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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 08:29 AM
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I hope it comes out soon because even with DCD's speed boost its still a much bigger POS then the 2.17 rom by far.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Stevenewjersey View Post
I hope it comes out soon because even with DCD's speed boost its still a much bigger POS then the 2.17 rom by far.
Madness..This poll speaks volumes.
Went back to a BlackBerry..................

Last edited by Lsme420; 01-28-2008 at 08:35 AM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 08:35 AM
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Originally Posted by lsme420 View Post
I read the threads.Ya the install sucked a bit and I also lost my MSID but thats it and was not to hard to fix.I see people with 1 post count saying its buggy but I honestly can say Im more happy with this unofficial rom than most official sprint roms. I saw a poll here someplace about this rom and a grip of cats have it working and love it and a few cant figure it out and call it broke.
nevermind didn't refresh
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 08:37 AM
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Patience is a virtue. Expecting it in March is probably the best bet. Anticipating an earlier release is merely setting yourself up for disappointment. If it comes out prior to March, it will be a pleasant surprise.
Let's be content to get it in March...

Much Luv,
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by lsme420 View Post
I read the threads.Ya the install sucked a bit and I also lost my MSID but thats it and was not to hard to fix.I see people with 1 post count saying its buggy but I honestly can say Im more happy with this unofficial rom than most official sprint roms. I saw a poll here someplace about this rom and a grip of cats have it working and love it and a few cant figure it out and call it broke.
is the sound anybetter using bluetooth and just using the phone cause I have all of my info infront of me and about to flash but before I do I wanna know PLEASE
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by CaGe02 View Post
is the sound anybetter using bluetooth and just using the phone cause I have all of my info infront of me and about to flash but before I do I wanna know PLEASE
I installed no problem, TomTom had me going 80 mph down I-35E this morning just like the speedo said I was. Need to update my maps though, I was driving in a field and missed my exit at the weave(according to TT). I called my house using my Moto H700 and my son was speaking loudly in the back seat, came through loud and clear on the VM and I could hear the answering machine just fine.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 10:41 AM
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IMHO, every time a release comes out there is a camp that says "Hey, this release sucks, why can't Sprint fix their problems..blah blah" and a camp that says "WOW! All my problems are fixed! THANK YOU SPRINT!" (I'm almost willing to bet if you looked through posts, you would read these statements almost word for word!)

I think nothing has changed with this release some people love it (It seems just as good as any other release to me) and some people hate it. The only variable that is different here is that it's an "unoffical" release so nobody has anyone to bitch about! As far as the installed goes.... It's obviously something you need to have some advanced knowledge about and be prepared to do. Why wouldn't it be? It's a freakin test ROM. Obviously the people this is intended for know how to get their MSL's and know how to flash ROM's. I'm sure getting the installer right is a pretty trivial matter comparitively and it's low priority at the moment. Remember, this ROM came out on 12/5/07. For all we know, they are 20 revisions in by now.

Just my .02 cents...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by dkincaid View Post
IMHO, every time a release comes out there is a camp that says "Hey, this release sucks, why can't Sprint fix their problems..blah blah" and a camp that says "WOW! All my problems are fixed! THANK YOU SPRINT!" (I'm almost willing to bet if you looked through posts, you would read these statements almost word for word!)

I think nothing has changed with this release some people love it (It seems just as good as any other release to me) and some people hate it. The only variable that is different here is that it's an "unoffical" release so nobody has anyone to bitch about! As far as the installed goes.... It's obviously something you need to have some advanced knowledge about and be prepared to do. Why wouldn't it be? It's a freakin test ROM. Obviously the people this is intended for know how to get their MSL's and know how to flash ROM's. I'm sure getting the installer right is a pretty trivial matter comparitively and it's low priority at the moment. Remember, this ROM came out on 12/5/07. For all we know, they are 20 revisions in by now.

Just my .02 cents...
agreed, personally I dont think the update will come out today, nor in the near future. I am using the test version of the new rom, and the only problem i have is the signal/evdo a issue, aside from that gps works, i think google maps sucks, live search works great sometimes, and i refuse to pay sprint 10 a month when payed hundreds for the damn phone and paying for data services already, but ANYWAYS

im pretty happy with the update, there havent been any major bugs for me.
Im probably with the "i love this phone thank you so much crowd" even though i know there are problems with winmo and the lack of memory, but Ive grown used to dealing with them coming from a 6700 and motoq, and i think the mogul is a great improvement over both, not to mention the most versatile and most powerful cdma phone out there. (aside from the touch)
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 12:13 PM
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i think there is a slim possibility that the official rom was slated to drop this weekend... part of the proof to me is that the test rom dropped this weekend... but i think they may push back the official rom now that the test rom is leaked. it would be redundant for them to drop it now because the test rom bought them some time.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 12:14 PM
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I just couldn't resist asking - how many people recognize Bubbles in your Avatar???
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