Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?
guys.. call sprint theyll tell you... if 4G is not in your market, then you dont pay the 10bucks...
**question though** if you travel to an area with it, say another state.. can you operate 4G, can sprint block you from using it, until theyre charging you for it??
i just said this in another thread, if 4g is in your area, your getting charged no matter what.. no hack can change that.. sprint will say 4G is in your area, so your paying it..flat out..
those of us who live in markets where 4G is not available may be able to slip out of getting charged in the future as we'll probably be able to hide our 4g useage by the time our market even has it...
now, the $30 hot spot charge... expect once the device is roooted to have that ability free of charge...... but once that 10 charge appears on your statement, dont expect it to be coming off.... alot of people may get out of it as 4g comes to their area, but people who are in the markets at launch time are gonna get charged and stay getting charged
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"