Originally Posted by BROOKNAM
I also left the tp2 for the evo and the thing i miss the most is probably the wm community. maybe it was the fact that it was always some problem to remedy, but there also were cabs made to enhance features(like the speaker cabs on the tp2). starting on these forums with the 700wx you could log on and always find something new developed or something new in the works, you didnt sift through a "market" you came here! It just seems a little more spread out on android and a little less underground with the way you customize the device. no knock on wm or android just my take.
That's an interesting point, it's not one that I've heard before. It's important to remember that times are changing very quickly in this subculture, if you want to call it that. When most of us got our first WM/Palm devices, they were far from the norm... the norm was the smallest flip phone or thinnest RAZR. Now that everybody and their mother has what they call a "smartphone," it only follows that the community becomes more mainstream in most regards. Even "rooting an Android" device has entered everyday vocabulary whereas flashing/cooking roms was reserved for the elite few in the WM community way back when.
The truth is that we will still spend too much time tweaking everything to get the phones just the way we want them. That probably won't change for the foreseeable future. The worst part, however, or at least the part that scares me the most... I think flash dancing is a thing of the past :/