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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2010, 10:08 AM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

moving from a nice hard kb to a on screen one has been a difficult transition even on a 4.3 in screen. That said, swype is my number one choice, followed by finger keyboard and finally htc keyboard. But each keyboard I have used has the same limitation
even though they are designed for windows, the keyboards are designed for resistive touch screens. So normal capacitive touch screens have a minor issue without swype. I use swype because it is fast and while I have to add words (hate that) it catches on fast. All of my numbers are stored so its not too difficult to add words. But for capacitive screens swype makes the process easier
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2010, 01:33 PM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
moving from a nice hard kb to a on screen one has been a difficult transition even on a 4.3 in screen.
I imagine so. I would have no problem as I almost never use the hardware KB in my TP2 (I MUCH prefer TouchPal 3.5 to the hardware KB & I hate Swype), but one of my co-workers recently dumped his TP2 & bought a new HD2 & I heard him claim the other day "god, this on-screen KB sucks, I should have kept the TP2"

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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 09:39 PM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

Originally Posted by jdmsohc22 View Post
I say you guys just start using TellMe... nothing better than speech to text =)

+1 for TellMe.
i use tellme all the time while driving...
swype is awesome once the learning curve is overcome, but not while driving...its too hard to swype, drive, and smoke my "left-handed" cigarettes all at the same time.
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 04:14 AM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

think I am gonna purchase sbp keyboard. tried touchpal 4.0 and it was all misfitted on the screen (yes I downloaded the right version), might have something to do with the custom ROM, I don't know.
i'm kinda afraid of swype because of all the bugs it can cause.

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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 06:53 AM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
i'm kinda afraid of swype because of all the bugs it can cause.

Bugs? It can cause? Dang can you list a few? I have been using swype for a month or so now. And I haven't noticed any, but you never know.
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 07:43 AM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
think I am gonna purchase sbp keyboard. tried touchpal 4.0 and it was all misfitted on the screen.
PM me before you buy anything.

TouchPal 3.5 is WAY better than 4.0 (& will fit your screen fine, see my screenshots) & I can give you some tips there.

I also use spb........


Last edited by jmorton10; 04-27-2010 at 08:01 AM.
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 12:30 PM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

I'm definitely of the crowd that loves Swype.

As I read this thread, many of the "complaints" seem to be misunderstandings of how Swype functions, and people who did not spend the time to read the Help file to learn all of it's features.

For reference, everything I speak of below works in Swype 3.9 version.

- Swype does learn anything you want it to learn. Either let it learn passively (by tapping your word once, it will remember it for future), or tap out the word and hit the "Swype" button to force it into the dictionary.

- phone numbers: 554-815-8465 (this way, when you're in Keyboard-mode, and the numbers are hidden in the shift-area.. you can still swype over those shifted numbers and get the numbers to appear in your text, without ever having to switch over to number-pad mode.

- emails: joe@smith.com (once this is added to dictionary, you can simply swype over all of those letters/characters in a single motion.

- passwords: A298vb.lk2 (After being added to dictionary, you can swype over all those letters, and it will recognize it as a word, and input it into any field, including password *** fields).

- web addresses: www.google.com (these are even easier, once added, you just swype over each double/triple letter once, as in w.gogle.com and it will enter the entire address that is saved in the dictionary.

- The pop-up window is only a "helper" and normally I don't even recognize that it's there. Once I type out a full sentence, I re-read, double-click on any word that's wrong, choose the correct word... done, easy.

- Swype allows you to swype MUCH faster than what you see onscreen. ie:, you can easily swype about 5-6 words ahead of what the screen shows. Once you take a short 3-4 second break, it will pump out all the words in buffer, and give you the chance to correct anything that was wrong.

- in Version 3.9, they added great features for punctuation, such as . ? - , ... at the end of a question, you can simply press where the ? mark is (the "m" key), then swype down to the Space bar. Swype will recognize this as a ?[space]... This is slightly faster than "holding" on the m key waiting on the ? to pop up, then pressing space key separately.

- This includes apostrophe for contractions.. you're, we're, can't, don't.. simply swype over the ' key during your word and it'll insert the apostrophe accordingly.

- ... the Help file for Swype contains MANY more tips/tricks than this to make your text input as efficient as possible.

... my wish list of features
- As with the original HTC keyboard, and the iPhone keyboard it would be nice if Swype would display a "big version" of the pressed key above your finger onscreen. When I'm tapping a word, I often have to hit a letter, then wait for it on screen to ensure that it's the right letter...

That's it, that's my only gripe.

I bough this TP2 for the hardware keyboard, coming from the Verizon V/enV/Voyager/ line of phones with keyboards. After finding Swype, I rarely, if ever use the HW keyboard. And when I use a phone with a tap-keyboard, I feel Handicapped and unable to type fast without swyping capability...
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 04:11 PM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

Hey guys, can you give me a .cab file so I can download it and try it on my tp2? I want to see what all this hype is about with swype. Thanks!!!
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

Originally Posted by divineazn716 View Post
Hey guys, can you give me a .cab file so I can download it and try it on my tp2? I want to see what all this hype is about with swype. Thanks!!!
here you go.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Swype (one80oneday).cab (1.48 MB, 15 views) Click for barcode!
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 05:07 PM
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Re: Why do people like using Swype? It seems more complicated than useful.

i still think y'all are crazy typing on the keyboard in landscape mode. to each their own.
I am using fingerkeyboard 2.1 for portrait mode.
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