Originally Posted by LbC Ya562
Im not "doin" nothin!!! Im on a stock rom! Did you read what I said?!?! And I dont even got a damn droid yet, so I think Im still allowed to post here in the TP2 forums! If thats alright with you Mr. High & MIGHTY! Seriously, wtf do you think you are?? The Dam TP2 Forum patrol??? Im speakin about MY personal BAD experiences wit the TP2! I've had 4 of em so far! Its a piece of sh*t in MY opinion.. Im sorry I came to a PUBLIC forum to give MY personal opinion! I'll put it to you the best way I can, If You were a Loyal McDonalds customer... and you KEPT getting cold fries, and wrong orders or old hamburgers... Would you still praise em? And stay a loyal customer?... How aboout YOU gtfoh! If its that big of a DEAL leave! Its that simple... theres an infinite amount of other forums u can find. Just because you aint had problems wit the TP2 doesn't make it a godly phone.
yes I did read that you're on the stock rom. everyone knows that 6.5 stock rom is buggy try the 6.1 stock rom or a rom based on it, big difference in performance and reliability.