Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"
I just want to point out one small fact about my xv6800 prior to rev:A....... as far as Verizon was concerned there was NO GPSone chip onboard. They were in complete denial of what HTC spec'd for this unit. I can't help but wonder is this true with the RAM. Once the guru's unlock this phone we will truely know it's potential. All the PDA's I've owned thru Verizon completely sucked at first. But after time it's true potential blossomed and I ended up with some pretty sweet phone's.
Verizon pretty much blows as far as I'm concerned but my company pays for my service so I cant complain too much. I stay pissed at Verizon's service and Customer Service so I end up getting free phone's every few months. ie..... my touch pro will arrive tuesday at NO cost to me or my company.
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