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  #331 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 11:48 AM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

What all do you have installed right now? All I have is:

Total Commander
Google Maps (GPS Disabled)
No Push Internet
No Curtains
Pocket RAR
C07 SenseUI 2.1 Trans Slider Mode9 Fix
Battery Monitor
Kyle Manila Fix (turn off that DAMNED flip on the clock)
PHM Registry editor

The only thing that should be sucking up memory is Google Maps and it's not using GPS but I can literally watch my battery meter go down in Battery Monitor.
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  #332 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 11:49 AM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by drewcam888 View Post
There are no battery issues with the current version of s2u2. I use it with no problems
Still like using the stock lock method and trying to keep the installed programs to minimum.

If I can't tweak the stock lock files (the background image atleast, I may give S2U2 another try).

TP2 CDMA HSPL Unlocker is here
Don't Forget to Say 'Thanks'.

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NRGz 29022 Sense 2.5 CHT1.8.5 Jul 4th
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  #333 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by DarkLight View Post
What all do you have installed right now? All I have is:

Total Commander
Google Maps (GPS Disabled)
No Push Internet
No Curtains
Pocket RAR
C07 SenseUI 2.1 Trans Slider Mode9 Fix
Battery Monitor
Kyle Manila Fix (turn off that DAMNED flip on the clock)
PHM Registry editor

The only thing that should be sucking up memory is Google Maps and it's not using GPS but I can literally watch my battery meter go down in Battery Monitor.
Do you have Opera.exe running in the background?

I had issues with battery drain at first then I remembered that without a tweak to HTC Tasks in registry, Opera.exe (and OperaL.exe for landscape) would remain running in the background.
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  #334 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 11:54 AM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by drewcam888 View Post
The weather on my home screen doesn't always list the correct city. It lists small township many times instead of the city I am in. Is there a way to tweak this? I have found conflicting info. Does this my location use gps or cell tower location? My guess is ap address since I get a different city if connected by activesync or verizon data connection

I also can not get the resproxy to stay at 0 after a reset. I disabled the htc_cm file but that was no help.
LOL, I keep getting "Cummingsville" which is the name for North Woburn, MA.....in the year 1875. Still not right town, but close enough that we share the same weather

Someone needs to tell the Taiwanese to update their GPS databases.
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  #335 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 11:59 AM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Installed the VZW 6.5 with no problems and things are running very smooth for a couple of days now.
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  #336 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 12:01 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by BacardiGuy View Post
LOL, I keep getting "Cummingsville" which is the name for North Woburn, MA.....in the year 1875. Still not right town, but close enough that we share the same weather

Someone needs to tell the Taiwanese to update their GPS databases.
I have similar issues with the Location Weather.
I live in a city that recently expanded there city limits. So right now, when I am sitting at home I get the Township name instead of the City Name.

Guess as long as the weather is correct I am okay with it for now. Hopefully someone will update the GPS boundaries for the City and it will fix the location weather.
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  #337 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 12:08 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

I loaded WM6.5 over the weekend.

Runs faster and smoother than WM6.1 and I have all the same installs as I had before.

Resco File Explorer (with FTP and Registry add-ins)
Garmin XT
FVMPlus (Fusion Voice Mail installed to SD Card)
GasMate (plus SQL CE which is required)
.Net CF 3.5
.Net CF 3.5 Messages
GPRS Traffic Monitor
DotFred Task Manager
WVD 1.7
PocketDownloader (for use with WVD)
Citrix for Mobile (company use)
KeyboardForTP (for switching when using Citrix)
Briggs Transperant Email Envelope (allows the message to be above the envelope)
No Curtains
ICS and Modem Fix (so I can use ICS)

Again, this is the same list from WM6.1 and runs faster and smoother on WM6.5
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  #338 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 12:09 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by PPCFreak View Post
Guess as long as the weather is correct I am okay with it for now. Hopefully someone will update the GPS boundaries for the City and it will fix the location weather.
The problem is that I do not think this is gps updated. I get different location when I update with verizon data connection versus activesync. So it must be checking ip locations and not using gps.
If you have wifi and GPS on your phone, click link below for Navizon. Navizon gives you money to log wifi and cell phone towers.
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  #339 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 12:10 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

I thought it was using cell towers.

Originally Posted by drewcam888 View Post
The problem is that I do not think this is gps updated. I get different location when I update with verizon data connection versus activesync. So it must be checking ip locations and not using gps.
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  #340 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 12:12 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by drewcam888 View Post
The problem is that I do not think this is gps updated. I get different location when I update with verizon data connection versus activesync. So it must be checking ip locations and not using gps.
Maybe using AGPS which would be from Cell Tower ID's?

I can go 3/4 mile towards the City and it will change to the City Name.

The recent City Limit change was about 1/2 mile (meaning 1/2 mile from my house is where the old city Limits were at).

If I set there for a few minutes, it will update to the city vs Township (son's basketball practices are almost right on the old city limit lines).
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