Re: Insurance Replacement?
I am on my 4th Mogul each with different issues. I have white spots and my talk button likes to be pressed longer and more often to register, but I never bothered with that. Until recently while on the train I wanted to check on IKE, well the pictures wouldn't load up.. Then I noticed that the default Sprint page took a long time to load. I called in to see if there are issues with EDVO in my area. Tech says yes several occasiona, and just today EVDO outtage reported. Wll it's not gotten better, and it's been a month of this. I went to this carrier from my other only because the internet access on the device was, well really quick..
That was saturday morning, the tech walked me thru stuff, asked about updates and deleteing cache etc.. Told her I upgraded downgraded even replaced my prl with various versions (even tho that doesnt affect my issue) and done a ##RTN# on the phone. Told her I forced 1X CDMA and it was faster than my 3-4bar EVDO.. lol
So she writes me up a eticket to take it to the store to get checked, and also tells me since I have coverage she wanted to go further and send me a replacement mogul. But couldn't since the wherehoue shows her 0 to send and told me she had the option of sending me a Touch instead. I told her I origianlly started with a Touch and due to the nature of what I used the unit for, that I would consider that a downgrade. I asked if there were any other options. She said not really, but to go to the store with the eticket and see what they could offer me, if anything, that she couldn't.
Well I went to the store and the girl there told me that I should call back and see if I could perhaps request that I get Diamond instead, if I wasn't happy with the Touch. (sales store, not a repair center, so wasn't anything she could do)
So I called back late the same evening, the rep said she really didn't have the option and even if she wanted to she wasn't able to load the "screen" that would allow her to order the phone at this time. Also that her "supervisor" that could make the descion being out.. She says to me that the department that could/would handle this for me (her's) was closed Sunday and Monday, and what she could do was make notes and give me a call back on Tuesday, but that she couldn't see any way for them to outright swap my mogul for a diamond truthfully because it's an upgrade rather than "comparable" unit..
Here I tell her I would rather have an "upgrade" of which I admit it would be, over a "downgrade" and would be willing to pay the difference if any.
I called today to confirm the notes, the gentleman that answer was laughing and said, if you got someone that is willing to make you that offer and confirmed it was in the notes, then that I should just wait for the person's call.
I called again, asked for account services, gentleman here was abrupt, ****y and went right into, I can tell you are rather well versed in our proceedures in asking for this depatment.. He asks "does this mean we are in jeapordy of loosing you as a customer or in danger of you considering cancelling your account with us at Sprint?". I tell him truthfully, no, I am happy with the network and the service, just my constant issue with the phones. Asked him if he would take the time to read the notes and that I was calling to confirm everything was in the notes and to see if anyone could expedite the answer, perhaps opening that "window" the other rep wasn't able to the night before or contacting the supervisor to get the ok, she couldn't at the time. He told me he couldn't.
Honestly his answers and tone towards me made me a bit upset and I did consider saying, you know I wasn't considering cancelling, but since the only feature in your service I prefered over others is now not available to me, I would consider cancelling.. Bet I could get out of paying a fee too since they can not provide me with part of the service I pay for in the contract.. Thus a breech of contract on their part?..
Well anyways I held my breath and didn't go that route, I just thanked the guy and told him I guess my only option was to wait for the rep that made the previous notes to call me back.
P.S. Going the "cancel my account" route usually gets you a few perks added to your account to keep you, but I didn't want to push it and don't have a need for now..
LG V10 LG-H901BK / LG G4 LG-H811LB (Stock) LG-F500L (QHSUSB__BULK Bricked) / Motorola Nexus 6 (rooted) / Sony Xperia Z3 (rooted)
Last edited by clockcycle; 09-15-2008 at 03:18 PM.