Re: Increase internet speed...
Tried this Opera tweak from 4 to 6 connections, and opera actually did give me slight boost on mobilespeedtest.com
Only around 100kbps more, but hey thats fine by me. Now on to try the IE hack ... got the cab from here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=115056 forth post... Looking inside cab now... OK yea its the same reg edits posted earier in this thread so on to install....testing... Woops, I forgot to test speed BEFORE the cab install.... Oh well I will compare to Opera results... Mixed results: for 100k test it was 100k-150k faster than Opera for 500k test, it was occasionally similar but mostly less than Opers speed. Anyway i use Opera and so the Opera tweak worked slightly , but worked so Im good. Side note: the issues in other thread of slowdowns and this thread of activesync, I have not experienced yet so cannot comment....