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  #1151 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 01:03 AM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

Originally Posted by Matt View Post
I bit the bullet and purchased the Spare battery charger from Cellphoneshop.net since it was only 4.88 (its been on a last day sale for almost 2 weeks now) and gave it a try. I don't have a full review yet as it is currently charging now, but wanted to post a few pictures and my initial thoughts.

I'd like to firstly point out IT DOES NOT WORK WITH YOUR ORIGINAL POWER CORD! It has no spot for a mini-USB plug, only the AC plugin and a standard USB port (the end you'd have plugged in to your computer, "A" plug). This is false advertising and if it doesn't work, I may be contacting them to return it.
I think what they meant to say is that you can use the USB plug to charge your phone (not use the USB plug to charge the stand alone battery)- hopefully I explained that the right way- check out the pictures in Matts post- the USB plug has an output rating (not input)
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  #1152 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 01:10 AM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

My Alltel 6800 came with a cradle(I actually have two, one with the original phone and one I got with a replacement)

I wanted to see if I'd be able to use it with my Touch Pro. The only problem was the mini USB on the Touch Pro is directly in the center of the phone and the one on the 6800 was slightly off center.

I was able to open the cradle's case and cut a new hole about a half an inch over for the mini USB to stick through....used a little hot glue to fill in the original hole where the mini USB came up through the cradle...screwed it all back together, and now have two cradles to use with my Touch Pro.

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  #1153 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 01:14 AM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

Originally Posted by Keir333 View Post
My Alltel 6800 came with a cradle(I actually have two, one with the original phone and one I got with a replacement)

I wanted to see if I'd be able to use it with my Touch Pro. The only problem was the mini USB on the Touch Pro is directly in the center of the phone and the one on the 6800 was slightly off center.

I was able to open the cradle's case and cut a new hole about a half an inch over for the mini USB to stick through....used a little hot glue to fill in the original hole where the mini USB came up through the cradle...screwed it all back together, and now have two cradles to use with my Touch Pro.

If one of those are taking up too much room, I could take it off your hands...
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  #1154 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 09:13 PM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

Originally Posted by jimmyz View Post
I think what they meant to say is that you can use the USB plug to charge your phone (not use the USB plug to charge the stand alone battery)- hopefully I explained that the right way- check out the pictures in Matts post- the USB plug has an output rating (not input)
That makes sense, never thought of it like that.

Its a pretty cheaply made piece of equipment, I'll tell ya that! Mine has already developed a short, I have to jiggle it in the socket to get it to charge. But, its still worth the 10 bucks I paid I suppose.
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  #1155 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 01:53 AM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

Anyone found any plastic holsters like the seidio one thats cheap? I really like the Seidio, but $30 is steep. All I want is to have the LCD face in and not out.
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  #1156 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2009, 03:02 PM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

i have a brand new Seidio Leather Horiztonal Case for sale if anyone's interested. It's too big for me, even with my Innocase inserted. $20 shipped from CA.
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  #1157 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

Regarding an extended battery, I've read every post here from the first page and it seems that we've yet to reach a consensus on what's the best extended battery. It seems to me that a 1500mAH battery is not much of an improvement over the stock battery, so why bother?
Am I correct in assuming that if I try to add and extended battery to the phone and try to charge it with the stock charger that it will not fully charge?

And what about this battery from ebay? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...m=350177755968
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  #1158 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 12:48 AM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

Originally Posted by Matt View Post
That makes sense, never thought of it like that.

Its a pretty cheaply made piece of equipment, I'll tell ya that! Mine has already developed a short, I have to jiggle it in the socket to get it to charge. But, its still worth the 10 bucks I paid I suppose.
Hey man Mine from Cellphoneshop.net did the same thing... I was able to resolve mine permently. I took it apart.. 3 screws.. After you get it apart you will notice that there is probably a broken screw inside that holds down the contacts.. Crappy design... Open the plug from the outside and Solder the contacts to the inside part of the plug... Never have an issue again. Although because its soldered you wont be able to close the plug anymore but mine is always plugged into the wall so I didnt care all too much.. Works great.

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  #1159 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 05:40 AM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

to those with the SEIDIO Innocase full body rubberized case, does your TP slide more ruggedly with the case on than off? I've narrowed the harder sliding feeling to the top right clip thats located on the back cover. Maybe it's just my TP, but I can see the scraping on the back of my TP's display part (the part thats not the keyboard). I want to file this clip off, but since my Innocase isn't very snug, I'm afraid it'll be weaker overall. So I'm just living with the more rugged sliding mechanism.
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  #1160 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 05:27 PM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

fot those that got innocase n holster.. is the holster also rubberized?
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