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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 08:03 PM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

Originally Posted by DSGamer View Post
I like being able to see, at a glance, that I have missed phone calls, missed text messages, etc. This was something I could always do with my centro and navigating to respond to them was very quick and easy. How would I do that off of the Today screen?
SPB phone suite. It is the most awesome today plug in for this as well as profiles and connection management
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 08:05 PM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

My phone has zero lag using the stock rom with 32mb pagepool and the posted speed tweaks. I would imagine just using the speed tweaks would help a little as well as a hard reset (which should have been the first thing you did when you got your phone).

This is the fastest phone out at the moment... you just have to take advantage of its power.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 08:13 PM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

if youre really that upset with tf3d, disable it and download the VGA version of HTC home. (found in just about every thread in this section) that will give you a nice big clock, icons to click to get mail, texts, missed calls, weather and picture dial contacts, as well as programs and music. you can then add the today agenda plugin for a really nice appointment and task dispaly. this combo i have used on my mogul and is very user freindly and pretty customizable. i'd say be sure to give that a try before you return anything. i think youll be happy with that setup, seems to be what youre looking for IMO, i aslo suggest downloadin the slide to lock vga version found on this forum as well, it will keep your phone locked and will prevent making calls. using this without the tf3d should also speed your phone up quite a bit as well.

Last edited by slammedtahoeon22; 11-17-2008 at 08:17 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 08:18 PM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

I am in the same boat as the OP. The phone has a lot of problems, not even related to performance.

OP, have you experienced any heat/charging issues on long phone calls?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 08:28 PM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

I don't honestly know whether it's too hot or not. It's definitely hot when I talk for a while, but part of why I'm trying to give the HTC Touch Pro an honest shot is that, unlike the G1, it actually has REALLY good voice command. So I try not to touch the phone as much.

That's what makes the annoyances while touching the phone so much worse. I use it less than I did my Centro. Anyway, it gets hot. I couldn't tell you how hot, though.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 08:38 PM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

Sorry to hear you're having trouble.
If you think touchflo is hard to navigate or that it is sluggish, you should disable it from the today screen... that will free resources (thus making it a little faster) and let you customize your phone more to your liking. If you do this, i recommend installing the trial of spb mobile shell to see if you might like that interface better. You can have MS menus on the today screen or assign the MS interface menus to a soft key (which i like to do).
There are customizers to help change the look and feel of that program as well. Make sure to add pocket digital clock for the main homescreen if you pick a UI that doesn't have a big clock on the front.

There are also many other UIs out there, so try them all and figure out which works best for you. A lot have tried all of them and would gladly make recommendations and help you out. VGA Home, like someone above mentioned, is also a great choice: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...light=vga+home
This phone has a beautiful display and is really powerful, so I wouldn't let touchflo3d get in the way of owning it. I actually have secondtoday installed, so I can keep touchflo and have a today screen for my other plugins like mobile shell. Also be sure to install s2u2 or some other screen locking program to keep from accidentally activating programs/making calls. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any other questions that you'd want my input on... later
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O

Last edited by lipidfats; 11-17-2008 at 08:43 PM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 08:42 PM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

Thanks. I think one of the things that amazes me most (I called Sprint and I'm taking the phone in - I bought it pre-owned which makes me wonder too) is that it uses 90MB of Ram. That's astounding. Surely there's a way, without going to a custom ROM, to trim that down. Not because Ram usage is all bad, but because it's indicative to me that the phone is working harder than it should.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 08:49 PM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

Originally Posted by DSGamer View Post
Thanks. I think one of the things that amazes me most (I called Sprint and I'm taking the phone in - I bought it pre-owned which makes me wonder too) is that it uses 90MB of Ram. That's astounding. Surely there's a way, without going to a custom ROM, to trim that down. Not because Ram usage is all bad, but because it's indicative to me that the phone is working harder than it should.
90mb of used RAM straight out off a soft reset? I just reset mine and it's at 73mb. Keep in mind I have touchflo3d, quickmenu, s2u2, mobile shell, second today, task facade, aebutton plus, and several others (many that activate on startup) and mines 17mb lower than yours.. Things like touchflo and the other enhancements this phone has does use a lot of memory though, so expect that it's not going to be too low. I'm not sure how much touchflo uses, but i hear it's a pretty big chunk - disable it if it bothers you.
Since it's used, make sure to HARD reset to stock status if you haven't already.

Last edited by lipidfats; 11-17-2008 at 08:55 PM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 12:17 AM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

So yesterday I took the device back to Sprint. I wanted them to look it over (since it was pre-owned). Perhaps get me another one to see if it was just the device in general or that particular phone. Especially considering data still wasn't working. They wouldn't do anything....

So I returned the phone and had them switch it back to the Palm Centro, which 20 seconds later had data. Ugh.

So last night I went to TMobile and picked up the G1. Very very slick device. Very fast with a unified interface. Integration with GMail, Google Calendars, Google Contacts. It's pretty amazing to be able to add items to my Google Apps Calendar (corporate style GMail) and have it just show up on the G1. It's a great phone, with its own caveat. The problem is now my index finger hurts and I'm realizing that I might really need Voice Commander or whatever that slick software Microsoft bundles with the HTC Pro is. So I have a question.

If I go back to Sprint would I be better off with a new HTC Touch Pro, even if the cost is higher? They told me the one I bought last time was refurbished. When I told the guy in the store that he gave me kind of a "huh?" look. So I'm starting to think the phone was just returned and they thought it was fine. Maybe the guy returned it because it was slow (my main gripe) or maybe he returned it because the data never worked, as with me. Either way the phone could be bad and they never really offered to help get me into a newer phone. I've been a customer for something like 8 years, so I would assume they'd want to keep me.

Is there a high enough failure rate that perhaps the phone itself was the problem and I could get lucky the next time?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 12:34 AM
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Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?

Originally Posted by DSGamer View Post
So yesterday I took the device back to Sprint. I wanted them to look it over (since it was pre-owned). Perhaps get me another one to see if it was just the device in general or that particular phone. Especially considering data still wasn't working. They wouldn't do anything....

So I returned the phone and had them switch it back to the Palm Centro, which 20 seconds later had data. Ugh.

So last night I went to TMobile and picked up the G1. Very very slick device. Very fast with a unified interface. Integration with GMail, Google Calendars, Google Contacts. It's pretty amazing to be able to add items to my Google Apps Calendar (corporate style GMail) and have it just show up on the G1. It's a great phone, with its own caveat. The problem is now my index finger hurts and I'm realizing that I might really need Voice Commander or whatever that slick software Microsoft bundles with the HTC Pro is. So I have a question.

If I go back to Sprint would I be better off with a new HTC Touch Pro, even if the cost is higher? They told me the one I bought last time was refurbished. When I told the guy in the store that he gave me kind of a "huh?" look. So I'm starting to think the phone was just returned and they thought it was fine. Maybe the guy returned it because it was slow (my main gripe) or maybe he returned it because the data never worked, as with me. Either way the phone could be bad and they never really offered to help get me into a newer phone. I've been a customer for something like 8 years, so I would assume they'd want to keep me.

Is there a high enough failure rate that perhaps the phone itself was the problem and I could get lucky the next time?
If you are looking for a good idea of failure rates, check out this thread: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=45140

I have heard estimates of up to a 75% return/exchange rate on this phone. There is no gaurantee that you will get a "good" Touch Pro, unfortunately.
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