Originally Posted by hsingh00
lol...wow...interesting...maybe by turning this "feature" off we can save extra 10 mins of battery time! 
You should be able to turn it off by just removing the LEDEffects Application -- but I doubt it would net you even a 10 minute gain.
Originally Posted by hamagc
ok, battery is not doing so well now.
i do have push email running for outlook. 3 test text messages, a 5 minute phone call, and minimal playing around.
i am getting the battery is under 13% message now but it is still jumping as high as 50%. battery usage is as follows:
Cell Standby: 74%
Phone Idle: 22%
Display: 5%
i'll report back again once it is completely dead.
also curious, android has ads. do these affect battery life?
I think the battery reporting (from my own experience) is a little less accurate in the bottom half than in the top half of the range, for what it's worth.
And I don't think the ads should be a drain unless you leave the screen open to an app that has the ads running. They don't seem to update unless they're in the foreground. (Not 100% sure about this, but I'm trying to remain optimistic.)
Originally Posted by rujelus22
I reset my APN settings to default and tried to turn on wifi but when I turn it on it reboots the phone. tried again on the next boot and it goes back to unable to turn on, second attempt rebooted the phone again any ideas?
Trash your data.img and try again from the beginning. I hate to give that advice (it's sort of swatting a fly with a cricket bat), but unless you use the rootfs that I packaged up, it'll write incorrect wifi calibration settings to the data partition and then it won't work until you delete them; the easiest way to do that is to make sure you've got my package and trash the data.img.
Originally Posted by [SP]JESTER
you guys have really came along ways in the last month or to. keep it up, i always hated my htc touch pro, it was new and no one really cared for it. Then i found the ppcgeeks site and started the custom roms. It liked it more and more, Now out of no where, this thing can run 3 different operating systems. Windows Mobile / Android / And Blackberry (Still in development of course). Its turned into quite the super phone. It made me smile to make a call and the microphone worked! It still has its moments as always cuz its a 528mhz processor. (kinda blah) but it rocks and android rules
Funny, I was just saying the other day to a friend, "It's so weird... I loved this phone when I got it... now I sort of hate it... and nothing's changed. How does that happen?" I love the Android stuff, but damn do I despise the underpowered processor. And I can handle the weird bugs in Android, because it's a project, but the constant weird snafus in WinMo have really gotten old. I'm kind of jealous of a friend with a TP2, and I'm kind of jealous of my other friend with a Vogue running Android.
...maybe this says more about me than about the phones themselves.