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  #291 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 01:36 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Originally Posted by fuentesd99 View Post
The only thing that I didn't like is that my phone is now VERY slow.

The only thing that I didn't like is you QUOTED THE WHOLE MFing FIRST POST just to add an irrelevant one-liner!!! This package doesn't slow the phone down.

EDIT: I take it all back if you're the REAL Daisy Fuentes.
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  #292 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2009, 08:06 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Hi everyone! I'm back from my hiatus, so bear with me for a few posts as I respond to the backlog of feedback...

Originally Posted by avgas View Post

I was just going to ask about the "Roaming only" option that comes with the cleanup, how come I get no signals at all when roaming only? Verizon network is pretty good here
I have no idea why you would get "no signals", because I keep my phone in "Roaming Only" mode probably 60% of the time, and it definitely works fine. I'd be curious to know where you live and what other tweaks you've done on your phone.

Originally Posted by VibrantRedGT View Post
I can't find Sprint Navigation anywhere since installing the clean up...
Please re-read the first two posts carefully, your answer is already there.
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  #293 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2009, 08:22 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Originally Posted by zentor View Post
I am using the Sprint standard build and ran only the tweaks cab. I did a soft reset and now the percent of memory used has increased to 37% from 32%. Is there a reason why more memory is begin used?
Yes, there is a reason for that. Read the first post more carefully. To save you some time, here's the cliff notes-- several of the performance hacks use a portion of memory as a cache to store graphics in memory so that they load faster on future loads.

Originally Posted by wdaniels2007 View Post
I did the cleanup and it works fine, but on the home screen the am\pm is missing from the time. I looked at the registry entry and its there and in the regional settings. Can someone help with this?

Originally Posted by wdaniels2007 View Post
Hi, All the changes worked fine, but my clock in the 3d touch flo main screen is missing the am\pm beside the clock. I'm a pretty technical person and I've tried all the main areas on the phone and can't get it back. Can you help? BTW..thank you for the tweaks
Please only post once. Seriously. As for the issue, it's because you either switched your time to 24-hour mode or because you installed a theme by someone named "Drex" (I'm not him)... see next quote from you...

Originally Posted by wdaniels2007 View Post

I can't get access to that links for the blue manila colors your using on your home screen. Can you help, I love the colors scheme?

I'm not Drex. I'm GoodThings2Life. Pleasure to meet you. Anyway, please read over post #3 more carefully. It has all the information you need.

Originally Posted by Imperator View Post
I hate to bring this up, but I believe I found a problem with one of the tweaks implemented using your sprint_touchpro_tweaksonly.cab It seems that it "breaks" synchronization to my employer's Exchange 2007 server......
OK, I'm an Exchange Server 2007 administrator for a living. Microsoft Certified and everything. I use Exchange daily as a result, and my cleanup definitely DOES NOT break Exchange support.

If it's not working for you, there are two possibilities-- either your administrator has purposely/accidentally disabled Outlook Mobile Access for your domain or your account, or it is using an untrusted root certificate. You will need to contact them for additional help on both of those issues. If they are using a verified domain cert from GoDaddy or Verisign or other trusted vendor, they didn't set the "common name" properly for your mail server and the certificate... this happens if the mail server is "mail.domain.com" but the actual server is "server.domain.com". Exchange 2007 requires a mutli-domain certificate, so your administrator may need to re-issue a new cert for your domain. If this sounds like jibberish to you, print it out and hand it to your admin.

Originally Posted by jparks29 View Post
Fresh out the box TP, transferred some files via BT, applied your 'patch' (first one), now all BT errors out saying 'device does not support file type'.
As indicated in the first post, Bluetooth and Beams support is disabled by default to conserve battery life. If you require those options, go into Start > Settings > Connections > Bluetooth and re-enable the settings as needed (check the Bluetooth FTP tab as well for the option you're asking about).

Originally Posted by backdoc7 View Post
Forgive my ignorance.. but i can't find the sprint navigation program anywhere.. even in the programs. did this erase that app completely or is it still there and i just have to create a link for it? thanks.

edit: found the restore sprint links cab. thx
Thanks for actually reading! You are officially an awesome person!

Originally Posted by fuentesd99 View Post
The only thing that I didn't like is that my phone is now VERY slow.
Please don't quote entire posts just for a one liner that isn't even useful. If it slowed things down, please indicate what is slower and what additional tweaks and software you've installed.
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  #294 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2009, 11:26 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life View Post
OK, I'm an Exchange Server 2007 administrator for a living. Microsoft Certified and everything. I use Exchange daily as a result, and my cleanup definitely DOES NOT break Exchange support.

