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Old 06-24-2010, 01:10 AM
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Re: ***ten reasons why my tp2 is better than a droid phone***

This is a ridiculous list. A majority of your things have nothing to do with the phone, but rather the developers. There are a ton of things that "Droid" phones can do that the TP2 cant.

Unified speech to text in EVERY text field
Shoot 720P video
HDMI out 720P video
Wireless N

Thats just to name a few and isn't even beginning to bridge the field of APPS, which Android puts a hurting on windows mobile with. Also, Android looks a lot nicer overall than windows mobile does, and is certainly more finger friendly. It is updated with real world improvements every few months, instead of basically no updates to windows mobile for the last couple years, unless you are REALLY counting finger friendly menus and hexagon start menu from 6.5.

The Tp2 is a great phone that is hindered by an OS that was great YEARS ago and hasn't stayed current or evolved at all. "Droid" phones have pretty much everything on your list, multiple roms, multiple amazing developers, certainly more apps that are useable and functional than windows mobile, etc, etc.

No need to crap on what is probably the best mobile OS out right now just because windows mobile is dying. Its a great OS, and hopefully it will be ported to our TP2's so those of us who are cheap and haven't already abandoned this platform because we are on SERO can get some of that delicious droid love too.

Edit: Seriously, to the Android haters out there, load up even the buggy AOSP build on your TP2 and you will be amazed even during the startup tutorial at how stupidly smart the OS is. The tiniest things like auto capitalizing the first letter of each "word" in a Name field of text. Those things are impressive.

Last edited by muyoso; 06-24-2010 at 01:13 AM.
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