verizon treat their customer like dummy and make money on advertized network.
Here are the summary of criple features that verizon did:
1) less memory: save equipment cost
2) no TF3D
3) disable GPS: to make more monthly charge on their GPS
4) No Youtube: force customers to use their content and to make more money on their content
5) More money: $50 more
6) no headphone
7) no screen protector
no Hoster
9) retarded keyboard layout
10) required to pay $30 data option for all smart/pda phones.
This is an example of corporate greed. verzion tried to milk more money from their customers who fall into their ad of "The Network". they treat their customers like dummy, again.
regular customer won't know these facts. only educated users are aware of this who can use ebay 30% cashback and buy sprint Pro to run on verizon network.