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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2008, 02:23 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by Palladium View Post
If you are using PHM Regedit, Navigate to HKLM\Drivers\TouchPanel

Click on the pressure threshold key and change the value to whatever you like (I used 180 decimal, others are using 240 decimal) to give you the sensitivity you like

@ Scrapmaker and Saumaun

Could you guys check your hardware, I noticed one thing about my TP. Sprint and HTC advertised using the Qualcomm 7201A cpu, mine has 7501A! I wonder if that has something to do with what is going on with these units...

We should all have the 7501A... the 7201 was in the HTC Tilt...
  #42 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2008, 04:05 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
I am blown away at these suggested battery lives...

If I have the following on, I get about 6 hours of life:
-Exchange (as items arrive.)
-Gmail (30 minutes.)
-Bluetooth Visible
I don't use Slick/JiveTalk/Octrotalk, so I have no idea what impact those have on your data connection, however:

I guarantee that having Exchange set on DirectPush (rather than 30 mins like Gmail) will suck up battery life like nobody's business, especially if you get a lot of emails with attachments (be sure to limit or disable them).

I can also say that having Bluetooth in "visible" mode causes the Bluetooth radio to use up a lot of energy. Having it on/paired won't drain it like a sieve, but broadcast mode will.

Also... for everyone's benefit, I noticed today that the "Beams" feature is enabled by default on the Touch Pro (where the Touch and Mogul's latest firmwares disable it by default, thankfully). This feature was known on those phones to drain the battery faster than you can turn the phone on, and while I realize the phone doesn't have IR anymore, I can't help but be paranoid that the feature could still be sucking up some juice. I'll post the registry setting to disable it once I figure out where they moved it too... the two settings I know of aren't enough it seems.

Update: Here are the registry settings for those who care to make sure that beams are disabled via registry...



For some reason, these need to be set it both HKCU and HKLM now.
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Last edited by GoodThings2Life; 11-06-2008 at 10:57 AM.
  #43 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2008, 07:34 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
We should all have the 7501A... the 7201 was in the HTC Tilt...

Yea, Just saw that over at PDA.net, seems that it's just the GSM versions of the TP and Diamond that have the 7201, Guess Sprint didn't change their documentation from what HTC originally released. I wonder how that change affects the rom settings...
  #44 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2008, 04:36 PM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Am I the only one that had a default decimal value of 19866 for the touchpanel sensitivity? I wonder if I can set it to 240 and it still work.
  #45 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2008, 03:21 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by Palladium View Post

Using PPC 140-150 mA power draw (0.6W) (net life ~9 hours Continuous)
Phone radio on 350 - 600 mA Power Draw *** (2.4W) (net life ~4 - 2 hrs Cont.)
EVDO Radio On 600-650 mA power draw (2.6W) (net life ~ 2 hrs cont.)
Bluetooth Radio on 300 mA continuous 600 mA peak when advertising based on 33% advertising duty cycle on my unit about 400 mA average (1.6W) (~3.4 hours continuous)
Using Phone with Bluetooth Headset 800-950 mA (3.8W) (~1.4 hrs)

***I found something REAL interesting with the Phone usage IF you place your hand at the top of the phone when talking (which I suspect is where the antenna is), I would see 600 - 620 mA power draw, holding it at the bottom (near the keypad) I would see 350 mA power draw which nearly doubles the talk time that you would see based on where you place your hand.

I went back and looked at the FCC Docs and the FCC found the power output for all the radios was between 0.25 - 0.29W. SO why are we seeing nearly 2W of power consumption to produce .25W of output? Seems to me there is an issue in the WCDMA and bluetooth Radios built in to the MSM7201A Chipset.
Just a guess, but the numbers your getting from the FCC is the power output for the "emitter" power of the bluetooth device. As Bluetooth is considered localized the FCC has minimized the EIRP of Bluetooth. Manufactures deal with this several ways. Small radio card and small antenna or just radio card. In the radio world they work with measurements that are logarithmic called dBm. This particular Bluetooth device radiates at -5dBm.

Power draw is lossed from charging the antenna with a mini amp. To gain back the -5dBm and +1 for radiating into your PAN.

As you observed your power consumption went up when it had to work harder to radiate and decreased when there was little absorption. Like wise expose the antenna area to the air and notice an additional range and even lower power consumption. Believe it or not most companies actually calculate in for "Case Loss".

If you wanna see your phone kill itself surround the phone in a steel box or Mica tiles and then sync your bluetooth to it.

