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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:32 PM
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With all these boohoo stories about people leaving the TP2 for the Hero and whatnot, I thought it was time for a good Sticking with my TP2 thread.

So far I've been with my TP2 for almost 3 weeks and cannot stop loving it. Compaired to my old TP1, it is just a vast improvement in the terms of useability, speed (even with the same speed processor), and overall quality. The TP1 worked but even after tweeking and flashing the bejebus out of it, it never quite worked 100%. A rom would look and run fantastic for a period of time but out of nowhere it would lock up, have glitches in certain apps and programs, and sometimes render the phone unuseable. When it worked it worked great, but it also always seamed that you were patching the phone together with different parts from other phones that never worked quite right. Even thought the TP2 is still on the stock Sprint rom, it is amazingly stable, fast, and feature filled. With the tweeks found all over this site the phone has been tuned to perfection while also remaining stable. The phone portion itself is also greatly improved. On the TP1 I played with a few different dialers but they never worked quite right all the time. Often times I had issues where I would try to answer a call but the phone would hang a few sec and end up missing the call before it picked up or when I hung up a call, it would stay in the call while looking like it hung up. A bit annoying for sure.
On the physical side the TP1 had the nifty touch of chrome and a D-pad with the nifty led lights, and a Flash. I kind of miss those (having the front edge of the TP2 in chrome would have been a nice touch) and the flash made a fantastic flashlight.

Besides that the TP2 screen is much bigger and more useable then the TP1. Even with vga the tp1 was just too small a screen to really take advantage of the res. My 5 year old x50v is vga with still a much bigger screen then both devices and it works fantastic for all my multimedia and gaming needs. Its still better than either TP in that aspect.

The overall feel of the TP2 is much more solid, better built, and it overall has a smoother feel. It is a pleasure to use and hold with a bit more solid heft to it. The other positive notes like the larger keyboard, tilt, and speakerphone are all a given how much I like them.

The only real negative I have with the phone is the volume buttons. Some of you say you disliked the buttons being flush on the old TP1 but being how you hold the phone when using the keyboard, my fingers that hold the phone up are right at the lower volume button and always hit it when im typing with the KB. It is really anoying and I have to think about my finger placement when typing.

Well its a bit of a mashup comparison but theres most of my thoughts. I do not know how you could leave this phone for an inferrior device even with a different OS that might seem better at a time. I cannot wait for the HSPL or at least the official 6.5, but I can say I do love my phone in all its 6.1 Glory.

Phone History with Sprint: Samsung N400 (Lockup King) - Toshiba VM4050 (Great Screen. No BT) - PPC6700 (Squishy Touchscreen) - Mogul (USB Port No More) - Touch Pro (Davy Jones Locker) - Touch Pro 2 (Oldie But Goodie) - HTC Arrive (I<3WP) : History of Pocket PC's: Dell Axim X50V WM6.5.3 (Still the best VGA PDA gaming and multimedia device since 2004)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:42 PM
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Re: Time for a "Still Love my TP2" Thread

I moved to a vzw Touch Pro2 from the 6800. I purchased the tp2 just a coulple of days after it came out for verizon. The one thing that makes me love this phone is that it has memory and storage. I used to hate trying to balance programs that were running because of low memory.
Of course wvga doesn't hurt either.
Sometimes I miss having extra buttons and a D-Pad, but I quickly adapted. The phone is called "TOUCH" for a reason.

I am eagerly awaiting hspl like every one else, but this phone is so functional that I am not dying for it. I may not even flash a new rom untill I get bored with the stock. Also the Tweaks cab from Goodthings2life was all I needed really to make this phone what all my other "smart phones" should have been.

After purchasing this phone I could not be any happier. I also don't see any reason to become unhappy with it yet. (well verizon data cost, but that is not the phones fault!)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:44 PM
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Re: Time for a "Still Love my TP2" Thread

I agree with most of what you say (although my TP was 100% stable running the latest NFSFAN ROM)

The one thing I completely totally disagree with is the chrome comments however.

I always thought that chintzy poor quality chrome looked awful (I put a black innocase over it so I didn't have to look at it), I am so glad Verizon made all that trim black on my new TP2.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:47 PM
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Re: Time for a "Still Love my TP2" Thread

Nice post, but there is one already here......http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...highlight=love
Originally Posted by ClintEastwood.
your mumma's wear dirty g-strings to work, nuketown is buckin hell sick, show some love you hamburger's. double up bubble up. peace out. p.s nuketown is the shiznit, like your mumma's beef strogganoff.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: Time for a "Still Love my TP2" Thread

I love my tp2 as much as i can. the proposed features all work good as they should, proximity sensor, speaker phone, larger screen, better battery, and even the response is better. But lets face it, 6.1 is sooooooooooooo outdated its not even funny anymore. I have my tp1 running a 23060 rom and i honestly like that better then my tp2 at the moment. I love the direction 6.5.1 is going. once the hspl comes, then this phone can truely be the upgrade i wanted.

Originally Posted by mikejones13 View Post
Nice post, but there is one already here......http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...highlight=love
uh mike thats not the same thing. That thread was started soon after the tp2 was released, the results should be different. this thread wants to know who still loves their tp2 months later.

Last edited by p-slim; 10-16-2009 at 12:51 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:51 PM
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Re: Time for a "Still Love my TP2" Thread

i don't care what people have to say about the TP2, i could honestly say i am using the best WinMo device available. I enjoy using my TP2 every single day.... I have install many apps, games and tweaks. I extremely HAPPY...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:57 PM
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Re: Time for a "Still Love my TP2" Thread

+1 agreed

i been in love since Sept 24, when i (married) i got my lovely Touch Pro 2.....

she rides with me everyday, sleep with me everyday, we go to the toilet everyday, we work everyday, we play games everyday, and she let me do what ever i want to her, not like my ex (touch pro 1) that she would complain about stupid stuff, you know she would'nt let me watch my daily news, porn ect...

until she recently she passed away, she was suffering from stroke (keyboard failure) and and severe flu (rainbow effect)....

nah i sold her the next day i got my tp2 and was working fine tho...

but call me evil, i dont miss her a bit.....

i love my tp2......
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:58 PM
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Re: Time for a "Still Love my TP2" Thread

Oh so that means only members who got their TP2 2 months ago can only chime in, right. Slim, the last post was 2 days ago, "
I already love my TP2 Bought it for about an week ago and it is my first WM Device. My previous one was SE W880i which I dumped it very fast because it pissed me off. I'm a big htc fan and it is my first phone so it is a big step for me to such a powerful device!"

The OP has only had his for 3 weeks

But whatever is clever, don't really care
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 01:36 PM
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Re: Time for a "Still Love my TP2" Thread

had mine for a couple weeks and it is great. I'm not sure if i'm going to flash either, i only did it with the SSK rom because of how much faster it made it run. I guess I'll try one out when the come out to see though. for the most part all the tweaks and themes fulfill my needs.

I don't think i'll be purchasing another phone for a looooong time.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 01:41 PM
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Re: Time for a "Still Love my TP2" Thread

I'd love mine more if I could get the beard trimmer working. I tried the MP3 trimmer, but I guess that is for something else
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