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  #211 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2009, 10:41 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

How u getting that fast internet based by info from speedtest because with my touch pro I don't have even 400kb/s download and upload is like 65k/s . Is a secret or I have to keep complain to sprint ?
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  #212 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2009, 11:05 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

Well here is my Touch Pro review on my phone after using it for a week. The battery life is actually good. Its better then my Treo 800w actually. Its slick fits in my hand good and is pretty fast in opera mobile. Things I like about the touch pro is that for one the internet is fast on it. I can do full web browsing and access with opera mobile. The speaker is loud when notifications and talking and receiving calls. The battery life is actually good on it. I haven’t had any problems with the battery. The phone can actually be turned off unlike the Treo 800w. The on screen keyboard is very nice I use it most of the time instead of the pull out keyboard. The screen is a nice size too.

The things that really get my with the touch pro is the slider keyboard is lags as hell. I mean really lags. And also the text messaging layout and interface need a lot of work. Treo interface is 100% better. Touch pro downloads pictures for you and all and you can view them instead of going online but at the same point when I get video mail in or picture mail in its really small on the screen and I have to zoom in a lot to see it good. HTC need to work on this. Also when the word suggestion and correction need a lot of work. And there is no emotion faces on the touch pro that actually show up on the screen as an actual face. The touch pro2 might be better. Also the d-pad are they kidding me. On my phone I can’t hat the right button. The up down and left I can hit fine but the right is like stuck between the back arrow and end button.
The things I like about the touch pro are:
·Fast internet access and messaging
·Phone actually can be turned off
·Good battery life
·Nice size screen
·Nice keyboard

Things I don’t like about the touch pro are:
·Keyboard is lags as hell
·Messaging needs a lot of work
·Touchflo isn’t all that good but actually fast
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  #213 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 08:57 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

I just got mine, the Verizon version. So far not too impressed. lots if issues. locking up, multiple windows open after call.

I'm new here and hoping to figure out how to load a custom rom of some sort to get this thing to work the way I think it can.
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  #214 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2009, 12:15 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

I've had my HTC TP CDMA for about a month now. I was at first really impressed. I had a BB Curve before this and I wasn't sure I would like this TP. I have vasilated back and forth between optimistic and seriously thinking of switching back to my BB.

I have stayed with the TP so far plowing my way through websites to figure out how to use the phone.

First fix had to be the butt/accidental just about anything and everything. It seemed like it got to the point if you looked at the phone it launch opera or something. I have unlimited data time buy I bet if there are people out there that have minute plans they are going to be surprised by their first bill.

So then I went through the whole .net 3.5 installation, bought pocketshield and although I haven't used it much so far....I already am convinced it was worth 6 bucks. This program has some serious thought built into it and very user friendly.

So. As of today I'm looking for the audio file I had seen...going to give that a try since I can't hear the phone with/without speaker phone on.

Another thing that I think was never thought through by HTC regarding the locking and unlocking of this phone is that if you are outside in the sunlight with a screen protector more than 2 days old.....you can absolutely forget finding the unlock button since the screen is so dark its hard to tell if the phone is on or if maybe your batteries went dead....

Not having to deal with that alone was worth 6 bucks.

So anyway....I still haven't decided if I am keeping this thing..... but so long as I can find apps to make it actually useful....I'll stay optimistic.

Next venture....is new ROMs....just not sure I"m ready for that just yet....I need this thing to work everyday...I can't afford to be without it if I screw it up. Well.... I could also switch back to the BB Curve
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  #215 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 05:40 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

Just got my TP about a week and half ago. This is my first venture into "smart" phones. I've used moto and lg cells for years but nothing like this. For a nub, I'm impressed. For it's size and all it can do, I couldn't ask for more.
I've had no problems with cell, wifi, or bluetooth. The keyboard takes some getting used to but at least it's a real keyboard.
Any issue I've had has been easily fixed with advice from here...
ONLY gripe is the suppoed FM Radio doesn't work no matter what is tried.

So what if I need my glasses to read it, it's still a cool toy.

USC HTC Win7 Pro
Mango 7.10.7720
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  #216 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 12:17 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

i'm from japan and have bought an HTC Touch Pro, too.
first i was very excited about that cool interface(even if it was japanese), the wi-fi function, and the full-slide-out-keyboard. i thought it was the best phone i could ever get.
but playing around with my touch pro, i figured out, that it gets very slow, if you dont turn it off, because it uses more and more RAM. and besides, the "settings" interface was awful. it was just like windows 95... i played around with the settings, and found, that you couldn't change the language and the lock from windows slowed down my phone a lot.
after few months, my touch pro couldn't connect to the 3G network after i rebooted, so i could not send any MMS with the provider software. so i went to the provider, and they said, i had to clean my sim card sometimes. that worked funnily enough for 2 days. but then it didn't work any more. i didn't want to go to the provider, because i had to wait 1.5 hours, till they figured out, i had to clean that sim card. so i tried to send mms with an other mail software. it worked, and after that, i could send mms with the provider software, too. i couldn't believe it, and rebooted. but then, it didn't work again. i sent an mms with the other mailing software, and then it worked again.
so, when i restart my phone, i need to send an SMS or an MMS to myself, to even recieve SMS or MMS from other people.

but now, using the Touch Pro for 1 year, i'm satisfied with this buy, because i found on this forum, how to speed up and change the language for TF3D. i also found S2U2 so i had a lock, which doesn't slow down my phone.

I'm happy with the Touch Pro.
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  #217 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 06:49 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

Welcome to the forum!

The touch pro is a decent phone. The one thing I miss about it is the center button and the ability to more up, down, left & right with it. The TP2 doesn't have that
For streaming audio check out subsonic - GhettoBSD APPROVED!

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  #218 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 02:21 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

Originally Posted by hasanma View Post
i'm from japan and have bought an HTC Touch Pro, too.
first i was very excited about that cool interface(even if it was japanese), the wi-fi function, and the full-slide-out-keyboard. i thought it was the best phone i could ever get.
but playing around with my touch pro, i figured out, that it gets very slow, if you dont turn it off, because it uses more and more RAM. and besides, the "settings" interface was awful. it was just like windows 95... i played around with the settings, and found, that you couldn't change the language and the lock from windows slowed down my phone a lot.
after few months, my touch pro couldn't connect to the 3G network after i rebooted, so i could not send any MMS with the provider software. so i went to the provider, and they said, i had to clean my sim card sometimes. that worked funnily enough for 2 days. but then it didn't work any more. i didn't want to go to the provider, because i had to wait 1.5 hours, till they figured out, i had to clean that sim card. so i tried to send mms with an other mail software. it worked, and after that, i could send mms with the provider software, too. i couldn't believe it, and rebooted. but then, it didn't work again. i sent an mms with the other mailing software, and then it worked again.
so, when i restart my phone, i need to send an SMS or an MMS to myself, to even recieve SMS or MMS from other people.

but now, using the Touch Pro for 1 year, i'm satisfied with this buy, because i found on this forum, how to speed up and change the language for TF3D. i also found S2U2 so i had a lock, which doesn't slow down my phone.

I'm happy with the Touch Pro.
im new here and I dont know if Im on the right place to be askin this questions; I got a touch pro via Softbank Japan carrier that is sim locked, how can I get it off?
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