Thread: sprint sucks
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Old 09-16-2009, 08:38 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
I'm not sure where Sprint gets off charging so much for the TP2, how on earth can they justify that??

As far as comparing Sprint & VZ monthly fees, that is like apples & oranges.

I have had both over the years, you go with Sprint to save money or you go with Verizon for the best network coverage (& there is a difference). Sure, a Sprint phone can roam off a VZ tower but it's not even close to the "same thing".

If comparing Sprint and Verizon's plans are apples/oranges...then comparing the price of the phones they offer is also comparing apples and oranges.

Last time I checked there were a lot more sprint users on the Touch Pro than on Verizon's Touch Pro. Maybe because it was crippled or maybe because Sprint has more to offer...for a much better price.
For all you zero's that want the EVO...
Originally Posted by mobius7107 View Post
Call the Gas and Electric company up and ask for a free months use, Try the Water Company next and see if they give you a % off for working at Walmart or Boeing. Next time you go to Chevron tell the kid who has been there since 2am that you have been a long time customer and want to know where the free gas is and that you want some Ready Now Service too.
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