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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 03:21 AM
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Re: R.I.P Touch Pro 2

I remember I had an HTC Artemis that had the display stop responding. HTC Customer Service claimed I pressed it too hard and broke something inside. I fought them for 3 months and finally they fixed it for free under warranty. HTC Customer Service sucks.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 02:36 AM
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Re: R.I.P Touch Pro 2

op..i feel your pain..i had a problem with my mogul a few years ago..called htc and they said to call sprint..sprint said to call utstarcom..the keyboard went out (a common problem on the mogul) and the spring assist broke..one day i called to ask the status..they said it was gonna be $200 to fix cause physical damage is not covered under the warranty...i firmly and assertively asked for a supervisor and explained i am willing to pay for the spring assist since it was physically broken but i told them they will fix the keyboard for free..they gave in.

i have a touch pro 2..i was happy with it but now problems are starting to arise...from now on i am not going to buy anymore HTC products..i jus feel that they dont make quality products..most of the phones they make seem great when they first come out but after a few months a large amount of problems crop up.

i might consider going to motorola or apple at least the phones they make are rugged/solid and not the cheap plastic phones Htc makes. The main deal breaker is htc not giving the proper 3d drivers..that is going too far
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2010, 09:29 AM
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Re: R.I.P Touch Pro 2

Here's the update none of you have been waiting for -

HTC continued to **** me around, everytime I called for a status they were escalating and were going to call me back, they never did. It took 3 days after the inital finding to get them to say, yea it's broke and it's your fault due to "internal pressure".

After reading the thread I was ready to just get it back and take it to sprint, but I was also aggravated, so I argued for a bit, told them I'd call back, filed a complaint with BBB and looked into other options. In the end I'd already been a few weeks without a phone and it was getting old. I paid for the return through an email bill that was sent to me.

Called in the next day for a tracking number, had to be "escalated" because none was shown. Call in for the next 2 days, finally get a tracking number, and it is supposed to be delivered that day(July 9th). I check it throughout the day and it shows that delivery failed, so I called fedex and found out they shipped it to my house instead of my business, despite taking my address over the phone. Had fedex reroute and it showed up monday July 19th.

***edit - Almost forgot the best part. The paperwork that came back with my phone when it was returned by HTC had 5 or 6 checkboxes for reasons it was being returned. None of the ones that indicate damage or abuse were checked, instead they selected

“Phone was out of warranty by manufacturer’s date code and no Proof of Purchase was provided. “

WTF?! At that point I was half tempted to call them and discuss it some more, but I really just needed to get a working phone before my business trip on Monday. I think when I get the energy again I will call them and try to get the $28 I paid because my phone wasn't under warranty refunded. Or maybe just a chargeback through AMEX. ****/edit

Took it to the sprint store after work, after a minute of cursory examination, the wonderful clerk orders me a replacement and tells me it will be here wednesday, picked it up last night.

Who knew? Need HTC warranty coverage, go to Sprint! The last place you should go is HTC.

Last edited by turin39789; 07-15-2010 at 09:38 AM. Reason: doh!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2010, 09:31 AM
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Re: R.I.P Touch Pro 2

HTC would appear to be.... a hoor!
If I've helped you, hit the THANKS!
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2


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