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  #1671 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 08:22 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by correct View Post
true, the only reason i mentioned it was because i just got finish playing around with the pre before i walked into tmobile... imo, the tp2 has way better build quality then the tp1......
You know, it really wasnt the feel that was cheap, it was the plastic texture on the whole thing, maybe since its not chrome looking (in my head metal is stronger) so Maybe once again, it was a mind thing... It actually had no wobble, to me maybe it was just the plastic feel that scared me... Like I said, imma get a longer session with it....
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  #1672 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 08:44 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
awesome... now remember that these are new devices, the tp1 was not wobbly new, atleast mine werent..... Give it a while, im sure the tilting screen will get a nice wobble..... hopefully not....

Ill give it another go and check it out again...
Well don't get me wrong, when I got my touch pro it was a solid device but it wasn't as solid as my apache6700's or my mogul's brand new out the box. After a year of heavy usage both of my moguls were still holding together like the first day I got, same with my apaches that I still have. To this day my 3.5 year old apache are still holding up better than my touch pro and I am on my 4th tp. The tp2 has a similar solid feel like my apache and mogul but not so much the tp1. And as for the tilt mechanism I can't really say much about it but my dad has a tilt from att that he has had since day one and his phone has been through hell and back and its still as solid as the first day he got it, I was just tweaking it for him the other day.

  #1673 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 09:41 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
I agree with the screen and keyboard being the best.. And yes, in every way its Barely better than the tp1...

Now the build quality: a mcdonalds toy car has a better build quality than on the palm pre, so that was a bad comparrison..... I agree if i was to choose tp1 or tp2, id get a tp2, but, maybe i need more time and read more forums to be sold on it....

maybe the sprint version will do it.. Maybe its a mental block making me not like it so much so i dont switch providers.lol
I'm assuming you've already visited http://www.mightyrom.com/ and read his two reviews on his Telus TP2?
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  #1674 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 12:27 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by bigchico67 View Post
Your analogy of going from a 3G to a 3Gs is exactly on. That is how it is there is only a couple different things new about it, but it is still awesome and if you had a TP then you would agree. That is smart business and every company does it. They change only a couple things which does not really increase their cost by much and people go crazy over a new phone and go out and spend tons of money. Nothing wrong with that, like I said just smart business.
I disagree. I think the iPhone upgrade was HUGE if you are a businessman and need cut and paste, or even video. Yes, some of us businessmen need the ability to take a video of a physical problem on a property, perhaps the "noise" such problem makes as well, email it to the owner or whoever, and get a quick reply. The jump in the iPhone was HUGE for people like me.
Originally Posted by orlandojumpoff View Post
noah from phonedog said in his video review of the tmo tp2 that u can't do more than 3way for conference calls. they had a fourth person, but couldnt do it. http://www.phonedog.com/cell-phone-videos/t-mobile-htc-touch-pro2-review.aspx
Works now, simple reg hack. There is another thread tonight about it

Originally Posted by Dragon2
So, I went to tmobile today to see what its like, And although when sprints drops im gonna get one...

But for real yalll, i could barely find any diff, ok let me refrase that, everything seemed to be so redundant.... Like im buying a new product with old software.... Other than the screen size and keyboard size. I really didnt see anything to go ooooooo about.... It actually had a cheap plastic feel to it...... But for real, other than the screen and keyboard, it didnt fly like everyone is claming... And reports ive read are battery is mainly only improved when not using it much.....

Once again, ill get one just cause my favorite cook has one and this is my hobby, but the money for it will make me cringe, i feel like im paying for only a screen....

well, there is my take on it... Maybe sprint will surprise us with 6.5 and itll atleast feel like im not going in reverse, or as soon as hspl is here.
and nothing i read makes me think its so great... Except lilrico saying the tp1 is a pos lol just saying, i wanna be wooooed.lol

actually the speakers wooed me... that is 100 times better...
Nothing like quoting yourself .
Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
I agree with the screen and keyboard being the best.. And yes, in every way its Barely better than the tp1...
Actually, that's saying a lot. The TP1 was in many ways better than the Mogul, but in a few ways a step backwards (loss of buttons, loss of IR, for example). And to a small extent, the TP2 will lose a few buttons, so there is that step backwards. However, that is clearly the way things are going, so we will have to adapt (especially those coming from a Mogul, etc.)

