02-03-2010, 07:31 PM
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Re: So why do I feel like I bought the last of the Mohicans
Originally Posted by skuddy
Let me start out by saying, I absolutely love my Touch Pro 2. I do, its my favorite device to date. Ive owned a few smart phones in my time, a few feature phones. Ranging from Moto Q/Q9c, ATT Tilt, Mogul, Touch Pro, iPhone 2g, iPhone 3g, Blackberry Curve, Blackberry World Edition, Blackberry Tour, Blackberry Curve 2. Ive run through the gambit. I'm happy to say that my Touch Pro 2 is my favorite so far.
But here's my qualm. I bought this sweet phone thinking there was going to be some sort of upgrade ability. I know realistically that would never happen, but I had to hope right?
It seems as though all of the phones that started releasing after my beloved TP2, are all FAR superior. Not just a little bit better, but insurmountably better. Between capacitive touch screens, bigger screen sizes, faster processors, more ram, graphics chips that are being developed for phones. The Touch Pro 2 seems like the last of its kind. That's very disappointing to me in the fact that a lot of people spent a good amount of money on this thing only to be laughed at later when much much better phones are being developed just weeks later.
Maybe I'm jaded; maybe I'm just a little disappointed in the fact that I have such a sweet phone, which in comparison to all of the newer phones that are coming out just months later isn't all that sweet.
What does everyone think? I know some of you are switching devices when new phones come out, but did we get screwed by an underpowered device?
in a nutshell, by my feelings....yea...yet here we are, OWNERS and hoping for somehing that may never come