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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 08:26 PM
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WM7 on Pro2

I`ll ask all chatter about WM7 possible running on Pro2 (Rhodium_W i.e. RHOD400, RHOD500 in particular) to be reserved to this thread.

In case you missed it:
No2Chem has finally gotten his hands on a RHOD400 (Sprint Pro2)

On The Touch Pro 2
I got the Touch Pro 2 from Sprint, finally – and can begin working on it. I’ll have a version of the battery driver with FastCharge, Temperature Override and 1% soon, I’ve already disassembled/reassembled it, it’s just awaiting my patches. I’ll probably post a review soon, but the best part of this phone is the screen. If you haven’t seen one, go and look at one. I’d say some of the major cons are the price (on Sprint), the missing tab button and the lack of a flashlight. It is definitely faster according to my reference benchmarks on stock. This will be my target device for a CE6/CE7 BSP as well now.
from Wikipedia

In embedded systems, a Board Support Package (BSP) is implementation specific support code for a given board that conforms to a given operating system. It is commonly built with a bootloader that contains the minimal device support to load the operating system and device drivers for all the devices on the board.


WM6.x is based on CE5
WM7 is rumored to be based on CE6

Previously, Chasis 1 specs leaked only suggested OMAP, Snapdragon and Tegra would be meet minimum spec to run WM7.

Maybe I`m just reading between the lines, and may be wrong, but this may bring us closer to being able to run WM7.

*NOTE* No2Chem has not confirmed anything yet

irregardless - check out his site: www.nuerom.com and DONATE he's been an invaluable asset to the community, and has already written his own replacement driver to the TP2 battery.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 09:23 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Oh this is all getting exciting fast. I can not wait for the unlock to drop for the romming to start. I will be picking up an HTC Leo the milisecond it drops though, I can not wait. Finally WM is getting fun again.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 09:33 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

I recall a post, I think from MightyMike, that current CPU in TP2 won't be supported by WinMo 7. I certainly hope he's mistaken.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 10:07 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

For sure it won't be 'supported', doesn't mean a cook can't get it on there.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 10:16 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by janko10 View Post
For sure it won't be 'supported', doesn't mean a cook can't get it on there.
I mean, think about the titan. I don't think anyone ever expected to put 6.5 on it... but I know that the titan on my desk still has 6.5 on it. and it is definitely underpowered.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 10:26 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Here's what conflipper had to say on the subject. I doubt anyone really knows for sure at this point.
Originally Posted by conflipper
WM7 is based on CE OS 7, not CE OS 6,

any CDMA device that we have right now WILL NOT support WM7.

Needs to be Snapdragon chipset, or OMAP V3 or V4, no Qualcom chipset that is 7xxx series. they will not work with it at all.

Will they get hacked to work. NO

What will be needed? Bootloader, Kernal, XIP, everythingl. So that TP2 that you just bought last week. It will not run WM7 at all. and 6.5 End of Life is in February. So you have 5 months of upgrades on your new device.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 10:32 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post
I`ll ask all chatter about WM7 possible running on Pro2 (Rhodium_W i.e. RHOD400, RHOD500 in particular) to be reserved to this thread.

In case you missed it:
No2Chem has finally gotten his hands on a RHOD400 (Sprint Pro2)

from Wikipedia

In embedded systems, a Board Support Package (BSP) is implementation specific support code for a given board that conforms to a given operating system. It is commonly built with a bootloader that contains the minimal device support to load the operating system and device drivers for all the devices on the board.


WM6.x is based on CE5
WM7 is rumored to be based on CE6

Previously, Chasis 1 specs leaked only suggested OMAP, Snapdragon and Tegra would be meet minimum spec to run WM7.

Maybe I`m just reading between the lines, and may be wrong, but this may bring us closer to being able to run WM7.

*NOTE* No2Chem has not confirmed anything yet

irregardless - check out his site: www.nuerom.com and DONATE he's been an invaluable asset to the community, and has already written his own replacement driver to the TP2 battery.
one thing that interested me about nochem getting touch pro 2 is his overclock program. Theoretically, if an overclock is possible it could be likely to get at least bare minimum of wm 7...that's something I've always thought
and as per usual I've given my pennies to nochem and its well deserved
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 11:04 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

question: why we as consumers get the short end, MS known that / when the new devices came out but why abandom these devices for something new I know some of us will get the new device but others will be left "pissing in the wind" excuse my french. If all is true then why push the TP2 like it was the next best thing to slice bread. A cavalier is not an S6 Benz
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 11:27 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by Nygel View Post
question: why we as consumers get the short end, MS known that / when the new devices came out but why abandom these devices for something new I know some of us will get the new device but others will be left "pissing in the wind" excuse my french. If all is true then why push the TP2 like it was the next best thing to slice bread. A cavalier is not an S6 Benz
Note that there's zero publicity on WinMo 7, I am guessing that MS wants to keep it quiet until more WM7 capable devices are out there. They gave WM6 a facelift to remain relevant while they are cooking up WM7.

They really can't tell manufacturers "Ok, please stop making phones"
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 07:57 AM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
Here's what conflipper had to say on the subject. I doubt anyone really knows for sure at this point.
that sucks... guess I'm going to skip the TP2 and wait for a device to come out that will support WM7!
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