Re: About to give up on the HTC Touch Pro. Help?
I have been relatively dissapointed with this phone as you have, but after flashing a few roms and seeing much improvement and then flashing MightyMike's latest ROM and installing my main apps and Opera Mini as default browser I can confidently say that the entire experince is fast as lighting. Phone with black Slide to answer with instant ring and absolutely no lag in TF3D or anything. Just Opera mini alond with settings of high quality images and large font size makes this phone a killer. With the Telus radio & this roM on Alltel Wifi, BT & Data have been rock solid. No overheating and went from 2-3 hours of battery life to 8-10+ now, with fairly heavy use. In my mind over the past 4 months this phone started out as TERRIBLE to a dream phone. Shame on HTC for not having it this way out of the box.