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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 08:08 AM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

unless HTC makes the BSP packages for the Pro2, then you will not see it, it can not be ported, unless it is realyl hacked together, its not like 6.5 or 6.1, its written in CE OS 7, and everything is brand new. So you would need all new drivers to be written over, you would need all Bootloader to be redone.

Will it run with the specs, sure it will run, but unless HTC makes a last decision move to support it, (<1% chance) you will not see it, unless someone rewrites the drivers and bootloader and everything all over again to match CE OS 7.

It is not impossable, but its very very unlikely it will happen, I have decided to hold off on buying a new device this year,

WM 6.5 End of Life is in February at that time MS is going to only build WM7 builds, and work on that, at that time, D2 and TP2 will not be recieving new SYS upgrades.

WM7 has reached Milestone 6 last I heard, it requires hardware acceleration, because the home screen involves a lot of transparent images, and so without the hardware acceleration, it wont display right.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 03:29 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by conflipper View Post
unless HTC makes the BSP packages for the Pro2, then you will not see it, it can not be ported, unless it is realyl hacked together, its not like 6.5 or 6.1, its written in CE OS 7, and everything is brand new. So you would need all new drivers to be written over, you would need all Bootloader to be redone.

Will it run with the specs, sure it will run, but unless HTC makes a last decision move to support it, (<1% chance) you will not see it, unless someone rewrites the drivers and bootloader and everything all over again to match CE OS 7.

It is not impossable, but its very very unlikely it will happen, I have decided to hold off on buying a new device this year,

WM 6.5 End of Life is in February at that time MS is going to only build WM7 builds, and work on that, at that time, D2 and TP2 will not be recieving new SYS upgrades.

WM7 has reached Milestone 6 last I heard, it requires hardware acceleration, because the home screen involves a lot of transparent images, and so without the hardware acceleration, it wont display right.
this is actually good news. if the old phones were going to be able to be upgraded then winmo 7 wouldn't be all that spectacular. The fact that they need new phones all together shows that it is a whole new OS for real.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 04:55 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
this is actually good news. if the old phones were going to be able to be upgraded then winmo 7 wouldn't be all that spectacular. The fact that they need new phones all together shows that it is a whole new OS for real.
As much as I don't want to agree with that post, I have to. It sucks that I just dropped a ton of money on TP2, but seeing that "new phones only" could be a very good thing. This means that MS may be dropping legacy stuff that is dragging WinMo in some extent, down.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 05:12 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
this is actually good news. if the old phones were going to be able to be upgraded then winmo 7 wouldn't be all that spectacular. The fact that they need new phones all together shows that it is a whole new OS for real.
Excatly!!!! couldn't of said it better myself
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 05:29 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by Meanee View Post
As much as I don't want to agree with that post, I have to. It sucks that I just dropped a ton of money on TP2, but seeing that "new phones only" could be a very good thing. This means that MS may be dropping legacy stuff that is dragging WinMo in some extent, down.
The TP2 was pretty easy to justify to myself, knowing I have Verizon. By the time a WM7 phone is realized for them, I'll definitely be due for an upgrade.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 05:40 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by iamrobk View Post
The TP2 was pretty easy to justify to myself, knowing I have Verizon. By the time a WM7 phone is realized for them, I'll definitely be due for an upgrade.
i found it easy to justify also, its either keep my tp1 and wait till winmo 7, which will be the END of NEXT YEAR, or buy a tp2 enjoy its added benefits and then upgrade next year. I find it hard to use an older device when a new one is out. every phone that comes out has something the older one is missing. if i wouldve kept my mogul until a tp2 came out, that whole year i wouldve missed out with the tp1 wouldve been disturbing getting those out of memory messages and that ugly screen. this is the samething, i could pass and wait till winmo 7 but it would suck looking at that small screen. I still have my tp1 and the screen comparison is not even close. i wouldn't keep my tp1 just to be able to upgrade next year, man no one knows what might happen in a year, enjoy life now.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 05:42 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

You guys talking about not getting phones and waiting on WM7 are gonna be bored all year. You wouldn't even be on this forum if you were the type of person that could wait that long!

Just get your TP2 enjoy it.. You will be ready to upgrade again when WM7 is here.

Just my $0.02

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 05:43 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
i found it easy to justify also, its either keep my tp1 and wait till winmo 7, which will be the END of NEXT YEAR, or buy a tp2 enjoy its added benefits and then upgrade next year. I find it hard to use an older device when a new one is out. every phone that comes out has something the older one is missing. if i wouldve kept my mogul until a tp2 came out, that whole year i wouldve missed out with the tp1 wouldve been disturbing getting those out of memory messages and that ugly screen. this is the samething, i could pass and wait till winmo 7 but it would suck looking at that small screen. I still have my tp1 and the screen comparison is not even close. i wouldn't keep my tp1 just to be able to upgrade next year, man no one knows what might happen in a year, enjoy life now.
Yeah, my real main reason for upgrading was that my XV6800 died about 3 weeks ago, and I'd been forced to use my old RAZR. I agree completely with you about the mogul/xv6800 though haha.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 05:44 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

HTC Leo, HTC Qilin, Asus Galaxy can all run WM7 right now, they have the proper stuff from the manufactures to run and support it.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 06:02 PM
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Re: WM7 on Pro2

Originally Posted by conflipper View Post
HTC Leo, HTC Qilin, Asus Galaxy can all run WM7 right now, they have the proper stuff from the manufactures to run and support it.
NOW THAT SUCKS. I personally would upgrade anyways but for those that wouldn't, being that those devices can and the tp2 can't, thats weak.
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