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  #1701 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 01:41 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
why is the instinct on an sep only, the pro2 has so much more capabilities... thats just weird.
What a lot of you do not realize is that WM devices are not Sprint's big sellers. These devices are terrible for the average cell phone user which makes up most of these carriers business. we are the minority here. While it seems like so many people are dying for this device, it is really just a small percentage of us geeks in the end.

Unless you are computer literate, know about forums like these, understand what registries are, arent afraid to screw with your device on a daily basis, and understand that you must have some sort of knowledge with what is involved with WM, these phones are not for you.

Now take the Pre for example. It is what it is. You take it out of the box and that's about it. You then can play. Download some programs....Nice and easy! I have been using WM since the 6600 and they have always done a ton more of things then regular dumb phones but it never really made a difference to most people.

You need to look at the big picture here and not just on these sites. I think we are lucky Sprint even gives us what they do. Granted, WM devices are breaking out a lot more into the spotlight, but they still have a long ways to go. It it wasn't for the iPhone, I would say half this community would probabaly still be blind to these devices.......
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  #1702 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

I also had a conversation with telesales and was told that it was not available yet. However the rep was most interested in what I had to say on possible release dates. A call was promised when any information comes out.
Another beautiful day in Paradise on the Leeward coast with a TP2 and Evo!
  #1703 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 01:50 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by eman View Post
What a lot of you do not realize is that WM devices are not Sprint's big sellers. These devices are terrible for the average cell phone user which makes up most of these carriers business. we are the minority here. While it seems like so many people are dying for this device, it is really just a small percentage of us geeks in the end.

Unless you are computer literate, know about forums like these, understand what registries are, arent afraid to screw with your device on a daily basis, and understand that you must have some sort of knowledge with what is involved with WM, these phones are not for you.

Now take the Pre for example. It is what it is. You take it out of the box and that's about it. You then can play. Download some programs....Nice and easy! I have been using WM since the 6600 and they have always done a ton more of things then regular dumb phones but it never really made a difference to most people.

You need to look at the big picture here and not just on these sites. I think we are lucky Sprint even gives us what they do. Granted, WM devices are breaking out a lot more into the spotlight, but they still have a long ways to go. It it wasn't for the iPhone, I would say half this community would probabaly still be blind to these devices.......
I would have to disagree, I'm an IT tech, so I love tinkering, but I know several people who use these phones stock and have no clue as to how to change advanced settings or reprogramming. They may not get as much out of them as we do, but they enjoy business and phone capability, as well as the "small laptop" factor. I feel Sprint could push all of these a little harder, and maybe we wouldn't be the vast minority forever.

Anyway, back to my original question, has anyone heard anything about how much this will cost?
  #1704 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 02:01 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by TripleAgent View Post
I would have to disagree, I'm an IT tech, so I love tinkering, but I know several people who use these phones stock and have no clue as to how to change advanced settings or reprogramming. They may not get as much out of them as we do, but they enjoy business and phone capability, as well as the "small laptop" factor. I feel Sprint could push all of these a little harder, and maybe we wouldn't be the vast minority forever.

Anyway, back to my original question, has anyone heard anything about how much this will cost?
Pretty much every WM phone with a keyboard has been $599 on the launch date... rebates and contract renewals usually bring them down to $299 if you have a full upgrade credit... I'd be willing to put money out that this one will be the same deal.
  #1705 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 02:01 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by CosmoPilot View Post
Excuse this question if its been asked before, I couldn't find the answer I was looking for. If the TP2 comes out with MW6.1 for Sprint (which we all believe it will), and all reports state that TouchFlo3D is much improved over previous versions (in fact, most say its so nice your hard pressed to find 6.1 running underneath). Additionally, it seems like most reviews say TouchFlo3D is fast and responsive.

If all this is true, what improvement will TP2 users gain from a WM6.5 upgrade (when available)while still running TouchFlo3D? I guess whet I'm asking, what will be big picture improvements to the OS upgrade if TouchFlo3D is good under 6.1?

Secondly, in Touch Flo3D how do you "close" out programs? Is there a program manager to end tasks somewhere in the software package on Touch Flo3D?