If it's not working for you, there are two possibilities-- either your administrator has purposely/accidentally disabled Outlook Mobile Access for your domain or your account, or it is using an untrusted root certificate. You will need to contact them for additional help on both of those issues. If they are using a verified domain cert from GoDaddy or Verisign or other trusted vendor, they didn't set the "common name" properly for your mail server and the certificate... this happens if the mail server is "mail.domain.com" but the actual server is "server.domain.com". Exchange 2007 requires a mutli-domain certificate, so your administrator may need to re-issue a new cert for your domain. If this sounds like jibberish to you, print it out and hand it to your admin.
It's perplexing to me but only seemed to result after the tweaks were applied. A hard-reset and re-sync seemed to be the only answer and the support code provided didn't seem to hint at much outside of the device/pushed security policy. I'll give it another shot should I have to hard reset again, but you may have a revised package out by that time.
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  #295 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 12:15 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Originally Posted by Imperator View Post
It's perplexing to me but only seemed to result after the tweaks were applied. A hard-reset and re-sync seemed to be the only answer and the support code provided didn't seem to hint at much outside of the device/pushed security policy. I'll give it another shot should I have to hard reset again, but you may have a revised package out by that time.
If you are using an untrusted certificate it should be easy to tell. If you have OWA setup and can access mail via the web, simply go to the web site using https://mail.server.com or whatever and see if it prompts you about the certificate. If it does then it is an untrusted certificate.

It is possible to connect to untrusted secure sites you will just need to obtain a root certificate from you mail server it should be a filename.crt copy it to your phone and just click it and it will come back and tell you a new certificate is installed and activesync sould work fine. (This is what I use and I am also an Exchange Admin for my company...)

Good luck, and I agree I don't know what in the tweaks could cause a HTTPS issue.

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  #296 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 01:28 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Thanks for all the work on this and for the continuing support of a free product. I installed the full clean up large fonts. The phone is only a couple of days old and I have no other tweaks or nonstandard software. Two issues that keep this from being perfect. The today/home screen is only showing one appointment even when I have multiple for today. I have "flipped" up the clock and it just has blank space below the appointment. I have also gone to the settings/today/items- checked calendar and then under options checked all upcoming appointments. These appoints are usually pulled from my work calendar via exchange and activesync.
Also activesyncs white screen will interrupt my activity-texting, internet, whatever and override it. I can hit home or something similar but I hate that white screen taking over. I read somewhere back that the cleanup will change the priority but it is still happening. Any advice? That one is particulary annoying.
Thanks again for your help.

Last edited by inigo montoya; 02-03-2009 at 03:06 PM.
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  #297 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 01:56 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

hey goodthings, i can connect my tp to my laptop that runs xp and the internet connection works fine, but can u hlp me connect to a notebook running windows 98se, wat can i do to use my phone as modem there.....thanks for the help
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  #298 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 01:07 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Will this work on a XV6800 too? I realize this maybe a stupid question.
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  #299 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 02:00 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Originally Posted by inigo montoya View Post
Calendar and Active Sync concerns
I've never seen TouchFLO show more than one appointment even fresh out of the box, so if it's capable of displaying more, there's a setting that I'm unaware of. If you track it down, I'll gladly include it.

As for ActiveSync... I've see this issue quite a few times, but it's a behavioral problem with ActiveSync, not with the cleanup package. I don't know of any fix for it other than to NOT open it on the phone side (which there is very little reason to do once it's setup).

Originally Posted by sirwhistle View Post
hey goodthings, i can connect my tp to my laptop that runs xp and the internet connection works fine, but can u hlp me connect to a notebook running windows 98se, wat can i do to use my phone as modem there.....thanks for the help
Windows 98SE is no longer supported by Microsoft, and definitely not supported with ActiveSync 4.5 which is required for the NDIS drivers needed for Internet Connection Sharing. While there may be other alternatives available, I just can't bring myself to support an 9-11 year old system that isn't even supported by the manufacturer.

Originally Posted by amcare5 View Post
Will this work on a XV6800 too? I realize this maybe a stupid question.
No. This is for the Sprint Touch Pro ONLY which is why the thread title and first post clearly identify it that way.
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  #300 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Hey Good,

First off, thank you much for your cab. Very handy for a noob like me. Im not ready to flash/rom/cook whatever that is to my phone. But I would like to know what cabs / tweaks you could / would recommend that i can add on top of yours and not screw my phone up. Now I know that you have no idea what else i would want to do with my phone, so you may not know what to recommend. But im just looking for the basics. I dont know, maybe your cab is just the basics, and if i want to go further then i have to blah blah blah.

Whatever direction you can point me in will be greatly apprecitated.

Thanks again.
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