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Re: ***ten reasons why my tp2 is better than a droid phone***
No need for 3 GPS on Android. Free Google Maps/Navigation.
To the OP, that is a good list. Well put together. I loved my TP2, but now have Incredible. Not gunna hate in this thread, so good luck to all TP2 users. Cheers
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Wirelessly posted (PPCGEEKS Fire Dept.: Opera/9.70 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) TMO-US_LEO)
I agree with what was mostly said by the op, but i'm still gonna get a bag of popcorn for this one! |
Re: ***ten reasons why my tp2 is better than a droid phone***
seriously, give me 2 weeks with an HD2 and it will do laps around any android device.
Re: ***ten reasons why my tp2 is better than a droid phone***
So far I've yet to see an Android device running any version of winmo or even windows CE... meanwhile we have devices like the Vogue which is three almost four GENERATIONS past it's lifecycle running eclair....that's gotta count for something right?
Because of this alone and the further potential it holds for the future, winmo wins in my book. Flame away, I'm fireproof.
Creator of iLife ROM Series Best... Member... Ever... |
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Re: ***ten reasons why my tp2 is better than a droid phone***
lets review it: 1. Roms: android has roms (probably not as many though, but honestly the quality seems to be waning with each new "chef" in the upgrade forum. no offense to anyone) 2. CHT' well android will never have cht obviously but with widgets on android you can accomplish EVERYTHING cht does and more 3. Updates/changes: not sure what u mean here. if you mean updates/changes to software well its the same on android, programs get updated. if you mean all of the random builds of winmo that leak out, well android has new builds coming out as well 4. no explanation needed 5. just like cht, unless max gets an android phone, maxsense will never be on android however with widgets you can do EVERYTHING maxsense does on android 6. android has a large/helpful community just like this one 7. well android uses apks but its virtually the same thing. android has downloadable themes just like winmo so this entire point is really a wash 8. while i havent flashed my incredible (no need to really, oh and its for sale btw ) there are many talented chefs for most popular android phones just like winmo. you may not know them by name but theyre just as talented and skilled as the guys you mentioned 9. no clue what u mean here. perhaps you are refering to the mods santod and bignand make. well there are plenty of people who are making similar mods as theirs with android also im sure 10. so you are waiting to get a droid phone till it has more fans??? huh? dont really understand this one either but android has a remarkable following and its growing by leaps and bounds. well there you go bobbyblack. so which android phone are you gonna get....? |
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Re: ***ten reasons why my tp2 is better than a droid phone***
sorry redd, but the android custom ROMs are way behind WinMo in functionality. Even calk seems to be having some problems. New OS, takes time to learn and android isn't there yet.
Re: ***ten reasons why my tp2 is better than a droid phone***
lol what?! which funtionality is missing from the android roms? just becuase calk is having issues doesnt mean the os is the problem. like you said, its a new os for HIM and he has to learn it.