Re: Way to get GPS working (aGPS fix) without custom ROM?
ok, I downloaded and installed the CAB (http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/3/...bble%20GPS.cab), after installation it said the device must be restarted so I clicked ok. After rebooting I opened up google maps and selected use GPS. After about 1-2 minutes (i was outside) it said ("could not find GPS receiver, make sure you have a GPS receiver that is turned on and configured to work with google maps for mobile"). All my external GPS settings are correct and under google maps "my location" gps settings it is set to "managed by windows". Is there something else I need to do with this CAB file or somewhere specific I need to put it? It is currently under program files on my main device memory by the way. I can't believe how hard it is to get GPS to work on a phone such as the XV6800! My ghetto LG chocolate I used to have worked like a charm indoors and outdoors! Thanks for all the replies everyone and if you have more info on how I can get google maps GPS to work I would greatly appreciate it! Happy holidays!
Re: Way to get GPS working (aGPS fix) without custom ROM?
I have an xv6800 on verizon without a data plan and here are my results.
The PDE infomation won't be pulled if you use wifi. You do need to have a #777 data connection to use aGPS. Since I don't have a data plan I set in the registry to be a standalone GPS device. It takes me 30 to 45 seconds with a direct line of sight in the sky to get a lock, but it works when I want it to. I use the Holux GPS Viewer to pull the satellite information an then I switch to Garmin for the maps. Definitely recommed Garmin as a non data dependant GPS application! |
Re: Way to get GPS working (aGPS fix) without custom ROM?
I do have the unlimited data plan by the way if that helps anyone diagnose the problem I'm having.
Re: Way to get GPS working (aGPS fix) without custom ROM?
Let me get this straight for you guys once and for all.
aGPS is short for assisted GPS, it uses a Server from a carrier. It will use KB, which uses data. You don't need a plan, just a cellular #777 connection. Standalone GPS is a chip inside the phone wich doesn't need any type of connection. No WiFi or Cellular Data. Some Maps such as Google Mpas, use the Internet to pull Map info. So you can use Standalone GPS with no Data Connection if you're on a Custom ROM that NEVER has had offical MR1 Verizon WM6.1 ROM, if t does you need to revert the PRI. If you're on MR1 you can only use aGPS with the Vahilla cab, although I never got that to work for me... Offical MR1 can not use Standalone GPS as Gay Verizon locked it. Hope this helps with people confused and those giving out bad imformation. I know this because I have tested every method ![]()
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Re: Way to get GPS working (aGPS fix) without custom ROM?
That blows that GPS will not work with google maps with stock MR1 Rom, I guess its time to start looking into cooking my own. Thanks for the help, I'm gonna hit the stickies
Re: Way to get GPS working (aGPS fix) without custom ROM?
It is supposed to work. Many people say it does with aGPS fix. But I never got it like I said. Also, just cooking and changing radio won't work since you have MR1. You must first read this in order to revert PRI. Enjoy!
Re: Way to get GPS working (aGPS fix) without custom ROM?
A little trick that I've noticed might help you guys having satellite lock problems.
On my xv6800 I have it set to standalone GPS mode and use Garmin for offline maps and directions. To get a lock I load up Holux GPS viewer and open the port. I hit cold start and switch to the satellite view. Once the device gets a good amount of satellites (6+) on the screen I hit the power button off and then very quickly back on. Nearly every time it gets a lock when I do the quick power cycle. Give that a try. It might actually work. |
Re: Way to get GPS working (aGPS fix) without custom ROM?
He's not using Standalone. Only aGPS. But seriously, Mr1 is one of Verizon's worst updates, except for battery life. I am going to be moving any day now. Probably going GSM with T-Mobile or AT&T...
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