Bam dead in no time

Hope this helps a little.
  #46 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2008, 06:50 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

These threads are ridiculous. All touch pros have every (minor) problem you have mentioned, which is again clearly evidenced by the fact that you are on your 3rd one and still have the EXACT same problems. When you hear different things from other people, that is simply users' interpretation of what is happening on the phone. It isn't that bad, you will never get one that is perfect, and if you are really upset about it go back to your touch.

Returning these phones over and over only to get phone after phone with the same (MINOR) issues will only get sprint to think twice about carrying them. Quit whining, we have a great device, enjoy it.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2008, 08:36 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
Just picked up my third Touch Pro, which supposedly came from the new batch of TP's that Best Buy just got in.

Same screen sensitivity problems, same metallic/buzzing earpiece, and overall blurry speakerphone.

Still gets RAGINGLY-hot if a phone call lasts longer than 5 minutes, and the battery still seems to drain faster than my gas tank...

All of you that claim to have no problems, can you please tell me that your phone exibits none of the following:

1) Earpiece w/ audiopara (lite) -- When you call Voicemail, on loudest volume, does the woman sound vibrant and clear, like a landline, or does it sound "tinny/metallic?" My original Touch, and every other phone I have ordered have had a very natural sound to the earpiece.

2) Speaker -- The speaker seems to have a much lower volume than my Touch, and no where near as clear. What about yours?

3) Screen -- The worst problem of all... Open a text message, using the full qwerty keyboard, push as LIGHTLY as possible, (with your thumb--not your fingernail or stylus,) on the middle/right of the 'a' key. does your 'a' key actually get pressed? On ALL THREE of my touch pro phones, it pushes the 's' instead. This is VERY aggrevating. You have to push harder to make the 'a' work. This is definitely not how my Touch worked. Also, tell me if it's JUST AS EASY to push the upper left/right of the screen as it is to push the very center.

4) Battery -- how are some of you getting "a day and a half" of usage? wtf is that? I don't think my phone would last 24 hours just being ON and connected to Sprint's EV-DO network. If my battery lasts 8 hours I am very amazed. So far it hasn't come close. I have my charger sitting on my desk at work, with the phone on it, all day. When I leave work at 5, I might send 10-15 texts, NO phone calls, and NO web-browsing, yet my battery will already be at 50% by 9pm. I just don't see how you guys are claiming 36 hours of battery life...

I honestly think that more people have defective phones than they realize, and are so absorbed by the "coolness/geek/productivity" factors, that they don't notice these other things. I want my phone to work perfectly as a PHONE--then be awesome at the other PPC stuff too... That's what my Touch did... but I wanted a better screen and a better keyboard.

So if you guys could kindly explain yourselves, I think it would be VERY helpful to those of us who might have defective units but THINK they are perfect...


It's funny that you mention this subject I was talking to my wife about this yesterday, it seems like the newer the phone and the bigger the price tag the more the problems. My TP when I'm driving and I'm using the GPS and I go and connected it to my car charger it will charge for about 10 to 15 minutes and just stop charging. Now mind you I have to unhook it for about 10 minutes then reconnected it and sometimes it still won't start charging. I brought a new car charger thinking that it's my old one and I still have the same problems but it's only with the car charger. The only time I get a good charge is when I'm at home using my wall charger.
  #48 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2008, 02:00 PM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by holo View Post
These threads are ridiculous. All touch pros have every (minor) problem you have mentioned, which is again clearly evidenced by the fact that you are on your 3rd one and still have the EXACT same problems. When you hear different things from other people, that is simply users' interpretation of what is happening on the phone. It isn't that bad, you will never get one that is perfect, and if you are really upset about it go back to your touch.

Returning these phones over and over only to get phone after phone with the same (MINOR) issues will only get sprint to think twice about carrying them. Quit whining, we have a great device, enjoy it.

Totally agree.
  #49 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2008, 05:08 PM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

For me the only problem I am having is the slide to unlock program. When i open the keyboard and try to unlock the phone that way it is not very responsive and very laggy (probably the program but maybe it is the problem you speak of with the phone).

Besides that I have experienced zero problems with the phone and love it!
  #50 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2008, 06:32 PM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by holo View Post
These threads are ridiculous. All touch pros have every (minor) problem you have mentioned, which is again clearly evidenced by the fact that you are on your 3rd one and still have the EXACT same problems. When you hear different things from other people, that is simply users' interpretation of what is happening on the phone. It isn't that bad, you will never get one that is perfect, and if you are really upset about it go back to your touch.

Returning these phones over and over only to get phone after phone with the same (MINOR) issues will only get sprint to think twice about carrying them. Quit whining, we have a great device, enjoy it.
The phone overheating and stopping the charge process or freezing is NOT a minor issue IMHO...
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