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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 11:34 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by mobius999 View Post
My point was I myself won't pay more for a plan. I don't want to lose SERO. Bad enough I'd have to go to a plan maying more than double just to get the phone, taking another $10 on top for service I'll never see is not happenin.

I'll buy the phone, get the service paid by work, keep my private SERO with the TP2 on it. That's what I meant.

Some of the phones on the horizon look so nice though, I'd actually consider buying one and not activating it if that was my only option. For my day to day life, wifi is pretty abundant all around, add skype and who needs sprint?

Hadn't thought of that before. Just keep the Touch Pro2 on SERO in your pocket with wifi tethering enabled, and use the EVO you bought off ebay through the TP2.

Anyone know how long a TP2 battery will last with Wifi tethering enabled?
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Not sure I agree with this train of thought. If that is the case, Sprint should be able to raise your rate every time you are eligible for a new phone if you are not paying the current going rate. That is not how phone contracts have worked historically.

I take issue with Sprint for forcing the issue under false pretenses. If there was some component missing from the plan that the new phone required, I can understand it. However, if you have unlimited everything already, for them to tell you the phone requires a new plan based on the data plan is untrue. They should just come out and say we want to get all you folks with good deals off your plan and onto a more expensive plan and we are going to do that by refusing you any decent phones down the road. At least it would be honest.
Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
you're an RT, take a deep breath, let it out slowly.
no offense but by your analogy, you are still paying .89 for a gallon of gas and are complaining about it.
they allowed you to get the tp2 because winmo is still allowed on sero. ZERO android phones are allowed on it. they are phasing it out. ride it as long as possible, then come join the rest of us in the real world.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 12:00 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

While I have SERO too, and am not in a 4G market yet, I wonder what they will do about that? If one doesn't travel and they are paying for something that is not available, that is NOT fair.

For 6 months that could be an extra $60 I dished out if I dont see the 4G in my area until that time. When it is here and I had that phone, I would probably pay. I think Sprint is going to have to look at this closely.

I dont know about you, but I myself would refuse to pay that if I cant use it.

On another note about SERO.... One of these days it will be gone. I have a feeling that we have one of the last phones that we can use it on. While everyone is talking about how they are going to keep it and not switch, that is fine for now, but at some point you'll have no choice.

Sprint CAN and WILL make it go away by saying you have to use phones with certain plans. And in a matter of time, none will be available for SERO.

BTW... If someone has a Twitter account, they should ask the data question to Sprint and see what they come back with. Ask how they see it fair to pay $10 more per month if you dont travel and 4G is NOT in your market. And they cant pull that...eventually it will be in all markets BS cause until it is, you shouldn't pay for what you dont have.

Last edited by quickstang; 05-13-2010 at 12:03 PM.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 12:19 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

guys.. call sprint theyll tell you... if 4G is not in your market, then you dont pay the 10bucks...

**question though** if you travel to an area with it, say another state.. can you operate 4G, can sprint block you from using it, until theyre charging you for it??

i just said this in another thread, if 4g is in your area, your getting charged no matter what.. no hack can change that.. sprint will say 4G is in your area, so your paying it..flat out..

those of us who live in markets where 4G is not available may be able to slip out of getting charged in the future as we'll probably be able to hide our 4g useage by the time our market even has it...

now, the $30 hot spot charge... expect once the device is roooted to have that ability free of charge...... but once that 10 charge appears on your statement, dont expect it to be coming off.... alot of people may get out of it as 4g comes to their area, but people who are in the markets at launch time are gonna get charged and stay getting charged
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
guys.. call sprint theyll tell you... if 4G is not in your market, then you dont pay the 10bucks...

**question though** if you travel to an area with it, say another state.. can you operate 4G, can sprint block you from using it, until theyre charging you for it??
I wonder that too. I am not sure how they differentiate from the two. Do they turn off 4G on their end for your phone or can this even be done?

If I dont have it, say...travel to Kansas City and they have it, can I use it?
I'm not sure how all of this works, cause you'd think it would just default (the phone) to whatever coverage is available. Got me.

And when looking at your usage, would they be able to tell when you used 3G vs 4G? Cause usually its just data used. So some way they have to distinguish when you are using 3G and 4G i'd assume.

Last edited by quickstang; 05-13-2010 at 12:35 PM.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 02:29 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

switching no matter what
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 04:45 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
guys.. call sprint theyll tell you... if 4G is not in your market, then you dont pay the 10bucks...

**question though** if you travel to an area with it, say another state.. can you operate 4G, can sprint block you from using it, until theyre charging you for it??

i just said this in another thread, if 4g is in your area, your getting charged no matter what.. no hack can change that.. sprint will say 4G is in your area, so your paying it..flat out..

those of us who live in markets where 4G is not available may be able to slip out of getting charged in the future as we'll probably be able to hide our 4g useage by the time our market even has it...

now, the $30 hot spot charge... expect once the device is roooted to have that ability free of charge...... but once that 10 charge appears on your statement, dont expect it to be coming off.... alot of people may get out of it as 4g comes to their area, but people who are in the markets at launch time are gonna get charged and stay getting charged

I called them and they said its a must. Regardless if you are in 4g or not.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post
I called them and they said its a must. Regardless if you are in 4g or not.
Basically this a premium fee to use a premeium phone, regardless of whether 3G or 4G is available.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 05:43 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by rushco View Post
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0.3521/856; U; en) Presto/2.4.15)

2 people are out and about and want to catch a movie. You put the phone on speaker and open your movie app and use data to find a movie. Not rude at all. Actually helpfull.
Thank you!! And besides, what's rude about something you're doing especially if the other party can't see or doesn't know you're doing it.

Is it rude to wash dishes, or the game while U talk on the phone. How does my caller know that I gave my wife a peck on the lips or slap on the rear while I'm speaking on the phone?!

Some people.

I'll tell ya what's rude! GSM FANBOYS lol!

Doing any of that and not really paying attention to your conversation with your caller. It's called MULTITASKING!

It'as a pain when someone calls you and really wants you to see the email, or pic sent. Or when your Significant other is shopping for clothes wants your opinion on the outfit. U have to get off your call, check the pic, then call back to say it's butt f_ing ugly lol

Last edited by Da Uniq 1; 05-13-2010 at 05:46 PM.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 05:46 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by elmago29 View Post
There was an article i saw saying that there will be special plans for the EVO, a phone that i so desire....Don't get me wrong I love my TP2 i just wished it had a Snapdragon and more Ram

I read that you would have to have a special plan for the EVO, if this is true i dont' think i'm getting the EVO no matter how badly i want it. I currently have a 129.99 (unlimited everything family plan)

I'm on the border line and i have to quickly make up my mind since we'll be able to pre-order it later this month, Would you pay extra a month for an EVO?
Sprint EVO 4G Owners Will Pay $10/Mo More for 4G
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