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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2010, 09:34 PM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

Originally Posted by ubigred View Post
Is it me or that with the 6.5 rom , you do not have the option to select text in a text message?
You can't with HTC Messaging. HTC messaging is GIMPED, in addition to being slow.

You still can do it with MS Messaging,
but It's a MUCH bigger pain in the ass now.
Here are the steps.
When inside a message, you hit the MENU in the bottom right.
Then hit ALL
Then TAP AND HOLD the light blue shaded area
Then select either MAKE SELECTION or SELECT ALL
Then, TAP AND HOLD the dark blue shaded area
Then, hit COPY

Pain in the ass, right?

I LOVE the grid layout of both the new "Quick Links", and "PEOPLE" with the favorite contacts.
But, I prefer the Old Windows Messaging Text screen.

In the meantime, I'm looking for links to the fastest and most stable 2.1 Sense/Windows Mobile 6.1

But, I hope this thread find a tweek to avoid HTC Messanger and use MS Messaging only on the Sense 2.5/Windows 6.5 ROMs.
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2010, 09:53 PM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

Originally Posted by tt C6 View Post
You can't with HTC Messaging. HTC messaging is GIMPED, in addition to being slow.

You still can do it with MS Messaging,
but It's a MUCH bigger pain in the ass now.
Here are the steps.
When inside a message, you hit the MENU in the bottom right.
Then hit ALL
Then TAP AND HOLD the light blue shaded area
Then select either MAKE SELECTION or SELECT ALL
Then, TAP AND HOLD the dark blue shaded area
Then, hit COPY

Pain in the ass, right?

I LOVE the grid layout of both the new "Quick Links", and "PEOPLE" with the favorite contacts.
But, I prefer the Old Windows Messaging Text screen.

In the meantime, I'm looking for links to the fastest and most stable 2.1 Sense/Windows Mobile 6.1

But, I hope this thread find a tweek to avoid HTC Messanger and use MS Messaging only on the Sense 2.5/Windows 6.5 ROMs.

Yea HTC does a lot of good putting "make up" on WM. However, big mistake making there messaging the primary txt avenue. Sad part is there wont be any updates or "fixes" from HTC to fix it/ungimp it.
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 11:58 AM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

I'm thinking of temporarily going to another ROM to avoid HTC Messaging.

What is the version of Manilla/Sense that came on the Stock Sprint TP2, out of the box, when it was new?
Is there any version of sense that came out between the tock Sprint TP2 and Sense 2.5?

I love the today screen options of Sense 2.5. I just HATE being forced to use HTC messaging.
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 02:43 PM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

all you have to do is find a 2.1 rom and then install that cab that i linked to YOU WILL HAVE HTC MESSAGING GONE IN SMS/MMS!!!!!!!!!!

im done trying to help
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  #135 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 03:18 PM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

Originally Posted by tt C6 View Post
Is there a way to simply make "Windows Mobile Messaging" the default screen for creating text messages so we can avoid the "HTC Messaging screen" all together?

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
i know its there.. ill go digging.. its so hard to go through 900 pages ina rom thread to find the time when it came up.. give me a few
Your gona be digging for a bit......there is not one anywhere for 2.5 2012....

Originally Posted by psycho_maniac View Post
all you have to do is find a 2.1 rom and then install that cab that i linked to YOU WILL HAVE HTC MESSAGING GONE IN SMS/MMS!!!!!!!!!!

im done trying to help
only way is like Psycho stated.....go to 2.1 or stay with 2.5 and flash a rom where it is partially disabled and live with it .....there is no full fix out as of yet for 2.5 2012.....maybe eventually someone will dig into it deeper.....but for now it is what it is...

EDIT: Sorry bored see ya figured that out already....lol
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 10:24 PM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

UPDATE !!!!!

I just played with my friends 100% STOCK HD2 from Tmobile USA.
The HD2 DOES have the ability to insert pre-written texts from it's version of HTC Messaging.
I know the HD2 has a 1gz processor, but the HTC Messaging on the HD2 seemeed a LOT faster and not sluggish like it is on the TP2.

How can we port the SAME ROM from a 100% STOCK HD2 from Tmobile USA on a Sprint Touch Pro 2 ????

Last edited by tt C6; 04-21-2010 at 12:00 AM.
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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 11:44 PM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

Here is the menu screen when you hit the "MENU" on the bottom right of the HTC Messaging Screen on a 100% STOCK HD2 from Tmobile USA:

Here is the "Quick Text" screen from the
100% STOCK HD2 from Tmobile USA:

Here is the "software information screen" from the 100% stock HD2 from Tmobile USA:

Last edited by tt C6; 04-21-2010 at 12:36 AM.
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  #138 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 07:00 AM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

Originally Posted by psycho_maniac View Post
yes and no. you will have to use it probably for everything but txting. there is a patched manila file out there that will disable the htc messaging ONLY in txt
Thanks to razorloves for the quicklink to this post
Originally Posted by psycho_maniac View Post
the link i posted is the latest
Thanks for making my Sense 2.1 cab file known as thru my laziness I only posted it over there at MrX Sense2.1 thread.

I have been trying over the last weekend on a fix..
And my testing revealed that:
past cabs/new cabs/making custom cabs;
methods of file replacement;
reg editing;
editing "manilaFull.xml";
and disabling/renaming Dll files
All didnt work for me, as the best I would do, is get a non responsive sms tab.

This version maila is all new files in the sms handling.

I also tried to replace the HTC files with older files from other sense2.5, but the newer Sense wont see them as it only looking for the new sms that uses "manila_messaging.dll"

The guys that would have the expertise to fix this would be the dudes that ported the last version manila over at xda.
My guess is that it would have to be an edited dll, or make addintional new files.

Another solution is to look for a rom that uses a ported version Sense2.5 before the sprint version Sense2012.. OR a later or diffferent version.
like the HD2 one just posted.
Mayby a swap of the dll or sms files from that HD2... something to try for me next weekend as I have limited time.

O well thats just my stab at it, and I hope someone else may try and solve it.

Last edited by Maxx134; 04-22-2010 at 07:11 AM.
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  #139 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

Thanks for working on this Maxx.
I think the version HTC Messaging/Sense running on the Tmobile HD2 is worth trying out.
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 09:58 PM
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Re: Sprint's 6.5 forces you to use "HTC messaging" over "WM messaging". Is there a fi

?So let me get this straight... we are stuck with HTC Messaging?
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