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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 08:18 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

maybe htc has been disappointing them too, so they don't want to subsidize as much and would rather hook ppl up with a pre or any of their other 'smart' phones (smart basically means advanced input keyboard/touchscreen)
data brought me here, and keeps me. I believe sprint is the only company that has NO walled gardens.
7 windows to rule them all, 7 windows to find them,
7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 08:25 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
I'm not sure where Sprint gets off charging so much for the TP2, how on earth can they justify that??

As far as comparing Sprint & VZ monthly fees, that is like apples & oranges.

I have had both over the years, you go with Sprint to save money or you go with Verizon for the best network coverage (& there is a difference). Sure, a Sprint phone can roam off a VZ tower but it's not even close to the "same thing".

Verizon is the only company selling the TP2 at that price point. Why is it Sprint is considered to be charging an outrageous price when that is the same price the market has set? Verizon was also the last to announce their price point and the TP2 was selling just fine at 350 before Verizon released it on their network.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 08:38 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
I'm not sure where Sprint gets off charging so much for the TP2, how on earth can they justify that??

As far as comparing Sprint & VZ monthly fees, that is like apples & oranges.

I have had both over the years, you go with Sprint to save money or you go with Verizon for the best network coverage (& there is a difference). Sure, a Sprint phone can roam off a VZ tower but it's not even close to the "same thing".

If comparing Sprint and Verizon's plans are apples/oranges...then comparing the price of the phones they offer is also comparing apples and oranges.

Last time I checked there were a lot more sprint users on the Touch Pro than on Verizon's Touch Pro. Maybe because it was crippled or maybe because Sprint has more to offer...for a much better price.
For all you zero's that want the EVO...
Originally Posted by mobius7107 View Post
Call the Gas and Electric company up and ask for a free months use, Try the Water Company next and see if they give you a % off for working at Walmart or Boeing. Next time you go to Chevron tell the kid who has been there since 2am that you have been a long time customer and want to know where the free gas is and that you want some Ready Now Service too.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:07 PM
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Re: sprint sucks, Give this a try...

I purchased my Touch Pro on 4/18/09. On September 7, 2009 (Monday) my screen went blank. I went to a service sprint store and assumed they would simply swap it out for a new one since I was under warranty, and the issue was no fault of my own. The store manager told me the store did not have any TPs to replace my broke one. He did however place an order under Asurium to get me a refurb replacement. He explained I would have it in 2 to 3 business days and could come back to the store to pick it up. I was ok with this at the time.

When I returned in 3 days my phone had not been delivered and they told me it had been put on back order and I would have to return in 3 more business days. I was not pleased with this but figured oh well 3 more days wont kill me and Ill just activate my old Treo 800w in the mean while. I tried to solve the problem this way and make it easy for everyone. I did however request a battery for my 800 because the one I had did not work any more. He claimed he did not have any spare batteries (he didn’t even check) and told me to buy a battery. I thought he lacked interest in helping me resolve the issue and was very rude. I was simply trying to solve the issue in the mean while until I got my phone back.

When I got home I called sprint and asked to speak to a customer care manager who after some resistance granted me a $25 dollar credit for the store mangers lack of service and the fact that I went without a phone for 6 days. I received my refurb on Sept 12, 09 and by the 15th the refurbished TPs screen died again.

This morning I called sprint, told them my situation, and got connected to retentions. I spoke to a regular retentions rep who understood my problem but could not do anything at his level. He then connected me with a retentions manager. I explained to her that I was an 8 year sprint customer who is also a premier customer. I also told her that my last 3 phones from sprint have been the 700wx, 800w, and the Touch Pro. I told her that I did not think it was unacceptable to continue to receive faulty refurbished TPs ( some people are on their 5th or 6th refurbished TP). I also told her my average monthly bill is $150 for 2 lines on the everything plan.

Bottom line this was unacceptable, sprint would loose money by constantly sending me refurbished TP's, and for crediting me $25 every time I was unsatisfied with their level of service. I then asked her to simply send me a BRAND NEW TP to end this dilemma or upgrade me to a TP2, which I then told her was what I really wanted (rather than having another TP break on me). I explained to her that while I really enjoyed the TP we both new that it was not the most stable phone with its ongoing screen and keyboard issues.

She agreed and I got it for FREE! I would have paid $100 for it (which still would have been sweet!) however sprint mistakenly denied my original $100 mail in rebate on my TP. So she corrected that and the final price was $0.

Its coming in tomorrow through UPS. Ill have a $149.99 balance on my account and when they receive my currently broken TP they will recredit the $149.00. Leaving me a $0 dollar balance.

I wrote this to help out those who may be in my same position and think its unfair since most of the refurbs are faulty and break within days or weeks of delivery. I hope this helps some of you validly argue your point. Keep in mind that being polite and cheerful even though your P-off will benefit you greatly in the end.

Here is a link from sprint users that also helped me construct a better argument. I even went as far as to tell the Manager that I found this on Sprint Users and thought this might help her. If it makes their job easier they might be more willing to help you too. Good luck!

Last edited by Improve; 09-16-2009 at 09:16 PM.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:22 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

ok. So here's a twist. Twenty phones on my account and I've been through 5 TP1's. They refused to send a TP2, but gladly gave me a new in the box TP1. Manufacturing date was July, 09 so maybe, just maybe, I might get lucky and the keyboard problem got fixed, but I doubt it. I wonder what would have happened if I would have swapped my TP to one of the lines that is out of contract if I would have gotten a TP2, instead?

........ and the moral of the story is: "you can't have a drink on the house"
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:52 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

new in box tp? id sell it and put it towards a tp2
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 10:00 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Whoah! Good idea. Wonder if it matters that I've used it for a few days?

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 10:33 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Originally Posted by otterit View Post
Better than Verizon? I don't pay any extra $$$ for roaming, I have UNLIMITED data and UNLIMITED text. Total: $49.99Month. My first contract had already been fulfilled so I had no problem simply renewing my original plan.

It doesnt matter what tower my phone connects to and I know Verizon can't come close to that price.
I had a discount like that but they discontinued it when my contract ran out..... If I were you I would never call them and hope you remain lost in the computer.
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 10:59 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Originally Posted by livejazz View Post
Whoah! Good idea. Wonder if it matters that I've used it for a few days?

list it as new in open box? heh.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 11:10 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
I watched last night on my directv dvr.
ok, that was the wrong vid.
try this
Full conversation here
Yes this works, nice to see the main goal at Sprint is customer service... It is interesting nonetheless to hear about their plans.
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