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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 11:40 AM
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Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

I know WM 7 is supposed to come sometime before the end of the world, but I was talking new phones with the Best Buy Mobile guy last week while at work, and I asked something about Windows Mobile, and he goes... You know we have no WM phones in the store?

I was like what? So I walked over to the phones after close and was like... he was right.

Not ONE WM phone was on display. And I dont mean Sprint, I mean PERIOD. No one had a WM phone.

I don't know why this is, cause before the TP2 came out, and the Touch Pro was at Best Buy, they had one. Even when I got my Palm Treo 800w at the time, I got it at Best Buy.

But now it seems as if they don't carry any WM based phones in the store. There is no TP2, and have yet to see one.

So are these phones slowly dying, or what? Or do we expect to see this surge of phones when WM 7 comes out. At the same time too, if nothing works on them program wise when WM 7 comes out, will people jump ship?

I really did my head when I looked at every dummy phone, and said...I never even realized there was no WM phone here until he said something.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 11:49 AM
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Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

they still have the tp2 at some best buy stores in the chicago area, but yea android is gaining popularity pretty quick kinda overshadowing winmo right now but im going to stick with winmo hopefully this winmo 7 thats suppose to be rebuilt from scratch should bring alot of new features to help compete with the popularity of android/iphone and all that other crap
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 11:59 AM
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Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

I think too, the phones themselves can make a huge difference too. If WM comes out in 6 months, then Android or iPhone or whatever is updated again, along WITH a newer better phone, that just means WM phones and the OS has to be just as good.

I am on it cause I have Sprint and a SERO plan, and pay a good price. To me, if price was NOT an issue, I may be trying another phone out.

If the time comes when SERO is totally dead, and there are no more great bills, and I have no choice, I may just do that. I've never had a blackberry, a Android phone, or even the new Palm WebOS. I've owned 3 Treos, but since it is not the same, there is so much more out there to try.

I do hope Microsoft can catch back up. They know what is out there, and if they cant, I feel it's over for them.

I can probably say that MANY people who are using the TP2 now are on some kind of good plan from Sprint. At least I am, and that is the MAIN reason.

If you took away all of those customers, I think you'd see a big decrease in WM phones, unless you are a die hard WM users. In that case, maybe nothing will change your mind.

I don't know, I guess only time will tell what is in store for WM 7, and if it will be awesome when it is released. Because other OS will be getting better as well.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 12:08 PM
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Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

Windows mobile isnt as popular because they dont advertise enough, i dont know why. I see an android or iphone commercial every 10 minutes. I've seen htc commercials but not windows mobile.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 12:10 PM
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Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

No Windows Mobile is not vanishing. Microsoft hasn't spent over a decade, and 10s of millions of dollars just to let mobility slide away. They are spending a great deal of money and resources developing Windows 7 Phone, which from most guesses seems to be developed for the next computer revolution.....cloud computing. They seem to have put little effort into the final versions on the current path of mobile computing. Because of this there aren't that many new Windows Mobile devices on the market. Some carriers and ODM partners are holding back on any new Windows phones till WM7 is released. This is why you can go to places like some of the BestBuy's and not find any Windows. This will likely change within the year.

Rest assured that Microsoft is not letting mobility slide by without being heavily involved. I think in a few years if we were to look back we would say they 2009/2010 was a period where MS lost marketshare and momentum in mobility while it prepared for the next phase/war.


Last edited by Paragon; 01-25-2010 at 12:18 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 12:11 PM
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Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

I am actually pretty bummed I went with the TP2 at launch. I bought my son a Moto Droid for xmas and it is actually a very reliable, snappy, well-designed device.

I am considering my TP2 a 'transitional' device now, hoping that Verizon and HTC come out with an Android slider targeted at business users. The only drawback I see on the droid for me is the keyboard: the TP2's is so good that everything else feels flimsy. Specs I want: Snapdragon, Tp2-quality keyboard, Android 2.1+ with full multi-touch, in a TP2-like form factor(rather than the angular Droid style).

I LOVE my TP2, but unfortunately from what I have seen thus far, Android seems to be living up to the hopes if all us WinMo veterans.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 12:17 PM
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Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

Android and iphone more popular because its ready to go out of box,especially iphone with itunes.
What offers most of WM phones out of box in USA?Still WM 6.1 with small high priced software store...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 12:19 PM
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Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

Is the Android community support as strong as the WinMob's?
I know ppcgeeks & xda are where I go for help with problems, fixes, or customizations from very knowledgeable veteran tweakers.

Thought I see that a couple Android devices are @ the top of this board, the traffic is still light in those boards. It's early days, but while Android may seem more stable than WinMob, I would want to see WinMob7 bef4 declaring WinMob dead.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 12:28 PM
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Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

@Paragon... I hope so. I like WM, but at the same time, I dont LOVE it, or think it is the greatest and best. IF WM 7 is supposed to be like they say, then I am all up for using it. BUT, at the same time, if apps are not there for the phone, and it's a start from scratch deal....that might be a deal breaker.

@Skipster... I looked at my TP2 as a device that could still be in the race with other phones, but at the same time I could stay on my current plan. In all honestly, I think more then anything, that's what has kept me on this phone. My last bill was $26.50 and I have 500min, Unlimited txt, data, picture mail, and all that good stuff. I don't think you can even get data alone from Verizon or AT&T for that price. But that's the huge reason. Now if I had to go the Employee Referral route and get an unlimited everything and then 500min for $69 or so, I may very well try out something else. I think regardless, i'll stay with Sprint. I don't see me changing anytime soon. Even if I do get kicked off the SERO plan some day. But i'm with you on specs and what not. I wish I had more on the phone.

I will say, that if a blackberry touch and keyboard come out this year, I am going to have a very hard time not wanting one. I love having both, and why I had Treo's for so many years.

@Vin255764... You are right about the software store. This is one area that disappoints, but look at what may happen when WM 7 comes out. None of that will even work, unless stuff is ready to go when it hits. It's a waiting game.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2010, 12:36 PM
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Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?

if WinMo were to vanish the mobility is gna b a dead world!!!
its like saying the sun won't shine 2mrw! there is NO way winmo is going to vanish!
yes, they are slow at releases but im sure they r cooking up some nice stuff for their upcoming release!!!
just need to wait ... i AM going to wait and the TP2 is great no complaints!
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