahah, i love how verizon couldn't even figure out how to keep the keyboard in a normal setup. I think its extra sad that some people defend this design decision saying that "oh people can get used to it." How bout verizon design a damn phone that doesn't insult their customers. How does it add functionality by having the m all the way to the side like that. You shouldn't need to 'get used' to a keyboard. All keyboards are set up like qwerty for a reason, its so we don't have to relearn an entirely new keyboard for each one we get.
Yes, you should need to get used to a keyboard, ALL keyboards are created different. What about all those keyboards with a spacebar not in the center of the keyboard and to the right? You need to get used to those as well. Since we are talking about a thumb keyboard and not a full qwerty sized keyboard then getting used to it should be expected (netbook users face the same scenerio). Cut the crap
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 08:16 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

Bottom line is the hardware is there, it's just tucked away. Sprint did the exact same thing (all said, to a lesser extent) with the Mogul. It seems like they were a bit behind on the software side of the handset, and HTC already produced this amazing phone. As with any carrier they've done their best to individualize the phone, but it has a "duct tape" feel to it, which tells me there is more coming from their phone in the future. And as far as TF3D, that is a problem best left to the coders and programmers here. The worst it's going to do is finally force someone to figure out a way to not only make it work, but probably work better than VZW could.

I do, however, disagree with their pricing model (not even referring to the plans, but it is still applicable). That's not something I want to see from the soon-to-be largest (by consumer-base) CelTelCo.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 08:19 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

Originally Posted by darkjedi007 View Post
I think its extra sad that some people defend this design decision saying that "oh people can get used to it." How bout verizon design a damn phone that doesn't insult their customers. .
You obviously haven't owned too many phones with qwerty KB's. I have, & every single one was different enough from the previous one that I had to spend some time getting used to it.

Although I am using a sprint TP ported over to verizon service, I could be perfectly happy with the vz KB. I might even prefer the larger keys, the tiny sprint keys seem awfully small to me at times...........

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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 08:25 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
You obviously haven't owned too many phones with qwerty KB's. I have, & every single one was different enough from the previous one that I had to spend some time getting used to it.

Although I am using a sprint TP ported over to verizon service, I could be perfectly happy with the vz KB. I might even prefer the larger keys, the tiny sprint keys seem awfully small to me at times...........

And this is one reason why I might end up going with the VZW TP and not a sprint one - larger buttons. I can deal with less RAM and locked GPS (hopefully that can be unlocked by someone later).
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 09:03 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

I just want to point out one small fact about my xv6800 prior to rev:A....... as far as Verizon was concerned there was NO GPSone chip onboard. They were in complete denial of what HTC spec'd for this unit. I can't help but wonder is this true with the RAM. Once the guru's unlock this phone we will truely know it's potential. All the PDA's I've owned thru Verizon completely sucked at first. But after time it's true potential blossomed and I ended up with some pretty sweet phone's.

Verizon pretty much blows as far as I'm concerned but my company pays for my service so I cant complain too much. I stay pissed at Verizon's service and Customer Service so I end up getting free phone's every few months. ie..... my touch pro will arrive tuesday at NO cost to me or my company.

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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 09:08 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

I doubt VZW would be as stupid as to lock down RAM.

That's just silly...

Oh wait. Its VZW.
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