I think the reason is clear, and it's not just the iPhone influence. It's the fact that the Mogul has 21 buttons (counting the D-pad as 5, and the scroll wheel as 2, since you can press it in as an Enter key). If ANY ONE of those 21 buttons goes bad, what happens? You swap it out on insurance or TEP. That led to a huge number of returns for a single or few buttons going bad, even though there was other ways to get to the same features/functions.

So they decided to just give us less ways to get to the features/functions by taking the most problematic (for them) way, for us to get to things, away from us, and giving us the iPhone-similar ICI (Interactive Cartoon Interface) and some actual improvements in memory, resolution, etc.
  #1675 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 01:18 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

@TheBundo: Dude, multiquote!
  #1676 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 10:15 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by bigchico67 View Post
There is no price restrictions on the phone so you will be good to go any route you go. If you want to call in and order through CS or online or wait until the 8th and go into a store it really doesn't matter. Order the phone and activate simple as that.
When I even browse the Sprint web site to update phones the site makes me type in my zip code and delivers me to a page that states:

We're sorry, but the number you entered has been identified as part of the Everything Plus Referral Program (formerly Sprint Exclusive Referral Offer/SERO). Please visit www.sprint.com/everythingplus to complete your Everything Plus phone upgrade, or you may call an Everything Plus sales representative by phone at 1-888-882-4030 to place your order.
So, should I wait for the official release of the TP2 and call the EP sales rep and insist I remain on the SERO plan and SEND ME MY NEW PHONE???

  #1677 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 11:20 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Yes, thats the number I use also.
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  #1678 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 11:38 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

guess I'll give my EVPdiscount rep a call friday and see if they have any word on shipping it on the 3rd
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  #1679 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 04:37 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by ls3mach View Post
I have made plenty of 3-way calls with my Touch Pro. Everyone is correct though it is a network limitation of CDMA 3-way call is all you will get.
I've made 3-way calls with my touch pro as well. That wasn't my point. What I was saying is someone mentioned that the TP2 conference calling feature could be ported to the Touch Pro. Yet, I was told that this wasn't possible, because unlike the TP2, the TP1 has no way of putting calls on hold. Now, I don't know what placing calls on hold has to do with it...but that's just what I was told when I asked why the conf. calling feature couldn't be added to the TF3D2.1 port. Furthermore, I've seen no port that has added this feature... No one mentioned at that time that U.S. carriers didn't support the feature... So, in this thread, is the first time I'm hearing it.
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  #1680 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 05:57 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by tgmuhammad View Post
I've made 3-way calls with my touch pro as well. That wasn't my point. What I was saying is someone mentioned that the TP2 conference calling feature could be ported to the Touch Pro. Yet, I was told that this wasn't possible, because unlike the TP2, the TP1 has no way of putting calls on hold. Now, I don't know what placing calls on hold has to do with it...but that's just what I was told when I asked why the conf. calling feature couldn't be added to the TF3D2.1 port. Furthermore, I've seen no port that has added this feature... No one mentioned at that time that U.S. carriers didn't support the feature... So, in this thread, is the first time I'm hearing it.
overseas phones can conference in more then just 3-way calls, they can do way more lines, even without a tp. So with the tp2 they just made it easier for them to conference 4 or more calls without having to dial them individually, but its already possible to have that many calls on 1 line. Now with any cdma network as you already know 3way calling is all we get. So even if they built the feature into the phone, how will it work if the network doesn't support more then 3way calling to begin with?
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