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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 03:39 AM
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Re: Left Touch Pro 2 for the Evo

I personally didn't like the feel (fit and finish) of the epic. It seemed to be a great phone, very light. i wasn't a fan of the loose feeling keyboard or the "plastic" feel' Different phones for different strokes. HTC feels more like a '59 caddy. either way both do the job. that's why we don't have the IPH**E. LOL.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 03:45 PM
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Re: Left Touch Pro 2 for the Evo

I think this sort of thread is healthy. I don't want to come to a winmo forum and see ZERO winmo "bashing", the point of the forum is to talk about windows mobile. That can include comparisons to other non-WM phones, as long as the topic is still windows mobile. Debates on this stuff can be interesting as long as people keep it civil.

I've also been thinking about moving on to something else. I have nothing against MS products and I've been on windows PCs forever. But windows mobile 6.5 is about halfway between windows 98 and windows XP as far as "OS evolution" is concerned. You can do almost everything on it, but some stuff only works with kludges and a million little patches. And it's got this old clunky feel and it feels like it chugs compared to a modern OS.

Whereas playing with a droidX was like playing with windows 7 for the first time after hanging onto XP forever. Everything is pretty and fast and intuitive and it just works.

I do like that my phone is pimped out just the way I want it, and I don't know if an android will do that. But if I switch, I won't miss soft resetting 4-5 times a day. I'm just holding out to see how WP7 runs and what the fans can do to make it customizable/usable.

+1 to the guy who said 6 year abusive relationship, I loled hard at that because it feels very true. Every time I have to reboot I say to myself "why do I keep putting up with this?" and WM is like "come on baby I swear it won't happen again, I love you, come back to me."

I've been wanting to just get it all out and post a giant rant about my daily experience with WM6.5 on a TP2, but I know it'll probably get a lot of negative reaction on here and really what's the point... old phone, old OS, soon we'll all be moving onto something else if WP7 sucks as hard as initial tests indicate... and who knows, maybe I blow 200-400 on a new droidX and start playing with it and find I have just as many problems (but from what I've read, that is NOT the typical android experience).
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 07:43 PM
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Re: Left Touch Pro 2 for the Evo

Originally Posted by LbC Ya562 View Post
Im not "doin" nothin!!! Im on a stock rom! Did you read what I said?!?! And I dont even got a damn droid yet, so I think Im still allowed to post here in the TP2 forums! If thats alright with you Mr. High & MIGHTY! Seriously, wtf do you think you are?? The Dam TP2 Forum patrol??? Im speakin about MY personal BAD experiences wit the TP2! I've had 4 of em so far! Its a piece of sh*t in MY opinion.. Im sorry I came to a PUBLIC forum to give MY personal opinion! I'll put it to you the best way I can, If You were a Loyal McDonalds customer... and you KEPT getting cold fries, and wrong orders or old hamburgers... Would you still praise em? And stay a loyal customer?... How aboout YOU gtfoh! If its that big of a DEAL leave! Its that simple... theres an infinite amount of other forums u can find. Just because you aint had problems wit the TP2 doesn't make it a godly phone.
yes I did read that you're on the stock rom. everyone knows that 6.5 stock rom is buggy try the 6.1 stock rom or a rom based on it, big difference in performance and reliability.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 08:05 PM
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Re: Left Touch Pro 2 for the Evo

I also left the tp2 for the evo and the thing i miss the most is probably the wm community. maybe it was the fact that it was always some problem to remedy, but there also were cabs made to enhance features(like the speaker cabs on the tp2). starting on these forums with the 700wx you could log on and always find something new developed or something new in the works, you didnt sift through a "market" you came here! It just seems a little more spread out on android and a little less underground with the way you customize the device. no knock on wm or android just my take.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 08:33 PM
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Re: Left Touch Pro 2 for the Evo

Originally Posted by BROOKNAM View Post
I also left the tp2 for the evo and the thing i miss the most is probably the wm community. maybe it was the fact that it was always some problem to remedy, but there also were cabs made to enhance features(like the speaker cabs on the tp2). starting on these forums with the 700wx you could log on and always find something new developed or something new in the works, you didnt sift through a "market" you came here! It just seems a little more spread out on android and a little less underground with the way you customize the device. no knock on wm or android just my take.
That's an interesting point, it's not one that I've heard before. It's important to remember that times are changing very quickly in this subculture, if you want to call it that. When most of us got our first WM/Palm devices, they were far from the norm... the norm was the smallest flip phone or thinnest RAZR. Now that everybody and their mother has what they call a "smartphone," it only follows that the community becomes more mainstream in most regards. Even "rooting an Android" device has entered everyday vocabulary whereas flashing/cooking roms was reserved for the elite few in the WM community way back when.

The truth is that we will still spend too much time tweaking everything to get the phones just the way we want them. That probably won't change for the foreseeable future. The worst part, however, or at least the part that scares me the most... I think flash dancing is a thing of the past :/
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