The touch flo 3d is optimized for finger scrolling. The 6.1 os is not very finger friendly. WM 6.5 is much more finger friendly, where almost everything scrolls with the flick of your finger. Touch flo only goes so deep on the 6.1 devices, before you need to actually dive into the 6.1 os. The tf3d on the tp2 and diamond 2 go much deeper than previous versions, so it is even more finger friendly, but 6.5 will make using the stylus redundant.
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  #1706 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by TRUELIGHT View Post
This my be a little off topic, (not much but you brought this up, so I have to ask, (2nd both palm pre and instinct require SEP plans)
Even if you buy the phone outright? and call sprint with your # they will refuse to activate the (4 lack of a better name) SEP phones?
correct full price and everything they will not activate unless you have SEP
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  #1707 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by badutahboy View Post
Pretty much every WM phone with a keyboard has been $599 on the launch date... rebates and contract renewals usually bring them down to $299 if you have a full upgrade credit... I'd be willing to put money out that this one will be the same deal.
That's what I'm thinking, but am hopeful that they will try to be competitive with T-Mobile (yeah right). I can dream, I guess...
  #1708 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 02:07 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by TripleAgent View Post
I would have to disagree, I'm an IT tech, so I love tinkering, but I know several people who use these phones stock and have no clue as to how to change advanced settings or reprogramming. They may not get as much out of them as we do, but they enjoy business and phone capability, as well as the "small laptop" factor. I feel Sprint could push all of these a little harder, and maybe we wouldn't be the vast minority forever.

Anyway, back to my original question, has anyone heard anything about how much this will cost?
You are you surely wrong sir. I worked for sprint as a tech, true they could probably get a couple more users but i don't think that would be the correct thing to do. You should see how many people who had moguls and apaches would come in for no reason other then a hard reset. And eplaining those features to the average user is horendous. People call other people in her newbs and make fun of them, guess how many people aren't even smart enough to find this website and get called a newb? the average user will hate ppc's which is why so many like the iphone.
  #1709 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 02:46 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
You are you surely wrong sir. I worked for sprint as a tech, true they could probably get a couple more users but i don't think that would be the correct thing to do. You should see how many people who had moguls and apaches would come in for no reason other then a hard reset. And eplaining those features to the average user is horendous. People call other people in her newbs and make fun of them, guess how many people aren't even smart enough to find this website and get called a newb? the average user will hate ppc's which is why so many like the iphone.
I think you are a bit jaded and are only seeing black and white. I AM tech support for most of my family and friends, I do all their custom ROMs, find software, there is a large gray area I think you are ignoring. I said "a little harder", as in sales and marketing trying to make more aware of the option, not full-out ad blitzes like the Instinct got. Yes, it's a pain to deal with the really silly questions, or show the people who had no business touching one things we find small, but being apathetic and mean to "sub-newbs" (lol) isn't going to drive the market, and it's probably not going to make Sprint make money. AT&T is the "Iphone store", T-Mobile was basically the "Sidekick Store", Verizon pushes Blackberry hard, the Pre is not the answer. What would be wrong with Sprint being the place for people who want bleeding edge, or power business users? Not to neglect the majority that are good with Rumors and other crappy LG phone of the month, but Sprint is looking like it's "just there" now. It has no image, and their marketing leaves much to be desired. If you're not carving a niche, your marketing needs to be good.
  #1710 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 02:48 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
You are you surely wrong sir. I worked for sprint as a tech, true they could probably get a couple more users but i don't think that would be the correct thing to do. You should see how many people who had moguls and apaches would come in for no reason other then a hard reset. And eplaining those features to the average user is horendous. People call other people in her newbs and make fun of them, guess how many people aren't even smart enough to find this website and get called a newb? the average user will hate ppc's which is why so many like the iphone.
And to add onto that, a lot of sales people don't even know how to use this devices let alone some of the techs.

I went onto a T-Mo store and the guy handed me the TP2 to play with. He said, I am not a fan of WM because I just don't get how to use it. Well if a sales person who works in a cell store does not have the patience to learn the device, how many average everday cell phone users are going to have a clue. It is the same reason why so many companies go with Blackberry's. It is just easy to use and they just don't freeze and have issues like a WM device.

If I wasn't a phone geek, I wouldn't deal with these things either. WM devices are the most unstable, non-people friendly, always having to worry if your phone is frozen in your pocket and that's why you didn't get a call all day, or if the alarm will go off in the morning or just decide not to work type of machines....

Now with that said, I will be purchasing a TP2 because I like having a device that people have no clue how to use and have it do everything I need. I am not overly excited though, because once the large screen wears off, I will basically be down to the same features as my Diamond. I think the next round of devices are the ones to get excited about!

PS - If the iPhone came out for Sprint it would be hands down Sprint's bes selling device. You would probably see a ton of WM users jump ship to the iPhone if they were to happen. The only reason they haven't is either they have a great plan on Sprint or think ATT&Ts network is crap. So people that cannot get there iPhone fix, come to WM hoping they get a device as good as the iphone. Hence the reason why so many people are making iPhone apps and themes and always worry about if there device is better then an iPhone.......It has become a WM users #1 argument and a point they are always trying to prove..............

I have been a loyal WM user and know all the tricks of the trade, but I think I would even be tempted to jump ship if an iPhone came to Sprint........

Last edited by eman; 08-20-2009 at 02:56 PM.
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