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  #1991 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 06:20 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Yeah. Except... there really isn't any better way to do it. If you get droid explorer, it gives you a directory listing, which is a little more pleasant, but it seems pretty prone to disappear after a while.

Unless if I'm just transferring a couple APKs, I usually reboot into WinMo and use activesync to transfer things. Not particularly elegant.
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  #1992 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 07:28 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Okay I'm back. I have a RAPH800 from sprint flashed to cricket. Everything works perfectly in WINMO using Energyrom with some cab tweaks for WAP/MMS to work. I tried the AIO package with just the statup.txt movement and nope the darn thing doesnt start.. I'm going to move some file around and see if it is the HARET file for sure.. Also as a reply to the other poster I can not get the data to work on my phone (got 3g icon and data arrow up going, its a start) but the marketplace does work on wifi FYI.. Actually all data like stuff worked on wifi.. This phone turns into a little heater though lol..
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  #1993 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 08:04 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Yeah I got the AIO to try to boot, doesn't fully boot.. Okay I feel a tad bit stupid though.. Apperently there are 2 different startup files in the startup folders.. one is startup.txt (which I thought was the one to move) and a startup.txt~.. Both of which show 1kb in windows7.. Looked at it in WINMO and all be dammed, they're different sizes.. So I copied and removed the the ~ and it starts linux.. Failed somewhere else, grr.. I'm pretty sure because I copied the whole folder named XDANDROID and didnt rename it to ANDBOOT like I think it should be.. I think the AIO package should extract a folder named correctly so it truely is a drop and drop to get this working.. As for the statup txt I feel there should only be one file and named correctly so it too is a drag and drop.. I guess for people just getting into the Android these things aren't known because I havent been around from day one of this.. Thanks for the help fellow forum members and I really hope this OS gets some more support.. Any help on getting cricket data would be great but I dont think it can be done..
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  #1994 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

What program are you using to extract the 7zip file?

Edit: And what file, specifically, are you downloading?

Last edited by makkonen; 04-09-2010 at 08:53 PM.
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  #1995 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 09:32 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by kris812 View Post
Yeah I got the AIO to try to boot, doesn't fully boot.. Okay I feel a tad bit stupid though.. Apperently there are 2 different startup files in the startup folders.. one is startup.txt (which I thought was the one to move) and a startup.txt~.. Both of which show 1kb in windows7.. Looked at it in WINMO and all be dammed, they're different sizes.. So I copied and removed the the ~ and it starts linux.. Failed somewhere else, grr.. I'm pretty sure because I copied the whole folder named XDANDROID and didnt rename it to ANDBOOT like I think it should be.. I think the AIO package should extract a folder named correctly so it truely is a drop and drop to get this working.. As for the statup txt I feel there should only be one file and named correctly so it too is a drag and drop.. I guess for people just getting into the Android these things aren't known because I havent been around from day one of this.. Thanks for the help fellow forum members and I really hope this OS gets some more support.. Any help on getting cricket data would be great but I dont think it can be done..

I had damn near the same issue when I first tried it, both txt files are almost identical the txt~ one just had a couple extra lines about set ramsize and set ramddr. I also broke the lines to where each command was on it's own line, but that was probably more my OCD than required

As far as extracting, I used 7-zip, opened the file, then drag-n-dropped the andboot folder where I needed it. Most zip programs if you just click "Extract" will create a folder with the name of the archive and put everything in the archive inside that folder, thus your XANDROID>andboot result.

Hope that helps!
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  #1996 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 09:57 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by kris812 View Post
Yeah I got the AIO to try to boot, doesn't fully boot.. Okay I feel a tad bit stupid though.. Apperently there are 2 different startup files in the startup folders.. one is startup.txt (which I thought was the one to move) and a startup.txt~.. Both of which show 1kb in windows7.. Looked at it in WINMO and all be dammed, they're different sizes.. So I copied and removed the the ~ and it starts linux.. Failed somewhere else, grr.. I'm pretty sure because I copied the whole folder named XDANDROID and didnt rename it to ANDBOOT like I think it should be.. I think the AIO package should extract a folder named correctly so it truely is a drop and drop to get this working.. As for the statup txt I feel there should only be one file and named correctly so it too is a drag and drop.. I guess for people just getting into the Android these things aren't known because I havent been around from day one of this.. Thanks for the help fellow forum members and I really hope this OS gets some more support.. Any help on getting cricket data would be great but I dont think it can be done..
Mines just resets itself as soon as I touch anything data related. I'm with Cricket as well, data works on the Vogue and hero so it should work for us.
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  #1997 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 09:59 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

That's a known issue with the RIL we use. MetroPCS, MobiPCS, Cricket (apparently)... something in the PPP authentication freaks out and the system reboots. I don't think any headway has been made in finding the problem.
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  #1998 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2010, 02:50 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Yahoo page 200!
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  #1999 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 01:38 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Your a nerd.. oh crap I'm registered here too.. darn I guess I'm a nerd too.. lol
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  #2000 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 01:40 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

...and I'll just take the 2000th post for myself. Cuz, just for tonight, I'm THAT type of nerd.
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