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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 10:39 PM
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[Answered] [Please Lock] Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Just picked up my third Touch Pro, which supposedly came from the new batch of TP's that Best Buy just got in.

Same screen sensitivity problems, same metallic/buzzing earpiece, and overall blurry speakerphone.

Still gets RAGINGLY-hot if a phone call lasts longer than 5 minutes, and the battery still seems to drain faster than my gas tank...

All of you that claim to have no problems, can you please tell me that your phone exibits none of the following:

1) Earpiece w/ audiopara (lite) -- When you call Voicemail, on loudest volume, does the woman sound vibrant and clear, like a landline, or does it sound "tinny/metallic?" My original Touch, and every other phone I have ordered have had a very natural sound to the earpiece.

2) Speaker -- The speaker seems to have a much lower volume than my Touch, and no where near as clear. What about yours?

3) Screen -- The worst problem of all... Open a text message, using the full qwerty keyboard, push as LIGHTLY as possible, (with your thumb--not your fingernail or stylus,) on the middle/right of the 'a' key. does your 'a' key actually get pressed? On ALL THREE of my touch pro phones, it pushes the 's' instead. This is VERY aggrevating. You have to push harder to make the 'a' work. This is definitely not how my Touch worked. Also, tell me if it's JUST AS EASY to push the upper left/right of the screen as it is to push the very center.

4) Battery -- how are some of you getting "a day and a half" of usage? wtf is that? I don't think my phone would last 24 hours just being ON and connected to Sprint's EV-DO network. If my battery lasts 8 hours I am very amazed. So far it hasn't come close. I have my charger sitting on my desk at work, with the phone on it, all day. When I leave work at 5, I might send 10-15 texts, NO phone calls, and NO web-browsing, yet my battery will already be at 50% by 9pm. I just don't see how you guys are claiming 36 hours of battery life...

I honestly think that more people have defective phones than they realize, and are so absorbed by the "coolness/geek/productivity" factors, that they don't notice these other things. I want my phone to work perfectly as a PHONE--then be awesome at the other PPC stuff too... That's what my Touch did... but I wanted a better screen and a better keyboard.

So if you guys could kindly explain yourselves, I think it would be VERY helpful to those of us who might have defective units but THINK they are perfect...



After exhaustive research and a great deal of experience, it seems like quite a few people, (if not the majority,) are having huge problems with their Pros. I'm not here to judge or convince anyone to buy, or not to buy this phone. Pick the phone up for yourself and make the call--don't base such an important decision on comments on an internet forum.

Last edited by ScrapMaker; 12-22-2008 at 12:13 PM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 10:51 PM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

1) No. Loud and clear. Not tinny at all, just digital.
2) No. Louder than Diamond, loud as Touch. Very clear.
3) No. Works perfectly in both on-screen qwerty and the slide out keyboard.
4) Mixed. Battery hasn't had time to settle down yet. In a week or two, we'll all know this accurately.
I think those who got their pros from Best Buy got hosed. I got mine last week direct from Sprint Corporate. I had heard rumors that Best Buy got the B stock, and now I am starting to believe it...
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 11:01 PM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by jaytv View Post
I think those who got their pros from Best Buy got hosed. I got mine last week direct from Sprint Corporate. I had heard rumors that Best Buy got the B stock, and now I am starting to believe it...
I hope that's not the case, if it is though I think I lucked out. I'm not getting any of those problems except the speaker phone could be better, but I never use it so I'm not that concerned about it. Battery seems to be doing well so far, it gets to 25% quick but stays there forever, I think once it calibrates it will be fine. Already it seems much better than the battery life on my 6700
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 04:10 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by jaytv View Post
I think those who got their pros from Best Buy got hosed. I got mine last week direct from Sprint Corporate. I had heard rumors that Best Buy got the B stock, and now I am starting to believe it...
I tend to believe this as well. Isn't it convenient that the touch pro is unavailable on sprint.com when best buy has their $199 sale? Seems like they purposely want to push as many of these early phones on Best Buy.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 04:31 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by jaytv View Post
I had heard rumors that Best Buy got the B stock, and now I am starting to believe it...
That's dumb.

I got my TP from Best Buy & in the top right Corner is says "Sprint" - not BestBuy. Both Sprint, and HTC would have to be pretty foolish to give BestBuy sub-par handsets. Not to mention they are going to come back no matter where they are sold from. Warranty period, then TEP?

If you heard that rumor, perhaps it's disinfo being put out by Sprint or unscrupulous employees who would rather keep the sales commission in house.

B stock? Be serious.

Last edited by twmobile; 12-21-2008 at 04:34 AM.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2008, 01:42 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by jaytv View Post
I think those who got their pros from Best Buy got hosed. I got mine last week direct from Sprint Corporate. I had heard rumors that Best Buy got the B stock, and now I am starting to believe it...
I agree... this is close to the fifth case I've seen where people got a Touch Pro from Best Buy and then complained about having problems with it.

You might wanna get one from Sprint.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2008, 08:34 AM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by Oxymoron238 View Post
I agree... this is close to the fifth case I've seen where people got a Touch Pro from Best Buy and then complained about having problems with it.

You might wanna get one from Sprint.
I got mine from best buy. Satisfied with mine...
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 10:57 PM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

Disable roaming and see what that does for the battery.

Earpiece is fine on mine. Big improvement over the treo 800-no hack. Speakerphone is also better than the treo but there is certainly room for improvement.

No problems with the screen - im not looking for them either. However, for me- the on screen keyboard is what might make this a keeper for me. I can easily and accurately type out one handed texts and quick emails. Physical keyboard is used for longer notes. The on screen keyboard was terrible on all other phones I have ever had including the 6900 and this alone always drove me back to a treo.

Battery is still breaking in. Today 20 emails and 60 minutes on the phone had me at 50% by 1 pm which is not that great but not awful either.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 10:59 PM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

1. my volume is fine with no enhancements
2. speaker too
3. do you mean the software or hardware keyboard? both easy to use and honestly the software one seems easier then any ive used before, with the iphone-like feedback and big-growing letters
4. battery is better then my old moguls. did you do the tweaks?
a) turn location off except for 911
b) do all the reg power management tweaks
c) turn wifi/bluetooth off if you arent using them

i wanted to test battery usage, so i called my touch pro from my home phone and left the call connected for 45 minutes (this was after some light opera usage) and still had over 80% battery left.

also even after all that, only slightly warm not hot at all. definitley keep exchanging till you get a good one

one thing about mine is that it seems a little laggy though, with touchflo3d and even just regular menu operation

edit: i got mine from best buy, so they arent all bad

edit2: assuming you meant the onscreen full qwerty keyboard, i opened a text message and hit a 5 times in a row with no problem using my thumb. how are you not able to do it? the key grows big and wont type the letter till you release it on the right key

Last edited by ppcninja; 11-03-2008 at 11:12 PM.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 11:03 PM
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Re: Is there such a thing as a perfect Touch Pro?

1. Sounds fine to me?
2. Loud and alright. Definitely not the best speaker on earth - I think I can say my Nextel phones have trumped it but whatever
3. Maybe you suck at aligning your screen (all 3 times). You didn't mention if this happens while the keyboard is out or not - I assume you mean the OSK but I tried the actual keyboard and on-screen in both portrait and landscape - no issues.
4. Definitely not the best battery I've ever had but I've only had the phone a few days.
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