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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 01:32 AM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
I'm trying to tell people, its no big deal to them. Anyone thinking they have to lie or complain you are deceiving yourself, they don't care and will give you one if they have any returns in stock.

Make sure you are going to your local repair store. If you go to just any sprint store more then likely they won't have any.
Yeah i've been to two repair stores (both in NYC), one did not have any, the other had two, but wanted to charge for them. The repair store in my local area is a decent drive, but maybe I will call ahead and find out.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 03:49 AM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

Is the battery life SERIOUSLY that bad? 30-45 minutes talk time? 10 hours of idle and its dead?

Seriously dude, that would suck. And I'd probably end up returning the Pro within two or three days if that's the case.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 04:13 AM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

Anybody get better performance out of these replacement batteries?

Also, has anybody tried using the external plug in battery chargers for their extra batteries?
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 03:41 PM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

I was FINALLY able to locate a Sprint store with a battery to spare. The rep gave it to me with no hassle, thank you very much to him!

Now, about the battery. There is a definite difference between my old battery, and this battery I picked up today. First, the new battery is definitely heavier to a certain degree. It may not be by much, but the difference is there.

2nd, the label has different ratings. The replacement is model BTR6850B and says 1340mAh 3.7DC- 4.95Whr lion.
The old battery does not say a Whr rating.

Attached are pics of the two, the battery with the sharpie dot on the gray line is the new battery.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg SDC13100.JPG (824.5 KB, 41 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg SDC13102.JPG (783.5 KB, 36 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg SDC13104.JPG (813.3 KB, 27 views) Click for barcode!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 05:59 PM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

After reading this waitting at the dentist I went to the sprint store and the guy gave me one no ?'s asked.... THANKS TO THE OP FOR THIS ONE. I didnt have to lie my battery was dying when I walked in there. He also said if i am still not happy to return it to best buy.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 08:43 PM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

asked today in los angeles and they said he would charge me 33.95 for another crappy battey. i went to grifton park todaay and got stranded there cause my battery died. pissed ne off.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 09:17 PM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

This is almost an interesting study.

I have found that stores in large metro areas (such as NYC for me and LA for loren646) were charging for these used batteries, both at different amounts. At the same time, stores in more rural or suburban areas were happily giving them away for free.
Somehow, I don't think they are either supsto give away these batteries, or sell them at all. Something tells me that these reps are just pocketing the money for these batteries.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 09:57 PM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Sounds like you're a complainer. No one said anything about lying. Who said they should lie. If you walk in and say your battery life sucks and chop it up with them they will give you one. Who said anything about lying? Tell them your battery last only half a day if you don't charge it, thats not a lie and the guy gave me one. You're talking as if they are opening up new batteries and giving them to us. They have stacks from all of there returns just laying around that they will eventually end up throwing away. I know because i was a tech at the sprint store, and we always threw batteries away.
Yeah, people bragging about how they get a new one every time they go in. Why do you need 3 or more batteries? If you actually USE the batteries and have the problem, then its fine, but there's no reason to go in just to collect batteries if you're never going to use them.

Anyway, maybe I'm just lucky, but I can easily get over a day out of mine. I can make it two days if I stretch it. My phone's been off the charger 36 hours and still has 12% battery left, of course thats with light to moderate use.

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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 11:54 PM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

agreed there, either u using them or u losing them....may be ship to others that dont have and need one. I have two i will be happy to ship one out, the store near by have loads of them..
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 02:53 PM
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Re: Free Sprint Battery- YMMV

So, I went to my "local" Sprint repair store...it's only 1 1/2 hours from me...LOL. Anyway, was down that way yesterday, and was charging my Pro in the car, cause the battery was dead...looked down, and realized that it WASN'T charging because it was hot, and the battery wasn't even half charge. So, since I was right next to the Sprint place, I went in and asked them for a battery. The girl was talking and talking to me, and she finally decided that it was a problem with the phone itself, since it was hot. I was like, "Uh, pretty much everyone that has a Touch Pro complains about the terrible battery life, and the heating up of the phone." She claimed that they had had NO complaints in their store about these issues. LMAO. Anyway, since she decided that it was a defective unit, she ordered me a new phone, and I will be going down in a couple days to switch them out. Didn't have to use my TEP or anything.

Question is, am I able to keep my old battery, and the battery cover? What about the charger? As I understand it, I SHOULD be able to keep all those things...anyone have any hassles from Sprint store reps not wanting to let you keep them?
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