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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 03:42 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

stability to my highest clock (76 is not as good for me on Aug13 as opposed to the previous other 2 roms.
I am talking about 21911builds.

Sense homescreen is the biggest problem, so I lowered OC now to 730.
Kinda dissapointed..

I agree about scipts, but was hoping to get better battery with the other OCT app by iwfratz.

dynamic scalling was best for me at only 1.
here were my settings:
L max:30
L min: 15
J max: 50
J min: 3
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Old 08-17-2010, 03:59 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
stability to my highest clock (76 is not as good for me on Aug13 as opposed to the previous other 2 roms.
I am talking about 21911builds.

Sense homescreen is the biggest problem, so I lowered OC now to 730.
Kinda dissapointed..

I agree about scipts, but was hoping to get better battery with the other OCT app by iwfratz.

dynamic scalling was best for me at only 1.
here were my settings:
L max:30
L min: 15
J max: 50
J min: 3
Can't wait to see these apps improve! OCT is my fav so far because it can underclock to help save battery life (although my cheapo battery went from 100%-0% in just 4 hours with average use). Here are my settings...
Interval = 1250
CPU max = 787.2
# steps = 2
Load max = 50
Load min = 15
Jump max = 50
Jump min = 3
Attached Files
File Type: cab OCT_V-1.5.CAB (50.0 KB, 73 views) Click for barcode!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

I see your load & jump settings are same default as I feel it best to also leave as is.
Mainly :
1-the interval it checks cpu load
2-and number of steps is acales,
3-and of course the OC speed are the 3 things you should play with..
the reason for me lowering the "interval" polling is because I didnt want my unit to stay at highest speed to long, because my highest always made Sense Homescreen stop eventually..
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 11:47 PM
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All overclock solutions one post!!


1-DIFFERENT APP NOT THE NetRipper app BUT "iwfratz" APPs:

EDIT: NEW APP as od DEC 2010:
WiMoSpeed_V1.01.CAB (701.7 KB)
It is newer version which uses better method than his previous.
It may be better than netripper but I haven't tried yet.
Posters have commented better results on going higher speed:

[APP] WiMoSpeed: [2011-01-05] V1.03

- - - - - - - - - - -
FOR older iwfratz OCT app, which has dynamic overclock, AND does not require morscript and is totally different approach than Netripper Msm7k app..
Go Here:
The interval setting in this app IS NOT same as "polling speed" in other apps. It is just CPU "load" checking.
I would personally not want to lower the interval as it results in more cpu usage, as it checks the "load" faster, which makes Dynamic scallig jump around faster, giving more chance for SOD(in my opinion)...
Setting to zero will disable this feature.

Author of the app recommends now FOR SOME users to set steps at zero (no scalling) if users do not want to encounter any SOD...
Dynamic scaling is cause on some units getting an SOD on call or sleep...
BUT we "may" avoid SOD on scaling steps 1 & up by installing the SOD cab already posted here....try it.

================================================== ==================

2-APP BASED SOULUTION for Netripper Msm7k app:
The "SetCpuSpeed1.0d" cab is an app type solution, which in theory is supposed to be better than the early "Script" base solutions..
For latest "setcpuspeed 1d cab" and good info..
This app is good for those who want to ride highest unstable overclock with lowest polling...
That is why the "low" polling time is needed/used for them,
as lowering gives less chance for the OS to reset speed & freeze at high overclock.
This app seems to respond quiker at low polling compared to the "script solutions".
The "Checktime" only goes down to 50, so I made more choices: 18, 20, 24 & 30 in a easy cab for all.

3-SCRIPT SOLUTION for NetRipper Msm7k app:
It is common consensus (almost) that the script based solutions have more option/control;
and run more solid/smoother for some, soo..
Of the "script" solutions, I recommend "nayr1482" scripts for TP2, the latest "OC_ Auto_v4.21.cab" here:
Update thread for Nayr1482, updated by "bteljuice" here...
It has interface and simple to install/use.
All that is needed is make shure you have latest netripper Msm7k cab installed and of course mortscript.
For me it worked better than "SetCpuSpeed1.0d" cab, but with so many variables, each user will have different results.
Example is lowest polling actually did not have better results.
There are other Scripts out there but they are not cabbed and are for other devices as well.

Originally Posted by nayr1482 View Post
Some useful information for everyone...

OC_Auto_x.xx - prevents against SOD caused by backlight off, phone calls, and lockscreen (default). it does this by throttling your cpu back to a lower speed when these events occur.
IMO, this seems to be the most stable for most people.
The drawback - it uses more CPU power than SetCpuSpeed (but keep in mind...we are achieving like 50% OC's and the script uses around 2% when set to 1000ms polling).
Netripper's app does the work, the script basically controls the application.

SetCpuSpeed - prevents SOD only caused by backlight off. also does this by throttling your cpu back to a lower speed when this event occurs.
The pros - uses less CPU power than scripts even with faster polling.

THINGS TO LOOK FOR in speed limits:
look to see if the "Msm7kcpu" app blinks steady.
look to see if you can quikly swipe pictures in sense tab without lag.
look to see if unit freeze while using keyboard on texting or Opera posting.

Also made the "phoneSleep" reg setting cab for SOD on calls, into a cab...
This cab is FOR ANY solution...

Also delay startup in another cab.
This cab is not for OCT app solution..

You can Install any of these cabs AFTER installation of either cab solutions...
EDIT: Remember the "Msm7k_Set_CheckTimeToXX.cab" cabs are only for the "setcpuspeed 1d" app based solution.

Last edited by Maxx134; 01-08-2011 at 11:21 PM. Reason: NEWER "iwfratz" APP !
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 01:08 AM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Boost speed 806. anything higher freezes sense. throttle/safe mode @ 604. using nayr v.4.21 cab. phone feels like its on steroids. no lag. dual boot with blazn 2.2 android build. put my plan for evo on hold at the moment, even though will eventually go to android.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 03:48 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

hi! (new here :P)

I installed the mortscript method, I have it going solid so far at 729 boost and 604 safe.

I might look into the OCT app later on (dynamic sounds really nice) - uninstalling this would just be setting everything back to stock in OC auto and uninstalling?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 01:41 AM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

This does work on battery power right? I've heard/read on the XDA topic (well the general XDA topic for OCing on a bunch of devices) that you need to be on AC power to have it work. I don't want to be tied to my computer all day (especially since school starts now).
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Old 08-22-2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by stab244 View Post
This does work on battery power right? I've heard/read on the XDA topic (well the general XDA topic for OCing on a bunch of devices) that you need to be on AC power to have it work. I don't want to be tied to my computer all day (especially since school starts now).
If you use the mortscript it works on battery power just fine. There is a message in the overclocking app that says that it works on AC power only. That is more informational. If you use the methods described in the links above, all should work fine for you.

I'm currently running NRG 8/18 Standard 23xxx at a conservative 729 and things are working great. Its too soon since my flash to say anything about battery life but everything is very snappy on this non-cookie build.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 11:45 AM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
If you use the mortscript it works on battery power just fine. There is a message in the overclocking app that says that it works on AC power only. That is more informational. If you use the methods described in the links above, all should work fine for you.

I'm currently running NRG 8/18 Standard 23xxx at a conservative 729 and things are working great. Its too soon since my flash to say anything about battery life but everything is very snappy on this non-cookie build.

Okay then. Really tempted to try it out now. Thank you.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2010, 04:42 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

It looks like the "conservative" 729 is the best my phone can handle. anything higher and the device freezes, usually when typing. I'm going to start increasing the interval time from 1000 ms to higher, see if it goes into the SOD.
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