Re: Titan Keyboard issues
I doubt assurion will give you a different device. If they will then great. If not get a free replacement. Sell it and buy a tour.
If you have wifi and GPS on your phone, click link below for Navizon. Navizon gives you money to log wifi and cell phone towers.
http://my.navizon.com/Webapps/UserAd...e=585A56575E5E |
Re: Titan Keyboard issues
They kept giving me refurbs. I went throuhg about 5 of them. They kept having different problems. One had a bad camera ,the other four bad keyboards. The people at the store kept mashing the keys hard and going "see, it works" What I do is tell them to type "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" and whatch them struggle to try to do it. After a few minutes of trying they give up and get me another phone. |
Re: Titan Keyboard issues
Well, just went back to my local Sprint store to pickup my replacement of the replacement (which was a replacement of a replacement already), and you'll never guess the outcome... Are you on pins and needles?
It had the same problems with the keyboard! While I was there, they had me try 2 other Moguls they had in the back that were boxed still, but I have no idea if that meant they were new or refurbished. In any case, every single one exhibited the same problem. One of them was really bad. They offered to place yet another order, but I let them know that this was quickly becoming far from acceptable. I don't get much enjoyment out of spending an hour at their store every time I go there between the waiting list and the time it takes to activate the phone. Moreover, I do not enjoy reloading all my contacts, settings, and programs every time either. They are wasting both their time and mine which is what is really irking me right now. But, they did finally say the words I was waiting to hear. They offered to upgrade me. However, the options are a bit less than satisfactory. They offered either the HTC Snap or the Palm Pro. I quickly dismissed the Snap as it is non-touchscreen and aside from that, the screen is minuscule in comparison to my Mogul. The Palm Pro, while a touchscreen, is small as well - though it appears that the resolution is actually higher than the Mogul. But, the keyboard feels a bit too small. I told them that I would call them tomorrow with my decision. I looked up the reviews on Sprint's site and the reviews on both phones are somewhat less than shining. But then I noticed that the HTC Touch and Touch Pro (the phone I assumed would be the natural upgrade) had even worse reviews. Custom ROMs taken into account (as I am sure I will be running one once I settle on a phone) does the Touch clean up well and take care of the complaints that most people have? The Pro sounds like it has a lot of keyboard problems as well, but honestly, I could live with a touchscreen keyboard if it functions decently. The bigger pain in my arse with the Mogul than the keyboard is the inadequate amount of system memory. I can't run squat before I am tapped for memory on that thing! What do you guys think? Does the Palm Pro have potential? Is the Snap a better choice? Or, should I do as I think I should do and call either Sprint or Assurion and try to roll some heads and get them to upgrade me to a Touch? Actually, I am considering the HTC Hero whether I have to actually pay for it or not. I fooled around with it a bit while I was at the shop, and it is pretty damn slick. And I see a lot of future potential in it too. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything I will be missing that only Windows Mobile can do. Perhaps if I play my cards right, I can get them to trade me up to the Hero? I mean, it's only a $30 difference from the Palm Pro, and $50 and $150 cheaper than the Touch and Touch Pro, respectively. Or... maybe they'd give me a Touch Pro 2? Hmmmm... Wishful thinking. At any rate, the current situation as I see it is unacceptable, and my gut tells me that the trade-up offers are as well. I'll report back... hopefully soon. |
Re: Titan Keyboard issues
Call retentions and talk to them. I bet you can get a better phone replacement choice.
Re: Titan Keyboard issues
I have mostly resolved my keyboard problems thanks to the internet:
1. Key repeats were fixed using the Titan_Keyfix Cab - I don't know exactly how this works, but there are also two registry settings related to you keyboard that could help - one for key repeat and one for input delay. Edit - I didn't mean to take credit for the cab, I just kind find who the creator is. 2. Hard Key Presses - IME this means you keyboard is dirty. with the titan the keyboard is glued on with a tacky material. What I did follows: (be careful and I can't guarantee you won't damage your device) Use something plastic to peel up the keyboard (be careful to only get the black and clear layer, not the goldish orange layer). You'll see a bunch of concentric contacts on the phone and corresponding cups (buttons) on the layer you peeled off. Scrape off any dirt you see on the contacts and under the buttons, wipe with alcohol, do whatever you think will work to clean those contcts off. The tacky glue tends to stretch out and either stick to the buttons or clump up; in either case you need to spread it out between the buttons and smooth it so it's relatively flat, otherwise it will add excessive distance between the button and the contact. Once all the buttons are clean, take the layer you peeled off and stick it back on the phone (the tacky adhesive should still be present). Disclaimer - My keyboard backlight currently does not work, and while I doubt it is because of the above, the problem occurred around the same time, so it's possible. Last edited by chaphal3; 11-04-2009 at 03:16 PM. |
Re: Titan Keyboard issues
Re: Titan Keyboard issues
Update: I called my Sprint store back to find out if I would be stuck with whichever phone I decided to let them trade me up to (HTC Snap or Palm Pro) or if I would be able to switch for another within 30 days, as is customary when you buy a new phone with Sprint. The answer was no - so not wanting to risk getting stuck with a phone I might end up not liking, I called Sprint and gave them the whole rundown.
The rep said that I could possibly get Assurion to trade me up to a HTC Hero or Samsung Moment, but I would have to pay a $100 deductible. It made more sense at the point to go ahead and bite the bullet and get either the Hero or Samsung deal that Sprint is offering with a 2-year agreement as they are offering an additional $100 rebate off of the $179 price. So... $79 sounded better than $100 along with the ability to change phones within 30 days if I am not satisfied. While I didn't quite accomplish the best result - like not having to pay a single dime to get a better phone, I don't have to waste another minute of my time dealing with this. It does suck a bit though that essentially I have wasted a bunch of time as it is, and essentially my insurance has done me absolutely no good at this point. But, as I said, it isn't worth it to me at this point to spend any more time and effort on this to save $79. Hell, just posting my updates here is costing me valuable time. I could be wasting time in a much more wasteful but enjoyable way! :P So... it was a tough decision, but I am going to try out the Samsung Moment. The selling point over the Hero was the faster processor and the slide-out keyboard. Even though it is slightly ugly in comparison to the Hero, and left stock, doesn't seem to have as many whiz-bang features, I feel that the faster processor will come in handy once we start seeing custom ROMS and processor intensive applications/games. 30 days should be enough time to try it out, then try out the Hero, and then switch back if needed. |
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