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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: Way to get GPS working (aGPS fix) without custom ROM?

PDA pretty much covered everything. You do have to have a plan to use aGPS. However you do not nee a plan to do GPS itself. You can use WiFi to pull your maps such as Google maps. IDK why ppl use a Holux receiver with a 68 being it has a true GPS chip it in already. If you already have an unlimited data plan then youre cool. However and as was pointed out earlier, VZW radios do not support GPS which is why ppl like myself and other use a Sprint radio on a VZW phone to get GPS.

Yes GPS w/o aGPS will take a bit longer to lock onto Sats even with priming.

I went out of town yesterday and used my device to map where I was going using my 68 with a Sprint radio capable of GPS and using my data plan to pull my maps.

Best thing I can tell you is to try to roll back MR1 or get a new device, unlock it, flash the radio with a Sprint one (capable of GPS), flash to a custom ROM (capable of GPS) and you will be happy.
Loving my rooted Droid X
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