Re: Is Windows Mobile Vanishing?
@Paragon... I hope so. I like WM, but at the same time, I dont LOVE it, or think it is the greatest and best. IF WM 7 is supposed to be like they say, then I am all up for using it. BUT, at the same time, if apps are not there for the phone, and it's a start from scratch deal....that might be a deal breaker.
@Skipster... I looked at my TP2 as a device that could still be in the race with other phones, but at the same time I could stay on my current plan. In all honestly, I think more then anything, that's what has kept me on this phone. My last bill was $26.50 and I have 500min, Unlimited txt, data, picture mail, and all that good stuff. I don't think you can even get data alone from Verizon or AT&T for that price. But that's the huge reason. Now if I had to go the Employee Referral route and get an unlimited everything and then 500min for $69 or so, I may very well try out something else. I think regardless, i'll stay with Sprint. I don't see me changing anytime soon. Even if I do get kicked off the SERO plan some day. But i'm with you on specs and what not. I wish I had more on the phone.
I will say, that if a blackberry touch and keyboard come out this year, I am going to have a very hard time not wanting one. I love having both, and why I had Treo's for so many years.
@Vin255764... You are right about the software store. This is one area that disappoints, but look at what may happen when WM 7 comes out. None of that will even work, unless stuff is ready to go when it hits. It's a waiting game.